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Being Part Of An African Concubine Part 33


The next morning I was up and ready for breakfast, and was still thinking about what the Master had said the night before. I followed the guard, as he took us to the dinning room, and noticed the Master was not there to greet us.

At breakfast everyone was talking about the upcoming outing for the Independence Day celebration. They were looking foreword to having time with their families at the celebration. Both Augu and Antra were happy to be able to spend time with their families.

After breakfast, the Master had Antra and me join him in the receiving room. There was a sedan chair in the room, and the Master was sitting in the chair. When Antra and I entered the room, he ask us to pickup the chair, inorder to see how it felt. He wanted to know if it was too heavy, for the two of us to carry. We picked it up with relative ease, but I wasn’t sure about carrying it very far.

The Master then told us, he hoped we could carry him that way at the celebration parade. That it would only be for a very short distance. He said we would be able to set the chair down, at times, during the short trip. Antra quickly agreed to carry the chair, but I was a little apprehensive. I wasn’t sure I wanted to carry the chair in a parade, that I didn’t think I would be comfortable.

I pointed out that I wasn’t African, and would that be appropriate. The Master pointed out that it wouldn’t matter, that people would love seeing Antra and me, as his slaves. Antra joined in, saying it would be perfect, that the Master’s two best known wrestlers take part. I hated to disappoint the Master, so I gave in and agreed to his wishes.

Antra and I carried the Master outside, and we carried the chair sound the house. We made four trips around the enclosure, what the Master felt was about the distance we would have to carry the chair at the celebration. We put the chair down, after each trip around the compound, to relax our muscles. We did this each day, so we could build up muscle and stamina. We did this for a little over a week, before the scheduled celebration.

On the day of the celebration, the wrestler’s uniforms were laid out on their beds. I noticed my uniform was not on my bed, and Antra said the same was true with him. At this time our assigned servant joined us, and he told Antra and me, that he would be dressing us for the parade. I watched our servant take a loincloth and apply it to Antra’s body, it was really revealing. He then told me to stand still while he dressed me, and he started wrapping the loincloth around my body.

When the Master came to check on us, I told him I wasn’t sure I could appear that way in public. I tod him I thought it was too revealing, that the front was just barely covered my groan area. Antra said he would be up front, and I could be behind the chair, that way I would have my front less exposed. I hated to disappoint the Master, so I agreed to try carrying his chair.

We boarded the bus for our journey to the celebration, and I sat there starring out the window,. I was worring about how I would react, and handle being dressed this way in public. Augu broke the silence, by askinghhg if I was ok, and if I was worried about the parade. I told him that I was thinking about, how I could handle the situation.

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