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Owning A Small Gold Mine In Africa Part 10


I started working my second day with Alowdme, and he was ready to go, as soon as he had changed. The workout shorts are more suited, than his tight uniform. He ask me how I was feeling, then we started working. I told him he might want to start out a little slower at first, he gets started too fast to begine. I told him not to worry about what I was doing, but to go at a comfortable pace. He took my advice, but he was still able to accomplish more than I expected.

We worked until lunchtime, then went to eat at our different locations. I had to give Kofi a rundown, on how things had been going that morning. He was surprised when I told him, that Alowdme was doing as good as most of us. When I finished lunch, I took a little time to relax like we usually do, before going back to work. When I got back to my work station, Alowdme was already there and ready to go..

We worked, and at times did a little talking, just discussing his form, and how much he noticed the feel in his arms. I ask him he was going to workout that evening, with the weights, and he said he thought he might try. I wondered at the end of the day, if he would still feel that way.

Time came for him to finish, and clean up, so he could dress in his uniform. I kept on working until time for me to quit, then went for my evening meal. I had to tell Kofi all about the rest of the day, working with Alowdme, and about his progress. While sitting at the table, Alowdme came by and said he was going to try the weights, and he wanted me to be his spotter.

I stayed at the table, while Kofi and the others went to shower and get ready for the night. Alowdme came for me, and we went to the equipment locker, and set thing up for our workout. He said he felt tight, so he did some exercise to loosen up, and then was ready to start.

We started out just doing some light work, then he was ready for some heavier stuff. So I quit, and started helping him as his spotter. He did fine, but did have some trouble with some of the heavier weights. But as his spotter, I was able to hold for him, which allowed him to follow through with his form. We finished in a decent time, and put everything back in the cabinet. Then we went to take our showers.

When he got in the shower, I took the sponge and soap and told him to stand still. Then I washed him front and back down to his waist. I then washed his butt and groan area, before I finished with his legs and feet. He grinned real big, and said that had been a great feeling experience. I then helped him wash the soap off, and while he was drying off, I took my shower.

After he had dressed, and I finished my shower, he took me to the slave quarters. Once I had been lock in for the night, I was able to give Kofi a report, on my workout time with Alowdme

After I had finished talking with Kofi, we both lay down to sleep. I still lay there for awhile, thinking about my day with Alowdme, before I fell asleep.

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