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Owning A Small Gold Mine In Africa Part 16


I got up and ready for breakfast, trying to forget that Kofi was gone. We had become close friends, and very compatible working partners. I was glad Kofi had received his release, and was now with his uncle. I know he will have a great life ahead, and enjoy the company of his family.

I got my food and sat down, and Kamiza came over and sat with me. He ask about Kofi, and wanted to know about our friendship. He ask how I had become so close to Kofi, and how long had we been friends. I told him, I wasn’t sure how long, or how the friendship came about. But I told him, that the two of us seemed to get comfortable from the start. Kamiza said he hoped we could become close friends, and I told him we seemed to be working well together. He surprised me, when he put his arm around my shoulders, and gave me a hug. I didn’t do or say anything, but it was a nice gesture, and gave me a comforting feeling.

After breakfast we went to our working station, and started digging with our picks. We talked a little bit from time to time, but basically concentrated on our work. Kamiza would look over my way, and smile from time to time. I always gave him a big smile back, trying to boaster his gesture of friendship. At this time, I really need friendly companionship, and someone to feel comfortable with.

I know that before long, something is going to happen, and my future looks dim. I know Tettey, will have to get rid of me someway. He’s only keeping me alive now, just waiting for the right time. Since he had me declared incompetent, and had our law firm take over all my finances and investments. And at the same time, had himself made permanent manager of the mine. At the right time he will have me killed, and my body will be found in the house he had built for me. I’m sure it will be somekind of poison, so that it will be ruled of natural causes.

I don’t dare tell anyone here in the pit, because it would soon get to Tettey, and that person would be killed. That would probably hasten my death, since he couldn’t chance having others knowing the truth. So I just have to continue, as I am now, as one of the convicted criminals slaves.

Kamiza and I worked until lunchtime, then we went to eat. After cleaning up and getting my food, I sat with Kamiza. We talked about how we were doing that day, and the amount of ore we had removed. Kofi’s name came up, so I told him more about my friendship with Kofi. I told him about Kofi,s good fortune, and about his adoption by his uncle. I didn’t give any further information, I thought it best not to give out names.

We went back to work, and continued on, as we had during the morning. We did occasionally talk, but we mostly worked, rather than have conversations. I was on the lookout for Alowdme, but I hadn’t seen him all day. I was hoping to hear more about Kofi, and how he was doing.

We worked until time for our evening meal, and cleaned up and got our food. I was sitting with Kamiza, when Alowdme came over, and told me I would be workingout with him later. I now had to tell Kamiza, all about my workout with Alowdme. He was surprised, that a guard would be interacting with one of the slaves. I told him, that I was just another slave to Alowdme, that I had to help him with the weights. I didn’t tell him about my bathing Alowdme, after we had finished with the weights.

Alowdme came for me, and I went with him to the equipment cabinet. Once we had everything out and set up, we started our workouts, until time for the heavier stuff. I help Alowdme as his spotter, and helped him keep his smooth form. Once he was through, he helped me as my spotter. Once we had finished, and put everything back in the cabinet, it was time for the showers.

After Alowdme entered the shower, I took the sponge and soaped his body, then washed him. I then rinsed the soap off, and while he was getting dressed, I took my shower. He couldn’t tell me anything else about Kofi, because he had not heard from Kofi or their uncle.

I was taken to the slave quarters, and locked in for the night. Kamiza was asleep, and it looked like no one was awake. I just lay down on my mat, and fell asleep.

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