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Being Part Of An African Concubine Part 49


Friday came and we were getting ready for our trip, we would be wrestling Saturday. I had gotten back in shape over the week I had been back. I was looking foreword to getting the chance to wrestle again.

First we had to go through our usual routine, of workingout and getting into shape. The day went as usual, we did our usual workouts, and followed our daily routine. I was glad when time for bed came around, I had worked hard, and had taken care of the Master’s feet that day.

Saturday morning came, and I was up getting ready for the day. I shaved and cleaned up, before going for breakfast with my fellow wrestlers. Once breakfast was over, it was back to the dorm, to dress for our trip to the arena. I put on my uniform, then put on my “SLAVE BOY” collar. I joined the others on the bus, for our trip to the arena in Togo. We seeme to be getting more and more bookings, across the boarder in Togo.

We arrived in town just before lunchtime, so we stopped for lunch. It was the same restaurant, we had eaten at in the past. After lunch we went to the arena, and rested up for our wrestling matches that evening. We removed our uniforms, and just sat or lay around naked, until time to dress for our wrestling matches.

We dressed in our wrestling briefs, Antra and I in our skimpy tight fitting briefs. The Master wanted the two of us to look sexy, for the benefit of the young women who followed us.

We entered the arena, and took our seats behind the wrestling ring. The audience was seated in a simicircle, around the front and sides of the wrestling ring. Antra and I was always seated , so that we were in view of most of the crowd. I would still hear someone, say something about the Slave Boy, and I would acknowledge their remark.

The matches were going well, and everyone gave a great performance. I stood up and removed my collar, handing it to Augu, before entering the ring. My first match went well, no problem with my win. My second match was with Antra, and I removed my collar and handed it to Augu. I entered the ring with Antra, to a great deal of shouting from the audience.

We stood there posing for the crowd, then we started our wrestling match. It seems most of the crowd, is always rooting for Antra, and he always acknowledges his fans. We went at it hard and furiously, and put everything into the match. We were both getting a little tired, as we usually do, during this last match. I just waited for Antra to step back, as he always does, to get his breath. When he does this, I can always take advantage and go for the kill. I took him down, and the victory was mine.

We always rest while in the ring, before we exit the ring. This gives the crowd time to acknowledge our performance, and to get pictures. We have pictures take with fans, once we are out of the ring, for those who wish to have pictures taken with us. We, mostly Antra, have our pictures taken with young women who follow us, and show their appreciation. We get kissed, grabbed by our butts, and sometimes get our groan area handled as well. We always have reporters take pictures, and interview us at this time, as well.

We went back upstairs, for our showers, and a late night light meal. Then it was off to sleep for the night.

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