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Being Part Of An African Concubine Part 39


I returned to the dorm, just as my fellow wrestlers were going for our morning workout. I had a good workout, and was surprised that I didn’t feel tired after the weekend wrestling. Usually we have Sundays off, but our trainer want us to do a light workout that Sunday. He thought we needed to do a light workout to keep our muscles loose. The rest of the day we would be allowed to relax, and do whatever we wanted.

After the workout and shower, we were able to relax in our dorm. The guard brought the newspapers in for the guys to read. They all had a good laugh, reading about our wrestling the night before. They started kidding me about the pictures in the paper, and calling me Slave Boy. The guard joined in, and said we now have celebrity amoung us.

I just lay back on my bed, to relax and listen to all the ribbing. I saw Augu whispering with a few of the other wrestlers, and I saw them looking my way. The next thing I knew, they had surrounded my bed, and had jumped on me. They held me down while Augu put the SLAVE BOY collar around my neck. It was announced, that from now on I would be known as Slave Boy. So that was the case, from that time on, I was always called Slave Boy. The guards soon picked up on the idea, and they called me Slave Boy. Soon the only person calling me Zac was the Master. He told me, he would have the others stop calling me Slave Boy, if it bothered me. I told the Master, I was fine with it, and to let them have their fun.

The next weekend, when we went to wrestle in Togo. The press picked up on my fellow wrestlers calling me Slave Boy, so they referred to me as Slave Boy. So my match with Antra, was written as a match between Antra and Slave Boy. This was to become the norm, no matter where we wrestled.

I joined in on all the Slave Boy acclaim, by wearing the SLAVE BOY collar at all our wrestling appearances. The Master was fine with me wearing the collar, he said it was good advertising for our troupe. The Master was getting lots of request, for the troups appearance at different venues. We were now booked for every weekend, for months in advance.

The Master said he was getting request, from some of the other nearby African countries. I ask about my being able to wrestle in those countries, and he said it had been taken care of, by special agreements. This was due to our troupe being given special visas, for our entry into those countries.

The Master would entertain his special friends, at the house at times. I had gotten use to his friends being there, and seeing us naked. But I was surprised one day, when the Master requested Antra and I meet him in the receiving room. He then ask how we felt about wrestling for his special friends. Antra spoke up quickly, and said he was fine with wrestling for the Master’s friends. The Master looked at me, and I told him I guess I could handle wrestling for his friends.

Then the Master told us, that his friends had request that we wrestle naked. This caught me off guard, and I stammered saying that I didn’t think I could do it naked. That I didn’t think I would be comfortable that way, and would have trouble concentrating on wrestling. Antra spoke up and said he would work with me, and get me use to wrestling naked. I decided I didn’t want to let the Master down, so I agreed to try.

So every day for the next week, Antra worked with me, and we wrestled naked. We worked out ways to avoid getting holds, that could cause pain in our groan area. We soon had it down, and had become comfortable with wrestling naked. When we told the Master, we thought we could handle wrestling naked, he was very pleased.

He suggested we all go to the gym, and let him observe our wrestling. I was a little nervous, but I focused on wrestling, and not that I was being watched by the Master. Antra and I did a good job, and avoided any groan problems. I did win the match, which gave me more confidence in my ability to wrestle naked.

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