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Owning A Small Gold Mine In Africa Part 2


For the first few weeks, I noticed the manager would come to top of the pit, with binoculars, and check on me. He would do that quite often during the day. He would find a way to come down in the pit, at least twice a week. He would find a way to ask me how things were going. I always told him things were fine, and that I was doing well. That I was enjoying the work, and my growing muscles and strength.

Eventually I noticed he didn’t check on me much, with the binoculars, and I would receive only one weekly visit. I was doing great with my work, my muscle development, and my relationships with the other workers. The guards and the overseer, had now learned that I was a good worker, and needed very little supervision.

I was surprised, when a whole month went by without a visit from the manager. When he did finally show up, he informed me he had been busy with keeping things going at the mine. That he had to make reports to the prison authorities, and would let me know when they were coming for an inspection. He also, pointed out that he had personal things he had to deal with. I told him I wasn’t upset about his not coming to check on me, that there had not been a problem the whole time.

I didn’t see the manager again, for about three weeks. He came down one morning, to inform me that the prison officials, would be making an inspection that day. So he told the overseer, that I was to be interviewed by the committee. He told the overseer to make sure everything was in order, for the inspection. I remained hidden in the jungle, that was across the road from the office building, until the committee left.

Once the committee left, I returned to the office, and found out everything went smoothly. I was told they were highly pleased with the conditions, and the health of the workers. The committee praised my manager, for all the improvements, and the quality of the workers food, and sleeping quarters. I congratulated him on what a great job he had done, becausee I knew he had to keep the records and books in order.

He finally said, he need to take me back down to do my work. He said I was intefearing with his being able to work, He said my being naked was a distraction, and that I was smelling up the place. I pointed out that I had been over in the jungle, and that the jungle smelled. He said ok, but I smell body odor as well. I didn’t argue any more, I just followed him down to the pit. He told the overseer to make sure I got washed, that I smelled up his office.

The overseer commented about my smell, and he had one of the guards take me and wash me down with the hose. This made me feel somewhat humiliated, I felt like I was being treated like a nasty dog. The guard sprayed soapy water on me, then had me wash, and then rinsed me off.

I was then returned to my working station, and joined Kofi for the rest of the day. When the guard who had washed me, came by I thanked him for his trouble. He laughed and said, he was glad to do it, that I was stinking up the whole place. Kofi looked at me, and said there had been a bad smell earlier, and wanted to know if I was the source of the smell. Every evening now, the guys have the guard wash me first. They then have there shower.

I have been working away in the pit, enjoying my work. I’m really feeling good about my muscle and strength growth. I do all the loading of the ore carts, because shoveling the ore into the carts, reallly builds up my arm and shoulder muscles. I have now made friends with many of the other men, and I’m on talking terms with the others. I have really settled in, and embraced the lifestyle, and find that I have never been happier.

The manager has finally realized I’m doing fine, I never see him with his binoculars, and it’s been sometime since he last came down to check on me. I got to see the calendar at the eating shed, and I just realized that I haven’t seen the manager in over two months. I guess he’s keeping busy taking care of the mine, and keeping records for the prison workboard. I remember he said he had personal business to take care of as well. Here I am enjoying myself, without a worry, while he has to take care of everything for me.

I commented to the overseer, that it had now been almost four months since the manager had come down to check thing out. The overseer said the owner, had been using the overseer’s reports, rather than come down in the pit. The overseer ask me why I was keeping track of the owner’s visits. I told him that when I first arrived, I noticed the owner was coming down quite often to check on things. He agreed, but said the owner was happy with his reports, so he didn’t need to come down.

I learned later from the overseer, that the owner was involved with politicians, government officials, and with other important people. I learned that my manager, had really turned the mine and other investments he had, into large profits. I had noticed the day of the prison committees visit, that he had shown me how much he had deposited into my account. I was really surprised, because I had made my money back, on the deal. I might worry, but I noticed the money was deposited in my name, and I’m the only one who can get the money out. The bank knows about the manager and my arrangement.

My manager said he had other investments, that he had to deal with, so he must be doing fine, and I’m sure he’s make other good investments as time goes by.

It’s now been a year since the contract between my manager and myself. The overseerl told me the owner wants to see me. So I’m on way to his office, I hope he’s willing to renew his contract.

I just entered his office, and he has the contract. I see he has already signed the contract. I read the contract, and it’s the same as last years contract. I signed the contract, and told him I was worried, he might not renew. He ask why I was worried, and I told him I had heard how well he was doing with his investments, so was worried he wouldn’t want to renew. He told me that my hiring him gave him clout, and allowed him to make many of his best investments.

He then showed me the records from my bank account, and it nearly floored me. I couldn’t believe how much that account had increased in a year. I was now a wealthy man, so he ask me if I would be leaving, inorder to enjoy my money. I told him no, that I was going to remain as one of the slaves. I told him I was really enjoying my life now, and that I had good friends, so I wasn’t ready to leave yet.

He said he couldn’t believe, that I would pass up all that money, and live and work as a slave. I said one day, I’ll leave and enjoy the money, but now is not that time. He said he would take the contract, and hand it over to my lawyer. He said the lawyer had been asking about me, that he hadn’t seen me in a year. The manager told me, he had told the lawyer, that I was too busy with other things in my life. I laughed, then told him, he had told the truth to my lawyer.

He laughed, then said I should join the other slaves below. That he needed to get the contract to the lawyers. The guard that had been waiting outside, then took me back down to the pit. So I finished working the rest of the day with Kofi,

At the end of the day, I enjoyed my meal, my shower, and then retired to the slaves quarters for the night. I just lay there, thinking about everything the manager had told me. I fell asleep, and slept like a baby.

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