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Being Part Of An African Concubine Part 47


I got up, as usual, and went about getting ready for the day. I went with my fellow wrestlers for breakfast. The Master was their to greet us good morning. I smiled and gave him a military type salute, and he smiled back. The breakfast was great, I missed our good food, while I was at the Chiefton’s compound. After breakfast, we returned to our dorm, to relax and get ready for our workout shortly.

I was enjoying getting back into my normal routine, asfter my time off, while at the compound. I found that I was now back to my usual ability, when working out. I proceeded quickly and smoothly through the stationary machines, and was back to normal with the free weights. Augu seemed happy to have me back, and would ask for my help, with some of his weight lifting. Time seemed to fly bye, and it was time for lunch.

We went to the shower room and cleaned up, then went to our dinning room. The Master was there to greet us, and I gave him another salute as I entered. We had our lunch, and talked with eachother, while in the dinning room. Then it was back to our dorm, to relax before pool time. I was stopped by the servant, who was assigned to us, and told to report to the Master in the receiving room.

I hurried to meet with the Master, thinking he probably need his feet massaged. I stopped at the door, and waited to be invited in. The Master looked up, and said Zac come on in. I intered the room, and he ask why I hadn’t come on in, without his asking me in. I told him I didn’t know, but that it just seemed right to wait. I ask if he needed his feet taken care of, and he said please. I sat on the floor and removed his shoes and socks, then started massaging his feet.

While I was massaging his feet, he started asking me questions. He wanted to know why I had started giving him military salutes, and I told him I didn’t know. I thought for a moment, then answered saying you are the Master, sort of like being our commander. He just laughed, and said he had never thought of himself as a commander. I ask if he wanted me to quit with the salute, and he said he had no objection to the salute.

The Master then ask, how I felt about my ordeal of the past week. I told him I was ok with the way things went, and he ask me to tell him the truth. I told him I wasn’t sure, that I would be comfortable telling the truth. He told me not to be embarrassed, but that he wanted the truth from me.

I kept massaging his feet, and lowered my head not wanting to look at him. I told him I would tell him the truth, but that it was embarrassing. I started by telling him, how I noticed the devotion, of the other slave boys to their Masters. I told him, I found myself trying to emulate the behavior of the other boys. I told him, that I soon found myself getting satisfaction from performing my duties, as well as the other boys. I told him, that I started to feel a devotion toward him, and it made me try to out do the others. I told him I had decided to be the best slave boy, and show my devotion.

The Master reach down, lifted my chin looking into my eyes, and said he had no idea. He said he was afraid, that the experience might hurt our relationship, and that he was going to apologize. I told him there was no need to apologize, that I was happy to have the honor of being his slave. I couldn’t believe he had tiers in his eyes, and that made me start to cry. I kissed his feet, and hugged his legs sobbing the whole time. I was glad the Master got his composure back, and started trying to comfort me.

I sat there on the floor, with my head down, and still crying. The Master took his hand, and placed it on my shoulder, then with the other hand, he started patting me on the head. The Master finally stood up, and reach down trying to get me off the floor. I finally stood up, and he placed me on the couch, then sat back down. He bent me down, resting my head in his lap, he then put his arm around me. He kept patting me on the head, and I could feel his fingers in my hair. We stayed like that for sometime, before the servant came looking for me. The Master told the servant, to leave me there, and not to say anything about what he saw.

I hate to admit it, but I cried myself to sleep, and the Master had to wake me. I was still laying in his lap, and was embarrassed about what happened. I tried to apologize, but he wouldn’t let me. He told me to go wash up for our evening meal. I had missed our pool time, and now I would have to explain that ti the others.

When I had cleaned up for dinner, the guard told me to return to the receiving room. I found the Master there, and he told me he would take me to the dinning room. He said he would give an excuse for my absent time. We went to the dinning room, and he greeted all the wrestlers. He told them, he had kept me busy working on his feet, and that he kept me longer talking about his trip. That seemed to satisfy the others, and even Augu didn’t ask questions.

We returned to the dorm, for relaxing time before bed. I was expecting questions about my time with the Master, but I guess no one wanted to hear the story. Soon it was bed time, and the lights were turned off. I lay there, still feeling embarrassed about my actions earlier with the Master.

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