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Being Part Of An African Concubine Part 41


The next morning was Sunday, our day off, so there was nothing going on worth reporting. Monday was just one of our usual days of working out, swimming, and eating in between.

So I will skip to Tuesday, the day Antra and I would be wrestling for the Master’s friends. We got up, cleaned up, and went for breakfast. After breakfast we did our usual workout, took our showers and went for lunch.

After lunch while we were relaxing, inorder to allow our food to digest. At this time the servant assigned to us, came in and informed Antra and I, that we were to report to the Master in the receiving room. We knew what we were being summoned for, so we both wished eachother good luck. Knowing neither of us was really looking forward to this match, we intered the receiving room.

Inside the room all tables and lamps had been removed. The sofas and chairs were all up against the walls, and in the center of the room, were stacked two wrestling mats, one on top of the other. There must have been almost a dozen men seated, but I didn’t look at them.

Antra and I stepped on the mats, and took our place in the center. I told myself to stay focused on Antra, and on my wrestling. I would not look at the men present, or think about being naked before them.

The Master gave the command to start, so Antra and I started making our moves. I know I was nervous, and I’m sure Antra was nervous, because he too was hesitant at first. I finally got myself into the match, and had put everything else out of my thoughts.

Antra and I were now into really wrestling, and we were going at eachother rather intensely. I did catch a few remarks from our audience, about our anatomy, but I didn’t let those remarks interfere. I kept focused on my wrestling, and trying to take Antra down.

We were both engaged in an intensive battle, to take the other down. I was thinking to myself, I have to win, I can’t let the Master down. So I tried to keep my focuse, and my observations on Antra, and his moves. I finally saw an opening, and was able to catch Antra at the right moment. I took him down, and the match was won.

Now we had to stand there naked, while the Master’s friends applauded. Antra and I had to stand there, and submit to being stared at by the men. Comments were made about our bodies, and about our nice asses. The Master quickly gave us permission to leave, and told us to go shower.

Antra and I quickly got out of the room, and hurried to the showers. We stayed in the shower, and just enjoyed the water washing over our bodies. We talked about the match, and how we felt wrestling naked infront of those men. We laughed about how embarrassed we felt, and how we felt pleased about the Master’s friends observation of our bodies. It was an odd observation on our part, and one we would laugh about at times.

We joined the others at the pool, but didn’t say anything to them about our match. We thought it was best to keep that experience to ourselves, and the Master had agreed with us. When ask about our meeting with the Master, we just said it was about ideas, of upcoming matches.

We cleaned up after leaving the pool, and went for our evening meal. After the meal it was back to the dorm, where we relaxed until time for bed.

Once the lights were out, I lay there thinking about what had happened. The more I thought about Antra and I wrestling naked, infront of gay men, the more I thought how funny that had been. I started feeling proud of myself, that I had done that, and had still prevailed.

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