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Co Worker Fun
This was some time in the early 2000s, before 911. I was working at a big box store. I was about 23 at the time. There were several gay and bi younger guys that worked the night shift in the store when I was working. Alot of them clubbed on the weekends. Back then I loved to club. Well, long story short. Two of the stock boys, I'll just call them Nick and Ryan, both 21. They had seen me at the club I frequently went to. Back then I did a lot of dancing. I liked to dance on the tables and gogo it. Made some good tips back in the day doing that. At work I was not openly gay, I was in the closet. I wasn't gay anyways, I was bisexual. So Nick and Ryan had seen me one weekend getting down and dirty at the club. It didn't take long for the word to get out at work. It actually damn near became a sexual harassment case. Non stop did I get teased and made fun of. Which I never understood because the ones teasing me was the night stock crew and half those guys on the stock crew were in fact gay. It really was some bull shit. 25 years later and I'm still pissed about it.So, one night I came in. I was working in the janitorial department. So I was following a coworker in my department who was operating the floor scrubber and I would work at back mopping the floor. I hear over the next two aisles away " Hey, RJ- you want to go camping this weekend with me?" This was the same fucking joke each and everytime. Basically someone would ask, do you want to go camping. You answer yes or no. If no they try convince you to go. If yes the joke was even better. In the end it always ended yes. So you say yes the other guy say well we will have to share sleeping bags or you will have to bring or buy your own. At the end of the joke after the trip was all planned out, the jokester/host would say, don't be surprised if you wake up and your pants is down your ankles and white shit all over your ass, that was just me, sorry in advance I probably couldn't help myself.
These idiots would tell that joke, over and over again and now and then they get creative with it.
So it was this really hot 25 year old named Kevin, that's what I'll call him for the sake of this story, who started this stupid joke with me. I basically told him to piss off. But he kept pressing the issue and kidding until at last he revealed he was dead serious. He really wanted me to go camping with him. So basically I told him if he was serious to ask me at lunch and have all the details for me then. I still didn't trust him. He was cute, hot. He had short blond hair. Very well built and in good shape. He was about 2 inches shorter than me. He was really hot. He had a dimple and his smile was great.
So i was napping on the couch when the break room cleared out and it was just Kevin and I. He comes and sits down and turns to me.
Keven: "Dude, I am serious. Dave says you have the weekend off bro. Go with me this weekend up to the lake. It will be fun."
I replied,
"Dude all you guys do now that Nick and Ryan outed me is give me shit about my sexual orientation. I am sick of it. Just fuck off. You know as well as I do your kidding around and your not serious. If by slim chance you are serious, I am broke dude and don't have the money for that this weekend "
Keven: "I am not kidding around!"
He leaned towards me and whispered.
Keven: "Dude, I am bisexual, I like guys and I like you! I have money. You don't need anything. We can take my truck up to the lake."
At one point in the conversation with him I am excited at the other end of this conversation with him, I am really pissed off at him because he was the worst at making fun of me when Nick and Ryan outed me.
I responded,
"Dude, even if I buy that which I don't because I know you have a kid. What makes you think I'd hang with you after you have been a dick to me these past few months after Nick and Ryan shit. Even your shit boss has flipped me shit and you sat back, laughed, joked and made fun of me. I would walk back home after a shift feeling like worthless disgusting trash because you fucks would treat me like garbage and make fun of me. Kevin you was the worst of the bunch. You and your jokes on Camping and your snide remarks. Now your telling me your bisexual which if true that makes you a fucking hypocrite dude!"
He looked down at the floor, he was genuinely sad as he said he was sorry!
Kevin: "Dude, I am really sorry. I should not have said some of those things. I was just trying to fit in with the straight guys on the crew."
I replied "That's nice, so you tossed me under the bus then"
I got up off the break room couch.
"Your really fucked up Kev!"
Kevin: " I said I was sorry man. My invite is good, bro. I really want to get to know you. Hang out, go fishing. Camp, Hike and whatever else."
I laughed at the whatever else part because I knew damn well what he was hinting at.
" Whatever else? Dude, I am a top, not a bottom so whatever else will end with you on the bottom and my dick up your ass if it even goes there."
I turned to walk away when he grabbed me by the shoulder and said,
"RJ, I am verse! Don't ditch me dude. I like you."
I was really pissed at him so I turned and shoved him.
"Ditch you man? What the fuck! You and your ass hole friends here at work have teased me non stop and have said some horrible things about me. You want me to go, fine I'll make a bet. I know your ass is in a sling, Kev! Ryan and Nick are a couple so you can't ask them and your not out. You come out your ass hole boss will be all over you in a negative way. So you can only go online looking for a buddy. Problem is Kev, I'm on all the sites and you know this. If by this weekend you can find someone else as good looking as me to go with you or is better looking and goes with you, then I'll suck you off. Any where any place just once. But, if you can't find some one else, then your sucking me off, I promise you I'm going to be very rough with you in the oral fun!"
His eyes got really big.
Kevin: "Dude, don't do this man! I like you. I am honestly inviting you to go with me for the weekend. I'll pay for everything."
I replied,"You going to take the bet or not or are you a pussy?"
He got upset and said "Fine! I'll take the fucking bet man. This is bull shit!"
"Kev, you don't win and you back out from going down on me I am telling everyone at work about this whole thing and you will know how it feels to be outed."
Kevin: " That's fucking messed up man and you know it!"
I got up close to him, face to face.
" No! What's fucked up is what you, your dick boss and Nick and Ryan did to me for several months. So fuck you! When you lose, you will lose, I want you to know this, I am uncut, I'm not going to wash down there for days, when you go down on me it's going to feel like rape! I am not kidding you! Your an ass hole you deserve this man. So be a pussy and back out or be the marine reserve you claim to be and be a man and face the challenge."
He was really upset and nervous. He didn't want to look weak in front of me.
Kevin: "What you said is really fucked up. I said I was sorry, RJ. But whatever. I am not going to lose. Dude I can play the same game if I win. So be careful on the threats man!"
I looked at him, "Then it's on. Good luck in finding someone. You got three days bro, three!"
I walked out to clock back into work. He was left confused, upset and shaken by the deal he made. The next three days at work was hard. He would look at me and shake his head, he would stare at me and look defeated at work as he went around practically outing himself trying to get some of the other younger bi or gay dudes in the store to go camping with him. None of them believed him and those that did, didn't trust him because he was a dick to them as well. While at home I'd jump on the M4N chat rooms and it didn't take long to find his handle. I knew his account name. He came close twice to getting a couple guys in the chat rooms to go with him but they backed out.
Friday came, he had no takers for his camping trip. I was in the break room waiting for him to confront me. He sat down in a chair next to me and started to talk.
Kevin:"Dude, I have lost the bet!"
He was smoking a cig and was nervous. I said nothing back to him but a single tear fell from my eyes and he saw it
Kevin: " I said I was sorry man. I really am sorry. I talked to the guys. They won't tease you no more. I lost and I will go down on you. No reason to be a dick to me. No reason to be gross or violent about this man."
I was really angry. I was really hurt. I was none to nice to him as I recall it.
"Fuck you! Kev, Ill forgive you by cramming my 8 inches of uncut, un washed meat down your throat after work. I am going to enjoy every second of it too. If I lost, you be doing the same fucking thing to me and you know it!"
His eyes watered up
Kevin: "I said I was sorry bro!"
I looked right into his eyes
"Yeah, and I guess that changes everything, doesn't it?"
Kevin: "No, it doesn't bro, but don't do this to me. I offered you a trip to make it right and i said I'd go down on you but not in this sick way of doing shit. I don't deserve that RJ."
" I am off at 7, man.Just like you are. I'll meet you in the parking lot. I know a place, secluded, 15 minutes out of town. Your throat is getting raped and Kev, I am going to enjoy every fucking minute of it."
Kevin: "Your an ass hole, dude!"
He left the break room in tears.
7 am rolled around and I clocked out and was at his truck. He came out but wasn't alone he was with Nick and Ryan wanting to talk me out of the bet and to smooth shit over.
"So, you chicken shit out of this and that's why you have brought Nick and Ryan?" I said to him as he came up to the truck.
Kevin: " No dude! I brought them so they can tell you that they are sorry as well. So you and I can clear the air and I really want you to go camping with me. I want you to let this anger go man."
Nick: "I don't know what this is all about but RJ I am sorry for my part in kidding around and outing you. Alot of gay and bi dudes work at the store. Hell even the store manager son is gay!"
Ryan: " I am sorry too. I didn't mean to upset you RJ. Look, Kevin is a really nice guy and he is serious about hanging with you this weekend. He is upset because he thinks your going to hurt him or something. I don't know what you guys have planned but please be nice to each other. We all have said sorry to you."
I just shook my head in disbelief. I started to walk home when Kevin ran after me.
Kevin: " Dude! Where the hell are you going?"
"I am going home, your a fucking pussy and you backed out of our deal"
Kevin: " Dude, I didn't back out of nothing. Get in my truck and I'll go where ever. If you rape my throat and your unclean, I won't go camping and you and I will never be friends. I'll suck you off if your clean and keep to our deal and even hang with you if your nice about shit."
"Yeah Kev, as nice as you were to me for the past few months with those pricks behind you giving me Bull shit! No, no I think I want the deal we made so get your pussy ass in the truck and let's go."
The other two guys walked away shaking there heads and told Kevin good luck and that they tried for him. He got into his truck started it up and followed my instructions and drove us out to an open depot station that was abandoned. As we drove there he kept saying he was sorry, he kept begging me to reconsider but I never said a word, I just looked out the truck window.
Kevin: "Dude, come on. I have apologized a dozen times to you. Don't do this to me. Please, RJ, I am begging you man"
RJ: " You know man, you be surprised how not washing your dick for three days, how much shit can build up. Thank god I got your tongue to lick it clean for me."
I had grinned at him as he gagged at the thought.
Kevin: "That's so fucking gross man. Don't do this to me RJ!"
He gets us to the depot and parks us, as he did I lean the passenger seat back and start to unbutton my jeans.
Kevin:" Dude! I am seriously asking you for the last time not to make me do this to you like this!"
The tears ran down his face. I buttoned back up and got out of the truck and came around to his side. I opened the door and drug him out shaking him and cussing him out.
RJ: " A deal was made fucker! If I had lost you be the one forcing me and you know it. Then it would be the new joke around the fucking store. So don't give me your pussy ass excuses anymore. Now Kev, I can I drop my pants and boxers and you get on your knees and I can rape your mouth with my dirty uncut cock or I can take you to the back of the truck and fuck your ass, which do you want?
Kevin: "Neither you fucking nut case. I guess me telling you that I like you means nothing to you, huh RJ?"
He was crying hard.
I was pissed or I should say pretending to be pissed. I dropped him on the ground and went back to the passenger side of the truck and slammed the door shut. He eventually got back into the truck but he was scared and the joke I played on him went as far as it could go because he had a box cutter and he had it pointed at me when he got back into the truck.
Kevin: "Dude! I'll suck you off but not this way for the last fucking time. You try and do that sick shit to me and I will cut you bro."
I was a fighter, professional youth fighter and I was x military. I was also into martial arts. I quickly grabbed his hand and held the blade to my throat. I said to him,
"If you got the balls then at least give me a clean death and not the pussy way out with a cut that leaves me bleeding to death somewhere. You can dump me off the edge over there. In 6 months I am sure the road crew will find me."
He lost it in the truck and dropped the blade. He was crying hard and was upset.
Kevin: " I said I was fucking sorry dude! All I wanted to do was hang with you and have a good weekend. I didn't know you was going to be a fucking nut case about shit."
"A nut case about shit? Really? You guys sent me home crying for several months. It hurts what you ass holes did to me, Kevin.Just take me home."
He started the truck up and drove me to where I was living at which was about 5 miles from work and I walked to work to and from almost every day because at the time I didn't have a car.
Kevin: "You walk this far every night bro?"
"Yeah, I do! You going to make fun of me on that too because I don't have a car or a license?"
Kevin: " No, I am sorry man."
I had wiped the tears from my eyes.
Kevin: "Go camping with me RJ!"
I didn't say a word to him. He pulled up at the hotel I was working part time and living at.
Kevin: "You live in a hotel, dude?"
"Yes, Kevin, I live in a hotel and I work part time here. I suppose when I get back to work next week you will have gone around telling the crew that not only does the fag work as a janitor but he a bell hop at the hotel and he lives there too. "
What I said hurt him and he got the message. He had wiped his eyes off from tears.
Kevin: " RJ, I said man that I was sorry. I have said it now alot and I mean it. I didn't know you had it this hard. I am really sorry man. Forgive me and take me up on my offer. I like you. I want to get to know you."
I laughed at him. " Yeah, right. They all say that. Have a quick fuck session and then leave. Yeah, your really funny Kev. Look I have worked all night, I am sweaty, I was suppose to get a really good BJ but you backed out. Now I want to just go pour myself a screw driver, take a hot shower and get some sleep."
Kevin: " Invite me in bro, I'll make the BJ happen!"
I never said a word and I walked into my studio. He followed behind me unsure if it was an invite or an intrusion. I never said a word to him as I went straight for my little kitchen to pour a screw driver. He looked around my place. He looked at my photos on the walls of all the boxing matches I had and some I won with me holding up winnings.
"Kevin, what the fuck are you doing here? You don't like me, your straight and you have a little boy. Why are you here?"
Kevin: "Dude don't bring my kid up into this or you and I will have issues!"
"You mean a fight? Because that would be awesome, fighting is something I am good at and we have a vacant huge storage room around the corner.I can go with you and kick your ass there for being a total dick to me these past few months." I was excited at the notion as I was still pissed at him. He was about to respond when he seen I had won a titled match and that I was title belt winner for youth boxing.
Kevin: "Seeing all your photos, the fights and wins. I think I will pass on that idea. You probably would kick my ass. Look, I said I was sorry. I want to make this right bro. I want to hang with you this weekend."
I sat in a chair across from him sipping on my screw driver.
" Dude, your so full of shit. Even if I bought the camping trip offer I am not stupid. Your in this to get your rocks off or your setting me up. One or thee other or hell maybe both."
Keven: "It's neither man. I like you!"
He said it for the last time and I got up and came at him and he backed all the way to the door scared I got to him and got him up against the door. I started to kiss him and he went with it and he was an awesome kisser. I pulled back and took my shirt off. I headed for the bathroom and he followed.
Kevin: "What the fuck dude. That was intense and then you just walk away?"
"I still think your full of shit Kevin. I need a shower, stay if you want or go. Don't rip me off!"
Kevin: " I am not a thief, bro. I am going to stay because I like you, I like you a lot "
I smiled at the thought of him actually liking me and I got undress nude in front of him before I headed to the shower.
Kevin: " Fuck, dude, your so hot bro!"
I had heard that before. I was lieing to him about not washing my dick. I was very hygienically clean. I took a long shower and got out and dried off and just wrapped the towel around me. I sort of combed my air and splashed some cologne on. I came out he was looking at my photo albums of friends I spent time with, clubs and dances I went to. He was trying to get to know me by looking at what I had.
Kevin: "I think it's hot that your a club dancer!"
"Yeah, well you voiced at work how much that made me look like just a fag, your words bro! Not mine."
He was saddened by my remark to him.
Kevin: " For the last time RJ, I am sorry, really sorry for all the shit I said about you. Forgive me man, or I'll just leave. Because I am not stupid. I see the lust in your eyes and the desire. You want me as badly as I want you."
I never denied it to him. I just sat in the chair with a towel over me and drink my screw driver as the tears ran down my face. I was hurt badly. I liked him a lot and there he was in my apartment begging to be with me when a few weeks prior he was being cruel and a total jerk. He turned and seen me sipping on the screw driver and softly crying. He started to tear up.
Kevin: "Give me a chance man! Please!"
I just nodded yes and he came to me as I got up. We made out. It was long and sensual. I unbuttoned his pants and lowered them with his boxers. His crotch was musty but not anything bad. His dick was fully erected and uncut with precum. I pulled the skin gently back and started to suck him. He moaned loudly. My hands and fingers dug deep into his ass cheeks as I sucked him hard, deep throating him. His hands was on the back my head with him just fucking my mouth hard. I let him climax and he finished down my throat and collapsed onto me onto the bed behind us. I kissed him and he could taste himself from my tongue. We made out and he undid my towel. As promised he went down on me and gave me an incredible blow job. I came twice in his mouth.
We didn't go camping that weekend. We elected to stay at my place where we fell in love. We made love that whole weekend. I fucked him and I let him fuck me. It was one hell of a weekend that I got to spend with a hot Marine Reserve Boy. I have never forgotten it. As things happen in life we drifted apart and went our own ways.
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