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Owning A Small Gold Mine In Africa Part 11


I worked all week with Alowdme, and watched him steadily emprove his ability. I worked out with him in the evenings, and at first he was hindered, due to his working in the mine. But I could see he was starting to improve, and had improved his form.

We had worked all week, without any problems, and the weather had cooperated. But now that Saturday has arrived, the heat has intensified, and there is no cool breeze. I ask Alowdme if he was really going to work today, and he said he would give it a try. I was surprised, he didn’t slow down much, but kept up as usual. We were both covered with sweat and dirt, and his shorts were soaked with sweat.

We worked until lunchtime, and as I started to go eat, he ask me a question. Alowdme said he was so sweaty and dirty, that he didn’t want to go shower and dress to eat. He ask if I had away of cleaning up before eating, and I told him yes. I told him we had barrels with spigots, and soap to wash with. I told him I washed my hands and arms, then washed my face. He surprised me by asking, if I thought he could eat with me. I told him I didn’t know, but that he could try and see what happens.

He followed me to the eating shed, and washed up the way I showed him. We got in line to get our food, I got mine first, and Alowdme was behind me. The serves looked at Alowdme with a surprise look, but they gave him his food. He did have to take some ribbing, from two of his fellow guards. But he just went along with the joking, and followed me to find a seat.

I found Kofi, and went to sit with him, and introduced Kofi to Alowdme, becaus I wasn’t sure if he knew everyone’s name. I don’t know how Kofi or Alowdme found time to eat, because Kofi kept asking him questions. Kofi ask him all kinds of questions about his working in the pit, and why he wanted to work in the pit. Kofi wanted to know about his workout time with me, and was I able to really help him.

Things really got strange, and something happened when Kofi ask Alowdme where he was from. When Alowdme told him the name of the village, Kofi was really surprised because Kofi’s mother was from that same village. He said she married and moved to the coast, and had since died. Alowdme said his father had died, and that he hadn’t been back since. He said he had met his father’s brother, at his fathers funeral.

He said he hoped to meet his father’s sister, but that she had died a few years earlier. Kofi ask Alowdme his aunt’s name, and when Alowdme told her name, Kofi said that was his mother’s name. Kofi told us his mother had two brothers, that she hadn’t seen since leaving her village. So when Alowdme told the names of his father and his father brother, Kofi said those were the names of his mother’s brothers. So it was obvious, that Kofi and Alowdme were first cousins.

Alowdme told Kofi, that his father ask his sister to come live with him, since her husband had left her. Kofi said his dad didn’t leave his mother, but wished he had left her. He then told us, that he killed his father, and that’s why he was here. Kofi told us how his dad would get drunk, and beat up on he and his mother. Kofi said he came home one day, and his father was beating his mother. He said his mother’s face was brusised, and her mouth was bleeding. He said he hit his dad, and knocked him down. He said his dad had him arrested, and when his dad died a few days later, he was charged with murder.

He said his mother had tried to tell the authorities what had happened, but his father had friends in the government. So that’s why he wound up here as a prison slave. Alowdme said their uncle was a wealth man, that he owned a large cocoa plantation and a cashew plantation. He said their uncle had connections with high officials in the government. Alowdme said he would tell their uncle, what had happened with Kofi and his father. He said he thought there was a good chance, that his uncle could arrange to obtain Kofi’s release.

We went back to work, and Alowdme and I talk about what had happened during our lunchtime. It was almost an unbelievable situation, that he and Kofi were related. I told Alowdme, I was sure Kofi couldnt committe murder, that it had to have been an accident. He said, he was sure Kofi was telling the truth, and should never have been charged with murder. He said he was sure, his uncle could use his connections to get a hearing for Kofi, and that Kofi should be released.

We finished working, and once again. Alowdme went with me to eat our meal. I ask him about the food, and he surprised me, saying it’s the same food the guards eat. He said his only complaint, was not having eating utensils, but having to use his hands. He said that was one of the things, that had empressed the prison board. He said that’s what got the owner in good with the government, along with other changes.

After eating, Alowdme took me with him to clean up. We showered inorder to get the sweat and dirt off. He then used a towel to dry his shorts, and we went to the equipment locker. We got things out, and started doing our simpler exercises. When Alowdme was ready for the heavier things, I took over as his spotter. We both decided, that the heat, had drained our strength a little. So we finished early, and went for our showe.

I took the sponge and washed him from his neck down, and helped rinse his body. While he dried and dressed, I took my shower. Alowdme took me to the slave quarters for the night. Before he left, he said he would see me tomorrow, even though it was Sunday. He said he wanted to workout tomorrow, and hoped I would join him. I just laughed, and said I’m your slave. He said great I’ll see you tomorrow.

Once I was inside, I noticed Kofi was still awake. He wanted to talk about what had happened at lunch. He said it was hard to believe, that Alowdme was family. He said he was glad to hear, that his uncle might possibly get him released. I told him I hoped everything works out, and that he can gain his freedom. I fell asleep while Kofi was still talking.

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