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Being Part Of An African Concubine Part 52


The next morning, I lay in bed until the Master and Okona had finished in the bathroom. I then did my toiletries and shaved before joining the others in the kitchen. I was still fascinated seeing the Master preparing breakfast, and seeing Okona helping with the breakfast.

Once we had finished breakfast, Okona and I cleaned up the kitchen. Okona got ready, and left for a trip into the city. He was running some errands for the Master, and was hopping to stop and see his family. I ask the Master if there was anything I could do, or anything he needed. He told me no, then said maybe I could clean the deck. So I went out and sweep and mopped the deck, then I dusted things and washed the windows.

After I had finished, I ask the Master if I could go check on my friend Ozrou. He said he had no problem, with me going to see my slave friend. So I hurried to his boat, and talked with his Master. I ask if I could see Ozrou, and ask if he would be having time off from his duties. He said Ozrou had to finish cleaning the boat, that the deck had to be cleaned next. I volunteered to help, and took the broom and started sweeping. Ozrou came out and started mopping the deck, and I started dusting. Next we both cleaned the windows, and got everthing back in place.

Ozrou’s Master told him to be back in time for lunch, and we both left. Ozrou took me to meet his friends, the boy from the day before was there, and there were four other slave boys. We sat around talking and getting acquainted, then we went for a walk along the lake. We finally came to a creek, that flowed into the lake, and we all went swimming. Once we came out of the water, I was the center of attention, because they had never seen a naked white boy. I felt a little strange standing there, while they looked me over. I then put on my diaper, and we all headed back to the boats.

When I got back to the boat, the Master had me help him prepare our lunch. Once we had eaten, he had me do most of the clean up. The Master informed me, that he was going to the market, to pay his bill. He said he would do some shopping while he was there, and was there anything I wanted or needed. I ask him to get another diaper for me, that I needed another one. So I would have a diaper to wear, while my other was being cleaned and dried.

While the Master was at the market, Okona returned and ask about the Master. I told him where the Master was, and I told him I was surprised to see him back so early. He said his family was visiting family, that lived in a town just a few miles away.

The Master returned, and he and Okona started prepairing our evening meal. While we ate, Okona told us all about his visit with his family. I then told about my meeting the other slave boys, and how we had spent our time together. They ask if I was ok with being with a bunch of slave boys. I told them I was happy being with the other slave boys. They laughed, and ask if I considered myself one of them. I answered them saying I guess I do since I’m playing the part.

After we had finished cleaning up the kitchen, we went up to the main room. I got down on the floor and massaged the Master’s feet, and Okona’s feet. The Master then handed me a package, and when I opened the package, it contained two slave diapers. The package had two pairs, one green and the other was yellow. The Master said he thought I might like a change of colors. Okona said I could wear the green one, when we go visit his sister. I told him no way, that it was bad enough she had seen me in a loincloth.

We finally finished our time in the main room, and started down to the bead rooms. By the time Okona, had finished locking up, I was already in bed. He took his clothes off, and went to take a shower. When he came back, he got in bed and turned the light off. He then ask me, if I wanted to go visit with his family. I told him that was fine with me, if he really wanted me to visit them. He said we would go Saturday, that there was a celebration. He said his sister would love to have me take her, so we could dance. I quickly fell asleep, due to my time earlier with the other slave boys.

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