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Being Part of An African Concubine Part 42


For the next three months, we wrestled in local towns and cities through out the country. We had a few matches in neighboring Togo, which I especially enjoyed. I was starting to get recognized as Slave Boy, and was gathering a following among fans of minor wrestling. But nothing like the fame of national or professional wrestlers in either country.

I was able to keep my undefeated record, for that entire time. Antra was always making me really work inorder to keep that record. The Master was always introducing me to his friends and others, as his champion wrestler. I guess I enjoyed that recognition, but at the same time it was embarrassing. I was always afraid it would cause hard feeling with Antra, but he told me he was happy for me. He said he had gone through that earlier, when he was the Master’s champion. He said he was glad the pressure was no longer on him, that he could relax and enjoy wrestling.

We had just finished a three month period of weekend wrestling, when the Master told us we would have two weeks off. So when we returned home, we were looking forward to relaxing. We knew we would still go through our daily routine, of working out and staying in shape.

During this period, a few of the guys took time off to visit their families. But I was happy just to stay there, workout and go about my daily routine. I had no place to go, and I really didn’t know anyone, other than those here in the house.

One afternoon while I was massaging the Master’s feet, he got a phone call, from another Chiefton. It was someone he had known for years, and he was inviting the Master to visit him. He told the Master, that he had invited four other Chiefton’s to visit him, and that they had accepted. I was surprised when the Master excused himself, and said he would be unable to attend.

I ask him why he had refused the invitation, because I knew how he felt about those fellow Chieftons. I had heard him talk about getting together with his fellow Chieftons, and talking about the old days.

The Master told me things were different now, that he wouldn’t feel comfortable with the others. He explained he no longer practiced slavery, and that the Chieftons invited still kept slaves. He said the Chiefton who invited him had slaves, and that the four other Chieftons invited had slaves. The Master said they all resided in the upper area, where slavery was still common, even though it was prohibited.

I started asking him questions, about how they were able to get by with keeping slaves. He said the area was far from the Capital and government officials. He said the local government officials, in that area, protected people with slaves. He said he was sure most of the officials there, probably had slaves of their own.

I ask him what these personal slaves did for their masters, since he had been told to bring his personal slave. He informed me that these slaves took care of their master’s needs. He said the slaves bathed, oiled and massaged their masters, and was at the master’s call whenever needed.

I ask him if he had a slave, would he go visit his fellow Chieftons. He laughed and said, but I follow the law, so there would be no way. But I ask, what if you did have a slave, and it was legal. He thought for a moment, then answered saying probably.

I said to the Master, you do have a slave boy, and I will serve you as a slave. I have always fantasized about being a slave, this way I can get the feeling of being a slave. He said Zac you don’t know what your saying, being a slave is not something to joke about. I just replied, I won’t be a real slave, but I will serve as your slave, for that short period of time. I kept insisting, that I wanted to be his slave, and serve him while he was with the other Chieftons

We argued and discussed the idea for some time, and I kept up arguing, and insisting he take me as his slave. The Master finally gave in, and said he would give me a chance. I won by pointing out my behavior, at the celebration months ago, where I followed him around dressed as his slave.

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