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Owning A Small Gold Mine in Africa Part 20


I continued to work with Kamiza, and spending time with him, as a friend. He would often ask me about my trips to the office, and I would have to give him an explanation. I told him that the authorities in the Capital, kept a close watch on me because I was a foreigner.

I took a trip to check on the property, across the road. This I would do on a regular bassists, to make sure things were being taken care of properly. I would go to the mine office, and put on my clothes, then go check on my compound. I met the guard at the gate, and was given access to the compound. I went to the main house and checked it out, then I checked the smaller house, both were in excellent shape. The cleaning and maintenance people were doing a superb job, of keeping things clean and in good shape.

I started back to the mine office, but the guard on the compound gate, stopped me. He wanted to ask me a question, he said he had a confession. He told me he had become curious, about my always returning to the mine. He wondered why I never stayed at the house in the compound. He told me he had gone across the road, and looked down in the mine pit. He noticed a naked white man in the pit, and looked through binoculars. He said he saw me naked, and working in the pit, with the slave laborers.

I had to confess to him, that I liked working that way in the pit. I told him I had always had a fantasy, about being naked and working as a slave. I ask him if he had said anything to others, about seeing me that way. He told me no, that since he worked for me, he wouldn’t say anything. I told him I appreciated his silence, and hoped he would continue to keep my secret.

Then as I started to leave, I remembered the overseer saying they need to hire two guards, that two guards would be leaving. So I ask Nikwei, if he would be interested in working at the mine as a guard. I knew how much I was paying the security service, so I knew he was making less than half what the mine guards was paid. He jumped at the chance, and I told him I would talk to the overseer, about hiring him.

I then told Nikwei to follow me, then took him to the smaller house. I showed him around, and ask if he liked the house, and he said it was beautiful. I gave him the keys to the house, and the key to the compound gate, and told him he could live there, once he was hired.. I told him that it wouldn’t cost him anything to live there, and that cleaning and maintenance was being taken care of by a service.

I went over to the office, and removed my clothes. After putting my clothes away, I returned to the pit. I found the overseer, and told him about my encounter with Nikwei. I told the overseer, I had told Nikwei I would talk to you about hiring him as a guard at the mine. The overseer said perfect, that he would go talk with Nikwei. So he went over and talked with Nikwei, and hired him as a guard.

Two days later Nikwei, was working in the mine pit. He managed to get me alone, and talk with me about his instructions. I assured him, that his instructions were correct. He couldn’t believe, he was to treat me as one of the slaves. That I was to show him respect, and obey him and follow his orders. I told him we had to do things that way, so I could live and work in the pit. That the other workers, had to believe I was just one of them, a prison slave.

After a while Nikwei told me he liked being shown respect, that all the workkers called him sir and did as he ordered. I laughed, and ask if he was use to my calling him sir, and following his orders. He said he was particularly pleased to have me show him respect. He said being in charge of a naked white man, who showed him respect and obeyed him, was really gratifying.

That evening I joined Alowdme for our workout. We had a great workout together, and I helped him go beyond his best, as he was able to lift more weight. I was able to best my usual lifting, as well. Once we had finished, we put everything away.

We went for our shower, and as usual I soaped his body and washed him. I then washed the soap off his body, as he showered. I then took my shower, while Alowdme was getting dressed. Once I was through drying off, it was time for my bedtime.

Alowdme took me to the slave quarters, and locked me in for the night. Once he had left, I found Kamiza and we talked for awhile. Then it was time to sleep.

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