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Being Part Of An African Concubine Part 46


Monday morning, and I was awakened by Augu, who was shaking me. He had my SLAVE BOY collar in his hand, and said he found it, on a shelf, in the shower room. I had to act surprised, and act like I had no idea how it got there. The truth is, when I took my clothes off, I took the collar out of my pocket and placed it on the shelf.

I shaved and did my toilet business, then went with the others for breakfast. The Master was not there to greet us, so I imagine he’s late getting up. I was nice to have a good breakfast, after eating the food in the slave quarters. I ate just a little more than usual, but I like to keep my eating at minimum.

We returned to the dorm, to relax and let our food digest. Then it was over to the gym, for our workout on the machines, and with the weights. I could feel the difference, after not workingout for a week, but I did ok. I got to help Augu with his workout, and he helped me as a spotter. Antra ask me if I was able to workout, while I was away. He had noticed, that I didn’t seem to be my usual self. We worked out until, we were told it was time to quit. We showered, and then headed to the dinning room for lunch.

When I reached the dinning room, the Master was there to greet us. I looked over and smiled, then gave him a thumbs up. I knew he was wondering how I was doing today, after the past week. The lunch was great, and this time I only ate what I usually eat. I did enjoy the melons, that had been cut-up in a sort of fruit salad.

After eating, we returned to the dorm to relax, and do our business. Then it was over to the pool, and time to relax and swim. After a week of spending all my days, locked in a slave quarters, it was great to be outside. I took advantage of the pool, and did a lot of swimming, then I lay there on a lounge, enjoying the sun. When it was time for our evening meal, I still hated to leave the pool and the outdoors.

We showered off, then headed to the dinning room to eat. The Master was there to greet us, and see how we were doing. I know he likes to look his boys over, so he can decide on which one he will use for the night. I had a hard time keeping my appetite under control, because we were having my favorite meal. Love a good beef roast, with all the cooked vegetables with the meat. I think this has turned into a favorite for all the wrestlers.

We then returned to the dorm, to relax before bedtime. When I entered the dorm, our assigned servant was there with my clothes. He had brought them, so I could pack them away. On top was my slave diaper, and he said they thought it belonged to me. It had been with my clothes in the washing, and they had decided, I must have bought it for extra underwear. I took the clothes, and followed the servant to the storage room, and packed them away.

I returned to the dorm, and just started getting involved with the ongoing conversation. No one said anything about the diaper, guess they just accepted our servants remarks. I was ask a few questions, about what I did, and where I visited. I told them about the different sites I had visited, and what I thought about the things I had seen. Soon it was time for bed, so we went to the shower room, to get ready.

I returned to the dorm, and got in bed, but I was still able to talk with Augu before lights out. I lay there in bed, thinking about the day. I was glad my slip-ups didn’t give anything away, about the past week.

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