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Being Part Of An African Concubine Part 44


I got up Saturday morning, shaved and cleaned up for the day. I went with my fellow wrestlers for breakfast, and enjoyed the food and time with my friends.

They knew I would be going with the Master, but would be staying with the driver in town. They were told the driver and I would be doing sightseeing trips to historical slave camps, and other places of historical interest. It was understood that the Master would be staying with his Chiefton friend, and visiting with additional Chieftons while there. This was the cover story to explain my going with the Master, and covering up the true reason I was going.

After breakfast I went with the servant assigned to me and the other wrestlers. He opened the storage room, and I retrieved clothes to wear. I took out underwear and socks, picked out a t-shirt and shorts, and got a pair of sneakers. I went to the dorm and got dressed, and had to laugh because I felt uncomfortable with clothes on. I went across to the shower room, and took care of my toilet needs, before leaving on my trip.

I went out to the car, and I helped the driver carry the luggage, and load the car. I then got in the front seat beside the driver, but quickly got out and opened the back door for the Master. I got back in the car, and we started on our way.

We drove until noontime, and stopped for lunch before driving on to the Chiefton’s compound. After about three hours driving we reached the local town, and the Master and the driver got out, and I stayed in the car. They entered a small hotel, and registered the driver for his accommodations. The Master then went to a store, and purchased a slave garment for me to wear at the compound. We then drove on to the Chiefton’s compound.

We drove to the road leading to the compound, and turned off, and then stopped. At this point I got out and removed all my clothing, then put on the slave garment. It reminded me of a white diaper, about the size of a speedo, only it was loose fitting. I then got back in the car, and we drove to the compound. Upon entering the compound, the drive was instructed to drive to a gray building just ahead.

We reached the gray building, and a guard stopped us, he then opened my door, and said this building was where the slaves were kept. I got out, and the guard had a strange look on his face. He ask if I was the slave, and the Master told him yes. The guard told the driver to drive on to the house, which was within walking distance, from the slave quarters.

The guard carried a nasty looking whip, and was wearing a holster and gun. He took me by the arm, and led me to the gray building. He unlocked the door and pushed me in, then followed. There was another guard inside, who had a whip and wore a gun. The first guard left, locking the door when he left. The second guard looked me over, and commented about my being a white slave. He said he had never seen a white slave before, and was surprised my Master was able to obtain a white slave.

He pointed out a sleeping mat on the straw covered floor, and told me to go sit down. He told me to keep quiet, and not to try and talk with the other slaves. I looked around and noticed there were six of us sitting on the floor, so I knew the others must belong to the other Chieftons.

I just sat there looking at the other slaves, and in return I was being stared at by the others. I sat there for a while, but decided to stand up and stretch, because of the time spent in the car. When I did the guard told me to sit back down, and he dropped the stinging end of the whip on the floor. I quickly sat back down, then lay back and stretched my legs. The guard gave me a big grin, saying that’s a good slave boy. He then commented on my collar, and said he had never seen a collar like my collar.

That evening we were given food, delivered by two servants, who had to examine me, as they handed me food. I was given a bowl containing pieces of meat, and a number of different vegetables. The food was warm, and the taste was very good, but I had to eat with my fingers. We were given bottles of water, and we were given slices of melon.

I was glad the building had a flushing toilet, and a wash basin. I was able to wash my hands before eating, and wash after eating. The building had four sides, the front with a door, and the other three sides had small windows at the top. The windows ran almost the length of the walls but were very narrow and had metal bars, so escape would be impossible.

Later that evening a guard came, and called out the name of three Chieftons. Master was one of them, so I had to follow the guard to the house. Once in the house our masters took charge of us, and we were led to the bathing room. The Master stripped and got into the sudsy tub, I then stripped and took the sponge. I washed the Master’s body, until he had been cleaned, and got out of the tub. I followed the Master to the shower, then washed the soap off his body. I then took a towel and dried his body, then used the towel to dry myself.

I followed the Master to the massage table, and applied warm oil to the Master’s body, then I gave the Master a full body massage. I then had to clean up the massage area, and the bathing area. During my time with the Master, he ask me how things were going, and I told him I was fine.

He ask me about the food, and I told him the food was really good, that I was pleasantly surprised how good it was. The Master surprised me, when he handed me a banana and a apple. He told me to eat them now, before going back to the slave quarters. I was happy to do that, because doing all the work with the Master had made me a little hungry. He feed me every evening when I washed and massaged his body.

I put my diaper back on and followed the Master to the receiving hall. The other two Masters were there, and they had to look me over. They ask the Master how he got a white slave, and what it was like being served by such a slave. I was really embarrassed, when they ask about my performance in bed. The Master smiled real big, and looked at me, then said I was the best he had experienced in bed. I just hung my head, and I could feel the embarrassment in my face.

I was then handed over to the guard, who already had the other two slaves. The guard then led us back to the slave quarters, where we returned to our sleeping mats. The guard then took the other three slaves to the house. I just sat there on my mat, and thought about what I had just gone through. What bothered me most, was the Master saying I was the best in bed. I then smiled and thought to myself, at least he had said I was the best he had experienced in bed.

After some time the other slaves returned, and we were told to get ready to sleep. We all used the toilet, then washed up and returned to our sleeping mats. The lights were turned out, all except a dimmer light near the toilet. Then the door opened, and a different guard took over for the guard who left. I was surprised how sleepy I was, and I fell asleep while thinking about the days advents.

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