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Owning A Small Gold Mine In Africa Part 19


The next morning I was up, got ready for breakfast, and joined the others. Once breakfast was over, it was time to work, and I joined Kamiza. He and I worked all morning, and he would still look at me, and ask questions about the day before. Somehow the men in the pit, heard about the owners suicide. Kamiza wondered if that was why, I was removed and questioned by the men yesterday. I told him they wanted to know, if I knew anything about his business. Because he had ask me to help him, and I told them that I had turned him down. They wanted to make sure I was being treated well, since I was a foreigner.

We worked until lunchtime, and went for our food. We sat around talking, and everyone was curious above the owners death. They were hoping his death, wouldn’t affect our good food, and other improvements that had been made. I told them I was sure, that Minogow would take good care of us.

Kamiza and I went back to work, and I told him that Minogow was one of the new owners of the mine. That seemed to elevate his worries, about our future. He and I put in a goods days work, and had removed a good quantity of ore. I got my usual heavy workout shoveling the ore, the one job no one likes.

It was finally quitting time, and time for our evening meal. We joined the others, and after cleaning up, we received our food. It was nice to sit down and eat, and chat with the other workers. I was informed that Alowdme, would need my help with his workout. Kamiza commented about my having to do extra work for Alowdme, as his workout spotter. I assured him I enjoyed working out with Alowdme, and that I got to workout as well.

Kamiza ask me if I was interested in Alowdme sexually, and was that why I was eager to work with him. I just laughed, and told him no, then turned the table on him. I ask how he felt about Alowdme, and he said he would love to get with him. I told him not to try, that Alowdme was not interested in other men. He then slapped me on the ass, and said I was the one he really wanted. I didn’t say anything, just let the subject drop.

I waited for Alowdme to come for me, then joined him for our workout. He ask me if I was ok with helping him with his workouts, that I didn’t have to help. I just laughed, and told him I was a slave down in the pit, and had to follow his orders. So he laughed, and said it was nice to have a personal slave.

We did our workouts, and I served as his spotter when needed. I helped him with his lifting, after he added some additional weights, and he was able to do a good job lifting. I finished my workout, and we stored all the equipment away.

Then we went to the showers, and I soaped him down, washed his body, then washed the soap off as he showered. He ask me if, I would prefer not to bathe him. I just laughed, and told him, I was his personal slave. I told him as long as he wanted me to bathe him, I was happy to take care of him.

Once we had that settled, it was off to the slave quarters. He locked me in for the night, then went on his way. I found Kamiza awake, and he ask about my workout with Alowdme. He wanted to know, if I had talked to Alowdme about the owner’s death. He wondered what Alowdme knew about the owners death, and what kind of effect it would have on the men working in the pit. I told him not to worry, that the owners death would not effect the operation of the mine. So we went to sleep.

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