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Owning A Small Gold Mine In Africa Part 14


We kept working the rest of the week, and participating in our nightly workouts, with the equipment and weight. We were waiting to hear more about Kofi’s release, and the progress his uncle was having toward that release.

Saturday when I got up, Kofi was already up, and waiting to be taken to breakfast. Soon the guard came and unlocked the gate, and we went for our breakfast. We washed, then got our food, and sat down to eat. Once we had finished eating, it was time to prepare for our daily work. I went to my work station, but Kofi wasn’t there, and Alowdme hadn’t shown up, as yet. I just start using my pick, waiting for someone else to show.

After working alone, for close to sn hour, the overseer showed up with a new man. I was told that today, I would have a new working partner. I ask the overseer about Kofi, and he told me Kofi was gone. I ask what happened, and was told Kofi had been rescued by his family. The overseer told me, that they had just left, and that’s why i have a new work partner. I felt like crying, but held back, and turned to my new work partner. I ask his name, and he told me his name was Kamiza. He told me he had been delivered this morning, to take Kofi’s place.

I told him, it was nice to have him as a new partner, and that I hoped to work well with him. I told him Kofi had been my best friend, and hoped to be good friend with him. He just stood there looking at me, then ask why a white man was there in the pit. I told him no one down here, talks about their past. He said that’s fine, and that he didnt want to reveal his past.

We worked until lunchtime, and then went to eat. I showed him where to wash up, then we got our food. He followed me, and sat with me for lunch. I introduced him to some of the others sitting near, and he seemed to be getting acquainted. He ask about one of the guys, but I wasn’t really acquainted with the man.

We went back to work, and occasionally he would ask questions. I tried to answer his questions, and give him as much help as I could. He ask me how close Kofi and I had been, I told him we had become best friends. He surprised me, by asking if I would be his special friend at night. I knew what that ment, and I told him I wasn’t into that kind of relationship. He just smiled, and didn’t say anything else, but just kept working. I have to admit, for someone new, he did an excel job, and I wondered if he had worked this way before.

We worked until time for our evening meal, then went to eat. Kamiza didn’t sit with me, but went over and sat with the man he had ask about earlier. I just sat by myself, and talked with those who came by, asking about Kofi.

I went with the others for our showers, and Alowdme had not showed up all day. I was then locked in the slave quarters, and Kamiza lay his mat beside me. He said he understood, that Kofi usually slept beside me. I acknowledged, that Kofi did sleep beside me, since we had been best friends. I found out later, that Kamiza had struck-out with Atsu, the man he had ask me about.before.

We talk for a few minutes, and I fell asleep. I think Kamiza was talking, but not sure.

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