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Being Part Of An African Concubine Part 51


Rather than just giving a day by day account of things, I’m going to move forward a few months. We had been doing the usual training, and then our wrestling on the weekends. Just basically what I have reported in my past writings.

The Master had a visit from his uncle, and he was needing money. The Master gave him the money, or so I imagine, because the uncle was in a good mood when he left. I made shure to stay away from the uncle, he’s always trying to get one of the wrestlers for sex. The Master always makes sure he dosen’t get with any wrestler, and the wrestlers all know to stay away from the uncle.

I was in the receiving room one day when the uncle arrived, and when he came in the room he closed the door. I was trapped in the room with him, and I didn’t know how to act, since he was the Master’s uncle. He looked at me, and said “come here boy”, so I walked over to him. Next thing I knew he grabbed my genitals, and I couldn’t get away. I didn’t know what to do, he was the Master’s uncle, I didn’t dare hit him. I just had to stand there, with him holding my groins, and wait for him to quit.

He led me over to the couch, still holding my groins, and told me to sit down. When I sat down, he sat beside me, and started rubbing my chest, and squeezing my nipples. I finally ask him to quit, but he just laughed, and said he could make me really feel good. When he tried to kiss me, I quickly turned away, and he squeezed my groins, which caused me some pain. At this point I took my hands and pride his hand loose from my groins, it hurt but I was able to break free. I quickly ran from the room, and I always made sure to stay away from him. That happened months ago, and I have never told the Master about my run in with his uncle.

We did our usual wrestling, on the weekends, at arenas in different cities. Then one Sunday, the Master told us he was going to take a few weeks off, and that we would not be wrestling. He told the wrestlers, they could stay at the house, or could take time to visit their familys. The wrestlers got together and worked out how they could arrange when they would stay, and when they would go visit familys

The Master took me aside, and told me he was going to visit a boat he had bought. He wanted to know if I would like to go with him, I jumped at the chance. I had wanted to visit the lake he was talking about, it is a huge lake and there will be much to see there. He said he was taking his driver as well, so I could do things with the driver. The Master said he would be busy with friends, who had boats at the lake.

When we arrived at the lake, as far as you could see, all you saw was water. It was almost like arriving at the ocean, and there was a huge marina, and hundreds of boats. We parked in the parking area, that matched the boats dock number. We each got a small wooden wagon or cart, and loaded our stuff in those three wagons. Before we could even start to the docks, young boys were there wanting to pull the wagons, they would do this for money. The Master told them fine, and he said he would pay them. They had big smiles on their faces, and followed the Master.

We walk a good distance to the dock, then it was quite a walk to the docking space. The Master paid the boys well, and they returned the wagons, so we didn’t have to worry about the wagons.

I was surprised how big the boat was, it was more like a small yacht. You could do the steering from the top, or in the main cabin, where the main room was located. Below deck was the kitchen, dining area, bedrooms, and bathroom. It had a two tier deck, where you could fish or swim.

The Master had his private bedroom, and the driver and I would be sharing one of the other bedroom. I did wonder why we were sharing a room, since there was a third bedroom. But I didn’t say anything, since the Master was in charge. I found out later, that the driver would be gone most of the time. He would be visiting with his family, and going different places.

The driver and I was on the back deck the next day, the driver was fishing and I was watching and looking around. The Master came out, and told me he had bad news. He told me to go down to my bedroom and hide. He then told me, that two of his Chiefton friends, had boats there at the marina, and that they were coming to visit. He told me that both those Chieftons had been at the compound, where they had seen me as his slave.

I quickly went below to my room, and when I heard them come on board, I hid in the closet. I was afraid they might want to look the boat over, and I didn’t want to be found. I was right, the Master had to show them the boat, and they didn’t leave right away. The driver came down to check on me, and I told him I was fine. I had seen some of the slaves, who had been walking around. I had seen two young boys, dressed in the same diaper (loincloth) that I had worn at the compound. I ask the driver to go to the open air market, and to buy one of those diapers. He looked at me, and said you’re not going to what I’m thinking. I just laughed and said, I can’t stay down here. So he took my money and headed to the market.

The driver soon returned with my diaper, and I changed into the diaper. He told me he had bought some groceries, and had left them on the back deck. He said he didn’t want to draw attention, when he came back from the market. I ask if there was any way I could sneak up to the deck, without being seen. He told me he didn’t see how I could sneak out, that they were all in the main room.

He said he would see if he could get their attention, and I might be able to seak out. He said he would try and get them up on the steering bridge, and I might sneak out that way. I listened at the foot of the stairs, and when he took them up to look around, I sneaked out to the back deck. When they came back down, I grabbed the groceries and entered the main room. I walk to the stairs, and told the Master I was back with the groceries, then I went down to the galley.

I heard the Master excuse himself, by saying he needed to put the groceries away. The Master came down, and started putting the groceries away. He said Zac what are you doing, and I told him I was covering for him. I told him I didn’t want to stay hidden all the time, so I decided to be his slave. He then returned upstairs, and I could hear all the comments.

The Master’s friends would be staying the rest of the week, so that ment I would be a slave that week. I went with the Master to the market, and he introduced me as his slave to the vendors. He told them I would be coming for groceries at times, and he would pay them when he came to the market. I will admit I was humiliated at first, being introduced as the Masters slave. They were all amazed that the Master had a white slave. He told them he found me living on the streets, so he took me as his slave.

The next day the Master sent me to the market, to buy a few things. I’m sure he did that, because he wanted to see how I reacted. I was embarrassed at first, then I saw a couple of boys dressed like me, and that helped a little. Before I left the market, I had been approached by both boys, and I had nice conversations with both boys. I met a young girl, who was a slave, and she wanted to talk, and ask all about me. I told her the same story that Master had told all the merchants at the market.

I returned and the Master ask how it went at the market, so I told him it went fine, and that I got to talk with three other slaves. He said that was good, because I would only be able to socialize with other slaves. That afternoon one of the slave boys, that I had met at the market, came to the boat. He ask the Master, if he would allow his slave to go swimming with he and another slave boy. The Master told the boy yes, and told him to watch out for me, since I wasn’t familiar with the area.

We walked to the boys Master’s boat, and he told his Master who owned me. The Master looked me over, and said he had never seen a white slave boy. The Master left us alone on the boats deck, and we were joined by the other slave boy I talked with at the market.

We sat around and talked for awhile, getting to know each other. Finally the boy who’s Master owned the boat, got up and took his diaper off and jumped in the water. I stood up with the other boy, and we took our diapers off and jumped in the water. We swam, splashed around, and just had a good time playing in the water. While we were swimming, I noticed the slave girl I had talked with at the market. She was sitting on one of the boats, and watching us swim. I was glad to be in the water, and glad she hadn’t seen me naked.

Not sure how long we stayed in the water, we did get out at times to rest on the boat deck. The Master came out, and told his boy it was time we leave, so he could do his chores. I was laying there naked, and the Master was looking me over. He laughed and said, he’d never seen a naked white boy. He ask me to stand up, so that he could get a better look. I stood up, and he came over, and walked around me. He commented on how muscular I was, and how tall. He was only about five feet four inches tall, and the two other boys were about five feet seven inches tall. I finally ask him, if I could put my diaper on, he laughed and said he didn’t mean to keep me naked.

I walked with the other boy, till we reached his boat, and he went on board. I then walked on to the Master’s boat, and he laughed when I got there, and said he worried about my drowning. They have clean water for the boats to hook up, so I went for a shower. I washed my diaper, dried off, then headed up top. The Master looked at me, and said just the way I like you … naked. I told him, that was why I was naked, that he should always keep his “slave boy” naked. He said ok, no diaper while you’re on the boat.

About this time the driver came in, and commented on the naked slave boy. He laughed and said the Master’s friends, will be here every day. We joked around for awhile, and the driver helped the Master fix our meal. I told the Master, I was surprised to see him cooking. He told me his mother had taught him how to cook.

The Master went up too, to the main room, while the driver and I cleaned up the kitchen. Once we had the kitchen cleaned, we joined the Master in the main room. I sat on the floor infront of the Master, and took his shoes off. I then massaged his feet, and then when I finished I kissed his feet. I then ask the driver, if he wanted his feet massaged. He said he would live that, said he would massage his own feet at times. I took his shoes off and massaged his feet, and he was later back, and really enjoying the massage. When I finished and started to get up, he told me I forgot something. I knew what he ment, so I kissed both his feet. He patted me on the head, and said it was nice to have a slave boy around.

The Master told us he was going to bed, and he thought we should go to bed. I followed the Master below, while the drive locked things up, and turned off the lights. Once in our bedroom, the driver said he could really get use to having his feet massaged. I told him if it was alright with the Master, I would be happy to massage his feet after the Master. He then undressed, and got in bed and turned the light off.

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