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Being Part Of An African Concubine Part 38


The next day, we got up about an hour later than usual. We all needed that extra hour, after the night before . We cleaned up and dressed in our uniforms, then went out to the same restaurant as yesterday. We had our breakfast, then we went on a tour with our guards, who took us to many historical sites. After our tour, we returned to the restaurant for our lunch. The Master was already at the restaurant, when we arrived.

Once back at the arena, we removed our uniforms, and just sat around relaxing. Then at sixthirty, we put on our wrestling briefs, and got ready to go downstairs to the arena.

We filed into the arena, and took our seats, and observed the crowd. I saw my friend from the night before, and he was headed in my direction. He was being followed by the newsman, with his camera. I stood up when they approached me, and shook hands. Ascona, my friend from last night, told me he had a gift for me. He said he had made it himself, and hoped I would accept and wear his gift. He showed me a one inch leather collar, with silver colored lettering, that read SLAVE BOY. I looked at the collar and laughed, then said why not. He put the collar around my neck, and snapped it together.

While he was putting the collar on me, the newsman took pictures. Ascona stood beside, and the newsman took additional pictures of us standing together. I thanked him, and learned he made jewelry and other handmade items. Ascona and the newsman, then returned to their seats. I sat back down, and Augu laughed, saying the collar looked good..

The lights dimmed, and the first match began. I heard some movement behind us, and I noticed the Master had arrived. He had been having dinner with the owner of the arena, and they were late arriving.

I won’t go into depth about the wrestling matches, on our second night. The results were much the same as the night before. Augu won, Antra won, and I won, and I won my match with Antra. I had Augu hold my collar while I wrestled, I thought it might get in my way. I didn’t wear it after my matches, because I was sweating. We have to dry off with a towel we keep covering our chair.

We returned upsatairs, and took our showers, and had our late night dinner. We relaxed before bed, and talked amoung ourselves. Then we went to bed for the night

The next morning we cleaned up, and dressed in our uniforms. We then boarded the bus for our trip to the restaurant, where we had our breakfast. After breakfast, we boarded the bus, for our trip home.

We got home just in time for lunch, which was one of my favorite meals. I pigged out, and really enjoyed the fruit salad afterwards. I had a nice large class of fruit juice, from the melons that were in the fruit salad.

While I was relaxing, and waiting for our workout time, I was informed the Master wanted to see me. I joined the Master in the receiving room, and sat on the floor at his feet. He took his shoes off, but before I could start massaging his feet, he handed me the newspaper. There in the paper, was pictures of me with Ascona, and wearing the SLAVE BOY collar. I ask him if that bothered him, and he said not really, but he wished I had ask first. He told me, it was up to me, about wearing the collar.

I then massaged his feet, and when I finished, I kissed his feet. The Master just laughed, and said he guessed he would have to get use to my foot kissing. I then returned to the dorm, and joined the others for our workout time.

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