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This is a work of fiction. All persons are intended to be age 18 and above.


I live in a unique location that’s both hot and cold.

Fifteen minutes to the west lies the beach and all its near-tropical warmth. An hour and a half to the east lies the chilly, often snowy mountains. It can be hot during the day and freezing at night.

Which means the houses in this area must be equipped with a pretty robust heating and cooling system.

Anyone who’s lived in a warm climate knows the special hell one must go through when his or her HVAC system goes out during the height of the summer heat. I’ve seen people resort to sticking their heads in the freezer for a moment’s relief. Plus it seems your HVAC system always goes out when the repairmen are short-staffed or have an overabundance of jobs.

So every spring I have the guys come out before the weather heats up to do a spring check-up on my HVAC system. They look under the hood, so to speak, replacing the air filter, checking the thermostat, and test the coolant pressure in the system. They also test the start-up capacitor and take off the cowling on the outside unit to clean the cooling vanes and get rid of the leaves that build up inside.

It was during one such service visit that I ran into the young, juicy country boy HVAC tech.

I was outside on the front porch when he pulled up in the company van. They had called and warned me he was on his way, so I’d put away the computer, with all its gigabytes of porn, to sit outside and wait for him. The minute he got out of his truck I knew I wanted to get into his pants.

I never did learn his name, which is a shame because now I can’t ask for him specifically should I need a followup visit, which I definitely do. I know that he was about 5-11 or 6 feet tall and weighed about 180 pounds. He had short, strawberry blonde hair and I noticed a scattering of freckles across his cheeks and nose. Also, I remember a skimpy mustache and chinstrap, and a compact butt for such a beefy guy. He told me he was 19 years old and had been doing this work for a year now with the intent of saving his money so he could move out of his parents’ house and get his own place.

He was also a big fan of hunting dogs, which confirmed my suspicion that he lived in the more rural part of our county where the boys tend to hunt birds, fish for bass in the lakes and trout in the streams, drive pickup trucks and drink cheap American beer. Nothing wrong with any of that – it just wasn’t my scene. But this 19-year-old was definitely the exception.

Don’t ask me why. There was something about him that put the iron in my rod, so to speak. He had an earthiness about him that appealed to me. And that big ol’, strapping body didn’t hurt much either. He wasn’t a skinny, delicate twink by any stretch – completely the opposite, actually. I could imagine him playing linebacker or competing in a lumberjacking contest.

I brought him inside and showed him where the intake grate was, then the thermostat, then the interior unit. We chatted while he worked. He had a plainspoken quality that confirmed his country roots. I could just imagine him down by the river at night, him and his buddies gathered around a campfire, drinking beer and laughing and carrying on well into the evening. I wondered if that carrying on included fooling around with each other. You gotta be open-minded about these country boys. They come off as totally straight, but you’d be surprised at how many of them are willing to play with your butt or let you suck their dick.

He went on about his dogs and how he didn’t want to “hunt” them, and then the conversation drifted into how he wanted to get out of his parents’ house and find a place of his own. He never mentioned a girlfriend or a roommate, but I got the impression he’d need one or the other to pay his bills. From there he talked about some of the strange things he’d seen in his time as an HVAC technician making house calls. At one point he described a recent visit where the homeowner, a woman, answered the doorbell naked.

“Well? Did you get any?” I asked slyly.

He chuckled uneasily and shook his head no. “I could’ve used a good suck job that day, too,” he said, “but I was running late for my next appointment so I focused on getting her AC fixed.”

I saw an opportunity so I ran with it. “How are your appointments running today?” I laughed.

He laughed back. “Today, not so bad. I don’t have anything else till 3 this afternoon.”

I arched an eyebrow and nodded. It was not 11:30 a.m. – plenty of time for a little extracurricular activity. So I said, “Listen, I don’t want you to get all freaked out or hostile or anything, but if you were still in the mood for that suck job, I could help you out.”

He continued working and gave me an exaggerated nod. “I see,” he said, not smiling but not frowning either. It’s never easy to know how a dude is going to react when you issue an invitation like that. I’ve had ’em bow up and want to fight me, while others practically jumped at the offer. I was hoping this guy would fall into the latter category and when he finally answered, he confirmed my hopes.

“I don’t think the boss would much approve of that, ya know.”

“He probably wouldn’t, but then the boss doesn’t need to know, does he.”

He kind of nodded his head, acknowledging the truth of that statement without necessarily agreeing with it. He didn’t say anything, which could have meant a lot of different things. But since I was in for a penny I decided to go in for a pound. As he was peering at the innards of the AC system, I casually reached between his legs and began massaging his crotch. The one thing I noticed right away is that he had boned up substantially, which I took as another hopeful sign. He stopped what he was doing and looked down at my hand. Then, slowly, he turned and stared directly into my eyes. His expression was blank. I had no idea if he was going to jump my bones or punch me in the face. So I rubbed a little more firmly and murmured, “I’d love to have that huge piece of meat in my mouth.”

He kept staring at me, a poor country boy at a loss for words. I continued rubbing and I could swear a wet spot had formed at the top of his crotch, seeping through his shorts. So I pressed my luck even further and began undoing the button at the waist of his shorts. He did nothing to stop me. I used both hands to get it undone, and when it popped free, I ran the zipper down until his pants loosened and unfolded from his body, revealing a pair of plaid boxers. I took the hem of his shorts and the boxers firmly in hand and pulled them down.

A wave of heat and odor rolled out. Either he’d been doing a lot of manual labor that morning or what I’d been doing to his dick had worked him up to a feverish pitch. Either way, once his pants were down, his cock and balls flopped out, along with the pungent aroma of aroused male flesh. His cock was semi hard and very, very fat. It hung between two healthy-sized balls that moved freely in a loose scrotal sack. He was clean shaven – I could see the stubble of a generous pubic patch, but he’d recently trimmed it all off.

I took his dick in my hand and just held it a moment. The flesh was warm and slightly tacky. I sniffed my hand and smelled the odor of ripe country boy. I’d have to see if he’d give me those boxers. I love the odor of man scent in a used pair of boxers or briefs. Mmmm mmmm! I reached under his cock with my other hand and cupped his balls. His ball sack was also sticky and warm, making me want to lick it clean.

As I clasped his dick it began to grow larger and harder. The tip was, in fact, oozing prostate fluid, and I used my index finger to wipe it up, as if I were collecting a drop of nectar from a honeysuckle bloom, and slid it into my sucking mouth. It had a distinctive taste, like a kind of slow-basted, fatty meat. My mouth began watering. I really wanted to try that fluid directly from the source.

I got down on the floor and slid my face under his junk. The heat down here must have been 10 degrees warmer. I had to pull his shorts and boxers down farther, exposing his hairy thighs. Obviously he hadn’t shaved this far down, and to tell the truth I wish he hadn’t shaved at all because I love a hairy guy. But oh well. I took my hands and rubbed inside his thighs, up to where his balls hung between his legs. Again, the flesh was warm and sticky, as if coated with a layer of sexual honey. I actually licked my fingers to see if I could taste his sex but I couldn’t. All I got was a slightly salty flavor.

Throughout all this he had been frozen in place, as if he couldn’t decide if this was something he wanted to happen or not. But as I eased my questing mouth toward his junk, and my hot breath blew against his ball sack and hardening dick, he actually lowered himself just a tad to make it easier for me to access his goodies. As his dick and balls hove into view, I couldn’t help to take an exploratory lick with my tongue. The taste was strong and, I can honestly say, the flavor was exquisite. He was definitely all-man with a pungent flavoring of hormones and other sexual secretions. I licked at his thighs and allowed my tongue to dig deep into the sweaty crack between his legs and his crotch. I even managed to get some of his taint, which had its own, striking taste.

I could hear the breath whistling into and out of his lungs. Clearly he was becoming more aroused. One look at his dick confirmed that – it stood out from his body like a sturdy tree branch that had just been lopped off at the end, all stubby and thick. His cockhead was fat, with a huge, flaring lip around the cap. Another drop of precious fluid had collected at the tip and I greedily lapped it up, savoring the taste and allowing it to coat my tongue and teeth with a gluey residue of lubricant. As my hand cradled his testicles, I allowed his cockhead to slip inside my mouth. I ran my tongue along and under the shaft, and when I did that he let out a slight, almost inaudible whimper of pleasure. At that point I knew I had him and could do just about anything I wanted … well, maybe not anything, but enough.

I began playing with his cock. I tickled his pee slit with the tip of my tongue, then used it to slide along under the ridge of the mushroom cap, concentrating on the bottom, where the two hemispheres of the cap conjoined. Then it was down along the underside of the shaft, switching to the sides and eventually the top. All the while I was massaging his scrotum and balls with my fingers – gently, I’d add. I know some guys are sensitive to that.

He was whimpering like a puppy by the time I got down to the serious sucking. I began bobbing up and down on his shaft, which had become bone hard, like a pole of rebar. I was trying hard to keep my teeth from scraping his tender flesh, sometimes wrapping my lips over the tips of my front teeth. His balls squashed up against my chin.

He eventually placed his hand on the back of my head and started forcing me down on his cock. This was usually the point where my nose became nestled in the guy’s pubes, but this guy was shaved so all I had was some stubble rubbing against me. Still, I could smell his sweat and his glandular secretions, and that put the wood in my own dick, which was straining against my shorts. I tried hard to swallow my own saliva as a big, messy, spit-dripping cock is usually a turnoff for me, but it was impossible to get it all and I could feel it leaking out of the corners of my mouth.

I allowed the hand I was using to cup his balls to slide along his taint and explore the crack of his ass. This is the point where some guys draw the line, especially if they’re straight. The thought of anything going up their butts is a panic point for them. That’s why I wait until they’re fully aroused, like my young HVAC tech. I let me fingertip rub the wrinkled pucker of his asshole while simultaneously bearing down on his fat cock. He didn’t seem to mind and I almost considered spitting on my finger so I could probe his body from that end, but I didn’t want to press my luck.

His use of my mouth was became more urgent. He was now pounding at me, his cock penetrating my throat as he tried to push it deeper and deeper into me. I knew he was approaching orgasm and I wanted to make it good for him, so I snorted air through my nose so I could breath, and ran my tongue furiously around his shaft, desperately trying to ratchet up the friction. His ass had clamped down on my finger and his balls were now slamming into my chin.

He whined, “Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum. Keep sucking me!” and on his backstroke his ass crack opened up along with his pucker, and my finger just sort of eased into him. That seemed to propel him to even greater heights of sexual excitement and he let out a bellow as he rammed his cock as far as he could down my throat, his hand on the back of my head forcing me to choke on his fat meat.

At that moment he howled in ecstasy as a huge explosion of cum erupted down my throat. He spread his legs to get deeper into me as he pumped me full of his jizz, and my finger slid effortlessly into his ass, which then cinched tight around it. His pucker was so raw and hard I thought it would snap my finger off at the base. He continued ramming his dick down my gut as his cum jetted into me, some of it coming back up into my mouth so I could savor its manly flavor. He was gasping for breath and moaning at the same time, and a drop of sweat hit me on the forehead – or was it a splash of his seed? I don’t know which.

His thrustings began to fall off and I was able to pull back from his dick just a little, enough to get a proper breath and swish his sperm around the inside of my mouth. His ass had relaxed around my finger and I was running it into and out of his anus, finger-fucking him as much as I could until he recovered from his post-sex hangover. I pulled off his dick and sucked on the very tip, like a straw, trying to drain every drop of cum and semen from his balls.

His hand relaxed at the base of my skull and I dared to look up at him. His eyes had a glassy, unfocused look, but there was a trace of a smile on his lips. Mostly he just looked contented, and I knew at that moment I had given him the best blowjob of his young life.

His cock had gone soft. I finished my sucking and made sure he was totally clean, then gave his balls a quick going over. I really did wish he’d left his pubes in place but oh well, you can’t have it all. When I glanced back up at him he gave me a faux reproachful look, then gestured to his crotch.

I still had my finger up his ass.

I laughed and eased it out of him, allowing him to pull up his shorts and get everything put back in place.

“I gotta say, this has been the most … interesting … job call I’ve ever been on,” he said before getting back to work. I got up off the floor, went into the bathroom and washed my hands. I could still taste him in my mouth. I thought about brushing my teeth but decided against it. I wanted to taste him as long as possible.

When I came out, he was wrapping up. He gathered up his tools and put them back in the van, then came back in to give me the bill.

As I was PayPal-ing the cash to his employer he said, “You might want to get that thermostat replaced in the near future. The set buttons were kinda kludgy.” He paused a moment, then smiled shyly and said, “If you want, I can take care of that. Just ask for Kevin.”

A week later, that’s exactly what I did!


If you’re a fan of e-books, check out my latest collection of hot stories. It's titled "19" and is packaged as a discreet e-book.

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