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Being Part Of An African Concubine Part 34


We followed the Master’s car to the celebration site, and the bus parked beside the car. The Master got out, and supervised the unloading of his sedan chair, from the top of the bus. We stood around waiting our turn to join the procession. I was nervous and embarrassed, standing there wearing only a loincloth. I stood behind my fellow wrestlers, who were dressed in their uniforms, trying to keep a low profile. But I noticed Antra had attracted a few young women, who were talking with him and taking pictures.

Soon it was our turn to join the procession, so Antra and I picked up the Master’s sedan chair, and got in line. The other wrestlers lined up behind us, and we started out following those in front of us. I soon realized I was still fully exposed, I could still be seen fully by those watching from the side. I just kept my head straight ahead, and tried not to look at the crowd watching from the sides. I did hear comments, and some about the Chiefton having a white slave boy. I was glad we never had to put the sedan chair down, where I would be completely exposed.

We finally finished the procession, and the wrestlers following us, were taken to their reserved eating place. The Master then told Antra and one of the guards, to take the sedan chair back to the bus. The Master told me to stay with him, that he wated to introduce me to his friends, and some of the dignitaries present. We stood their until the guard returned, and said he had taken Antra to be with the others. In the meantime I had met a couple of the Master’s friends. I just kept a smile on my face, and acknowledged there greeting.

The Master said ready Zac, let’s go, so I followed him. I was introduced to many of his friends, and a number of local dignitaries. I always kept a smile on my face, and greeted each one, some with a hand shake and others with just talk. I was glad not much was said about my loincloth, most just looked and did their greeting. They were all glad to meet the Chiefton’s champion wrestler, and would congratulate both the Master and myself.

Once we had finished with my meeting everyone, which took almost two hours, we went to the reserved eating place. When we arrived, I heard a lot of whispering, and saw a lot of smiles and grinning. Augu came over and ask why I was still wearing the loincloth, and I told him I had no choice. I was really embarrassed, when I saw Antra’s sister looking at me.

She smiled real big, and came over to greet me, and I tried to apologize for being dressed the way I was. She laughed and took me by the hand, and took me to where Antra and the family were seated. She had me sit down, then she brought me a plate of food and water to drink. I was really thirsty and drank the water, then started on the food. While I was eating, she brought me more water, and part of a chocolate cake. She said she saved it for me, since she knew it was my favorite, and that the Master had the cakes made for me.

I stayed seated, trying not to expose too much of my body, for everyone to see. But it didn’t work, when they started taking pictures, every family wanted pictures taken with me. I had no choice, I just had to stand there and smile, as the pictures were being taken.

Soon we had all eaten, and all the pictures had been taken, it was time to say good bye, to family and friends. I had one more embarrassing moment, Antra’s sister wanted me to dance with her, so they played some dance music, and I danced with her. I noticed pictures being taken, and I could see some of the people taking pictures, were not part of our group.

Once the dance was over, we packed and cleaned up everything. Most of what was left, was taken home by family members of the wrestlers. I then said goodbye to Antra’s family, and we walked back to the bus. Once on the bus, one of the guards ask me if I wanted my robe, that he had forgotten to bring it to me earlier. He was the one who helped Antra take the sedan chair back to the bus. I just looked at him, and said no thanks I’m fine this way. Augu started laughing, and said so you could have worn a robe. Antra turned around, and said but Zac was trying to empress my sister. My now the whole bus was full of laughter, and I took ribbing all the way home.

Once we reach the Master’s house, we unloaded the bus, and went in for a late snack. When I took the loincloth off, I could see how much sun I had gotten. II had a slight tan line, and was glad I had used the sunscreen, or I would have gotten a sunburn.

After we finished eating, we went to the shower room and showered. We relaxed for awhile, allowing our food to digest. I took some more teasing from the guys, before the lights were turned out. I just lay there for awhile, thinking about the day. I was amazed at how well I had held up under all the embarrassment, that I had gone through that day.”

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