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Hitch Hiker
This was in 1998. This is kind of a hard story to tell but I know by telling it I keep the memory alive.So back then I was working two jobs and making good money. I had just purchased my pickup. I would often go to Seattle on the weekends to party with some other friends. I was headed there one late October weekend to meetup with my best friend and hit the clubs, I had just turned 21. I decided to stop off in Ellensburg to gas my truck up when I came off the ramp and seen the hot guy hitch hiking. The dude looked like he was 18. I tried to ignore it. Mom and Dad always told me never to pick up hitch hikers no matter the ordeal. So I really tried hard not to let my impulses get to me. But no matter how hard I tried to ignore this cute guy thumbing for a ride, I just couldn't do it. So I finished gassing the truck up and I yelled over at him.
"Hey! Dude! You want a ride?"
He looked over and shook his head yes and grabbed his bags and ran over to my truck.
HitchHiker: Thanks man! I have been on that corner for like two hours.
"You look kind of young to be hitch hiking man?"
He laughed at my comment and said,
"Well, it's a long story. Maybe on the ride to where ever I can tell you about it."
I nodded my head told him to put his bags in the back of my truck canopy and paid the gas attendant the money I owed. Back in those days it wasn't prepaid gas like it is today. I told him to get in while I paid. Nothing of great value in the truck he could steal. I guess some cassette tapes but that was it. Before CDs was huge or at least for me it was. My truck has a cassette player
So I get back to the truck, climb in and he frozen to his seat. He thanks me and then he asks.
"I don't wanna sound like a jerk, but your not like a repeat or murderer who picks dudes up are you?"
I laughed my ass off. I replied,
"No dude, I am 21. This is the first time I have ever picked a hitch hiker up."
He looked over at me as I started to drive.
"This is the first time I have ever hitch hiked. I am scared shitless."
It got silent in the truck as I turned back into the on ramp heading for Seattle. I glanced over and asked him,
"Where you headed?"
He paused then responded
"I need to get back to Everette to my folks house. They are gone on vacation to Europe and I got kicked out of the College. For fighting!"
I had glanced over and didn't notice it before but he was sporting a shiner near his eye. He was a very attractive guy. The best I had seen in a while. Short dirty blonde hair. Deep blue eyes. He was about an inch shorter than I was which would have made him about 5'11, he was slim and I could tell he was toned or in athletic shape. I replied back,
"I am sorry to hear that. I am headed to Seattle to hang with some friends and club. I can take you home."
He smiled and said,
"Thanks, I don't have any money on me but when we get to my house I can give you like $20, I am sure I have that or we can figure something else out if that doesn't work."
He had smirked when he said that to me and my gaydar was flying off the detection grid.
Silence had taken the cab of the truck afterwards and then I broke the silence by a question back at him.
"If you don't mind me asking, what was the fight over?"
He swallowed hard and the started to speak.
"I, uhm was in the locker room after a work out. Showering with some of the other guys. I guess this ultra straight guy thought I was looking at him so he shoved me, called me some names. I got mad, shoved him back and before I knew it I was in a fist fight. Campus Security cake in, broke it up and the next thing I knew him and I was being expelled."
Silence had once again taken the can of the truck but I again broke the silence with more questions.
"Did you look at him?" I asked with a smirk.
He chuckled and replied.
"Yeah, he was fucking hot!"
We both laughed and we both knew at that moment that we were both into guys.
"My name is RJ, yours?"
He looked over smiled and held his hand out for hand shake.
"It's Colton but everyone calls me Cole."
I smiled at him as I shook his hand.
"I think the name is hot." I smirked at him. He just smiled back and then he started to talk.
"Clubbing? So a gay club?"
I laughed as he was trying to figure out if I was gay or bi.
"It's all acceptance club
My best friend and his buddies and cousins are very straight. I am bisexual, they know it and are cool with it."
Colton: "That is some awesome friends."
"Yeah, I guess so. I like them. So, how old are you if I may ask?"
He smiled
" I am old enough to know better than to hitch hike but I had no choice and no where to go. To answer you, I just turned 21 my self in September."
I froze, his birthday was the same month as mine.
I muttered,
"What day bro?"
He kind of looked at me strangely but answered the question.
"It's the 10th, why?"
I laughed out loud pretty hard as I reached for my wallet and handed him my ID.
He took it and looked at me strangely, "Wow, what the fuck? Your born the same day and your middle name is the same as mine dude!" His name was Colton James, Mine was Robert James.
Silence again took the truck, we were both freaked out. We could not explain the strange encounter. He spoke up.
"I am sorry man but that is really strange!"
I laughed and said,
"I know, right. What's the odds of that. Next your going to tell me you like games, dungeons and dragons."
He turned ghost white.
"Uhm, actually! I do bro."
I didn't say anything but I was quietly thanking God. I had wanted a partner, a gay companion. Good looking to boot who like everything I liked. I got more than I bargained for.
"I am single Cole, are you?"
He froze for a second and responded
"Yeah, man. I am single. I am not out of the closet. I have never done anything with anyone yet."
He literally locked in place just staring out the window. Silence once again filled the truck for a good 10 minutes and then I decided to be bold.
"I like you! I think your hot and I am attracted to you. Now, with everything in common. I don't know, but I feel it be stupid for me not to tell you this."
As I said it he gave the cutest smile I had ever seen at that time from a guy. He reached over and put his hand on my lap and I took his hand and held it. He sifted through my cassette tapes and found music he liked and asked if I cared if he put some in. I told him to go for it. After a while he was tired and he drifted off with me holding his hand. A hour goes by and we have made it to North Bend. We both decided to stop for a bathroom break. I asked if he wanted anything he responded he was starving. He had stated he stayed with a friend who lived off campus for just the night and he hadn't ate anything in about a day. So I took him to get a bite to eat. He ate very well. We chit chatted about games, video games, camping, fishing, hiking. He was an active outdoorsman and loved adventuring. A few cups of coffee and what not, we both had to take a piss. We both went in together. He grabbed a urinal and I grabbed one. I caught him glance over to take a peak, so I pulled back a bit to let him look.
"Fuck, that's hot." He said. I smile as I shook my cock off and pulled the foreskin back over. He sat and watched. I looked at him. He was uncut and finishing with his leak. When he zipped up I moved for a kiss and he let me. It was sensual, intense and erotic. He was nervous and spoke up.
"Let's stop before we get caught. I don't need another ass kicking."
I smiled at him as I looked him in his deep blue eyes.
"I pity the stupid fucker who would hit you if your my boy friend. I can fight, I am a fighter."
He smiled and said,
"I believe you, but Id rather not find that out in here. You wanna keep going with stuff then let's go to the truck."
I just nodded at him and smiled at him as he smiled back at me.
We get back to the truck and he pushed me against it and kissed me hard. It was long and sensual and out of view from most. aHis hand was on my crotch feeling my hard on. He slowly pulled back and looked at me.
"I like you too. I want this to work. Stay with me at my parents house for the weekend. I know you got plans, change them and let's see where this goes, please!"
I just missed my head yes. Back in the day, cell phones were like bricks. I took my cell phone out and called my friend and canceled the meet up for the weekend. He was a little pissed but he got over it. My new friend was very important to me. He was hot and I was falling in love with him. After the phone call I brought him into me at the truck and made our with him for a long time. We got back.into the truck and my hand was now firmly placed on his thigh. He started to talk as I put the truck in drive and drove off towards the on ramp to the highway.
"RJ, have you had boy friends?"
I smiled at him as he asked the question.
"Yeah bro, please just call me Rob, Robbie or Robert. I think from you that sounds better."
He smiled as he knew that was my way of accepting him.
"So, you have had sex?"
I again smiled at his comment.
"Yes, I have had sex, probably alot more than I should have. I am clean though and was tested recently."
He smiled. "Cool."
After a short while he piped up again
"Does it hurt to get fucked by a guy?"
I laughed a little.
"Well, it wasn't really meant to go there, so yeah it hurts the first time but when a dudes cock rubs up against your prostate. Well let's just say it's ecstacy."
Cole was laughing at my joke.
"You ever been fucked?"
I froze and after a bit I then answered him.
"Yeah, I was 18 and he was 35. He was hot and he knew what he was doing. He talked me into it. I cried at first but after a while it felt good."
He looked at me with concern and said,
"Oh, well, gee hmmm."
He wanted to say something but then stopped himself.
"You like me Cole, your attracted to me. You want sex, I can tell. I can fucking smell the fucking ferramones in this truck. Nothing more would make me happy dude, then to pull this truck over and just rip your fucking pants off and suck you dry. I doubt you would resist me!"
His eyes had watered up making the blue color intense.
"I wouldn't fucking stop you."
With that I found an area to pull off. I put the truck in 4 wheel drive and headed up a logging road. He knew what was coming to him. It was passion and love and I needed him.
I parked the truck in a out of the way clearing. It was so silent in the truck I could hear his and my heart beat. We just stared ahead.
"I won't do this Cole if you don't want me to. This is not about us. If you want me to take you home just say so and we can go."
I glanced over, tears fell from his eyes.
"I am scared, I don't want to go home. I trust you dude. I am scared that when your done with whatever we do here, that it's just a one time thing and then you go back to Yakima and we are just done. I don't want that!"
My hands were frozen in the steering wheel. I was speechless.
"Robbie, say something."
I was frozen. I got out of the truck as I needed fresh air. I felt like I was dieing in the truck with him. As fast as I got out so did he.
"Dude, pleas say something!"
He was demanding I answer him. I turned to him with a very intense seductive look on my eyes.
"If we both stay here, your losing your virginity. I don't think I can hold back. I want you to fucking bad."
He turned and went for the cab and grabbed his coat and then came back to me. He tossed a old blanket I kept in the back of the truck that a co-worker made me.
"Well, if your going to fuck me you might as well do it in a place secluded and nice. Let's go on a hike."
He was crazy. I followed him like a lost puppy dog. He lead me up to a drop off that over looked the range off this logging road. He grabbed the blanket from me and laid it out as he sat down to look out over Mt Baker.
I sat down next to him and and enjoyed the view with him.
"It's fucking hormones bro! Once you take me, you got me and then what? You live in Yakima, I live in Everette. I have to explain to my fucked up parents how there loser son got kicked out of college. They don't know that I am gay. All my life I have come last to them. I graduated from school and I didn't even get a choice of what or where I was going. My dad said I was going to college and that was the end of the conversation. They drop me off and off they go on there works tour."
As he went on talking, I felt sorry for him. Tears came down my face at the level of neglect that was given to Cole. I didn't know how to react so I just listened.
"I am gonna let you fuck me RJ, but not in this place, not like this. Bro, your the best thing that's come into my life right now. I know you want me. I want you. But if you care about me you will get to know me."
I got what he was telling me. I laid back and shared my story with him. A story I can't tell anyone but I told him. When the story was finished he was left crying. He couldn't believe the pain, the hurt or the suffering I went through. We stayed an hour cuddled up to each other. I made out with him and we fell in love on that ridge.
We hiked back down. We didn't have sex not even a hand job. We just got back to the truck and I drove him to Everette. He lived in a rich part of Everette over looking a lake. His parents had money. We pulled up to his house. He had to go around the back to get a key to get into his house. He opened the door with a silly smirk on his face and said " Welcome to my pad." I laughed as I walked in. It was crazy. The place was immaculate, everything expensive. Pictures of Cole and his mom and dad everywhere. Cole just went over to the couches and plopped down and started checking to see what was on Satellite TV.
"Make yourself at home bro, I thought I'd put some TV in for you while I go take a shower. I kind of need one."
I looked at him from over at the door.
"I could use one myself, Cole. How about we share a shower together."
He sat up in a serious manner and responded to my request
"We got more than one shower dude. You can shower in the pool room."
I was taken back by his change in behavior.
"If uhm, if I am not attractive to you or you have changed your mind, that's cool. I can leave and meet up withy friends."
As fast as I said it he jumped up.
"No man, don't go! I like you. It's, just, it's that I, ugh, I need to clean up and it's personal."
I was confused.
"Personal, I have already seen your dick. How personal can it get?"
He was red faced embarrassed.
"Couple of days not showering, I need to clean."
I was laughing as I knew what he meant.
" I am uncut bro as well. Nothing big about it. Let's share a shower."
He protested but agreed. He took me to his bedroom. It looked like a bedroom where a younger teenage boy was transitioning to being an adult. Still had stuff from his child hood yet other things that was seen indicating he was an older teenage boy or young adult. He went to his dresser. He was grabbing clothes out as I was watching him. I decided to ease the tension a bit by kidding around.
"If your going to be my boyfriend you should let me pick out your hot clothes to wear after the shower. You got some hot CKs in that dresser."
He got a bit upset at my comment.
"Dude, just let me find shit and we can go take a shower. This is fucked up anyways."
He was frustrated and nervous. I was more mature and way more experienced. I came up behind him and arm under his holding him upright with his back firmly pressed against my chest. I was rock hard and my cock was pressing against his tight ass with his tight ck jeans on.
"What are you doing bro?"
I shushed him.
"Shhh, Cole, just relax. I like you, you like me. Stop panicking."
I started to neck him and his him softly. He was moaning. My hand slid under his jeans waste band as I wanted to feel his hard man hood. He stopped me dead cold
"It's dirty man! I need to clean it!"
I was laughing.
"I don't care Cole, I'm not going down on you right now."
He released my hand and I went down to get a feel. He was wet from pre cum and as he said a bit dirty with build up. I tried to pull his foreskin back but it only went so far before he complained about pain. He couldn't retract all the way back like I could. He was really hard and moaned a little.
"Let's go shower, cole."
He nodded and I took him into his bathroom off his room. I took my shirt off and my pants. He was checking me out. I had a firm 6 pack. I was built as I was a fighter, a boxer and into martial arts. I had scars and he would rub his finger across them and ask about them. I would tell him about them. How I got them and why. I moved in with just my boxers on. He let me take his shirt off but when I got to the jeans he stopped me yet again. He was shaking, scared and red faced embarrassed.
"Don't do this man, if you care about me, let me shower alone. I will take care of stuff and then later we can play."
I froze and then piped up
"Cole, I have seen a dirty uncut dick. I fucking have a uncut dick. I have seen dudes who can't pull the foreskin back. Stop being shy. I am not going to hurt you or make fun of you. I like you, I like you alot. Let's shower together. Trust me for God sake."
Tears came down his face but he nodded yes. He was a straight up virgin. Nervous all the way.
I took my boxers down and made him do likewise at the same time. I made him look at me in the face as we got in the shower and I talked to him.
"Look at me bro. Let's talk."
I grabbed the soap and lathered my hands up good and he talked about games. I talked with him. I gently reached for his dick and kept talking to him. I never looked at his dick. He was semi hard. I gently pulled the foreskin back and washed it good. I washed it twice. He moaned a little but was relaxed in letting me do it.
"It's clean bro." He looked down and checked himself out. As he did he seen I was really hard.
"Your fucking big dude."
I laughed. "Hey, your looking!"
He said he was sorry and looked back up at me.
"I don't care that you look, I don't care if you want to explore and touch it. I care that you trust me."
With that he nodded. His face looked down and his hands was ony cock. He played with the foreskin and thought it was cool that I could retract all the way. He was rubbing and playing with my cock and a little precum came out, he was excited. Without saying anything he got down on his knees and then asked me if he could put it in his mouth. I laughed and nodded yes to him. He toyed with my dick for a while. He was unsure how to suck a dick much less what to do with it.
"Cole, your fucking turning me on man. Put it in your mouth and let me fuck ur throat or jerk it off, one or three other bro."
He started to laugh but then got a serious look as he looked up a lot at me with those deep blue puppy dog eyes and he put my uncut cock in his mouth. I grabbed him by the hair and started to gently fuck his mouth. I let him up off it to breath a bit and ask him if he was good to continue, each time he said yes. One point I had both my hands on the back of his head I was fucking his mouth fast and hard. I looked down he was jerking himself. I was too much and I was moaning. "I'm gonna cum bro, I'm gonna cum!"
He would not let me pull out so I cummed down his throat as I felt him shoot his load up at my legs and he was moaning. I pulled my dick from his mouth and more cum came out and he looked up at me and picked it off the tip.
"It fucking tasted great." He had said it with a smirk.
I rested against the back shower wall letting the hot water hit my body.
"Cole,that was fucking hot."
He got up and put my hand on his dick. It had cum all over it.
"That's fucking hot."
He looked in my eyes and started to kiss me. We kissed and made out for a long time. We finished the shower, he let me pick his clothes out. I just put a pair of boxers on and peraded around his room in them.
"Dude, you going to get get dressed?"
I looked at him with a strange look.
"Who else is here, Cole?"
He responded
"No one man."
I laughed
"Exactly, fuck I could use a drink or better yet a cigar."
He looked puzzled
" A cigar, drink? You really into that stuff Robbie?"
"Yup, I sure am." I had said to him.
He then took me to his father private bar down stairs off the pool room. The room was filled to the brim with different alcohol and juices in the frig and boxes of cigars.
"Dude, I'm sure you can find something in here "
I smiled at him and helped myself. I grabbed. Chair out on the deck as he asked me not to smoke in the house. He was shocked I wandered out on the deck in just boxers.
"Aren't you afraid someone going to see you bro?"
I laughed at him.
"Who the hell going to see me? You got a shit ton of trees around this place."
He stopped and thought about it and decided to join me on the deck.
I was drinking my drink and lit up a coated brandy cigar.
"Dude, you enjoying yourself?" He had laughed.
I responded "Yup, I sure as fuck am. I just made a little bit love to a hot guy in the shower, sipping on brandy and a brandy cigar. Enjoying this awesome view. Life don't get any better."
He was laughing at me.
"Your fucking wild man."
I turned to him.
"Maybe, you tell me something. That was your first dick. You seemed to enjoy sucking it. You for damn sure enjoyed the cream."
He let out a big laugh.
"Yeah, I did enjoy it. So what's the plan?"
I just smiled at him.
"I am going to finish this cigar, take your pants down on this deck, suck your cock off for the first time and eat your ass out. Then I'll finish my drink."
His eyes got great big.
"No way! Out here? You nuts man?"
I was laughing
"Who gonna fucking see it."
I sat my cigar on a near by ash tray. I came up to him. I made him stand up. He protested at first but then easily complied. I unzipped his ck jeans and pulled them down with his cl shorts. His dick was dripping of cum and he was hard as a rock. Before he could say a word I plopped his dick in my mouth. He moaned intensely and I brought him down to the deck boards. He squirmed, moaned loudly. I was relentless, I was on his balls and his cock sucking and licking. He was moaning loudly and making me hard all over again. I raised his up and started penetrating his hole with my tongue as he shot cum across my cheek. I didn't stop. I ate his hot little ass out. I brought my boxers down. I spit into his ass and lined it up and I took his virginity on that deck. At first he cried but later as he got into it he moaned. I took my time and I enjoyed fucking him. I made him cum again as I fucked him. When I was close to cumming I pulled out as I knew liked the taste of me and I shot my load in his hot mouth. I kissed and made out with him. It was intense.
Later we played a couple games. He invited a couple straight buddies over and we played a couple games. After they left I took him to the pool room, we skinny dipped where I again fucked him. I fucked him about 10 times that weekend. In his hot to, his room in his bed, the living room. I fucked him all over that house and he loved it.
We went clubbing, we went fishing. We did it all. We stayed boy friends for almost 2 years. I debated to tell this part because the story so long. But it needs to be told. I had to go back to Yakima for work after that weekend. I was floored how his mom and dad left him without a dime to his name. Before I left I gave him money to get groceries for himself down the road. I also cooked a breakfast for him before he got up. I had wrote a heart felt note and left it in his mother's bill box attached to a bill that was about due. I knew she would see it. It read as the following
" Hi, you don't know me but I am the guy that picked your son up hitch hiking to get him home because you rich fucks didn't leave him a dime. You have any idea how stupid that was? I got to know Colton, he smart, funny and a good young guy. To bad you don't treasure him like you should. Be one thing if you didn't have money, but your rich asses took a trip around the world. I left your son $400 for food. I don't want it back. I want you to love him and take care of him. He thankful I wasn't some creep that wanted to hurt your son. I did stay the weekend here. Lovely home by the way. I cleaned up after myself. I love the kitchen. I smoked about 10 of your brandy cigars and drink nearly a bottle of the brandy. I don't think it is going to hurt you rich fucks, none. Cole my friend, be just vs if you guys loved him rather than scolded him for leaving college. Go easy on him please. It was a fucked up ordeal.
Stranger who picked your hitch hiking college son up."
I was so pissed! Cole never knew I wrote his mother.
We had our ups and downs but we stayed boy friends. I came over a lot when his parents were gone. They never knew me until December 2000. I had got a call from Colton best friend Dustin. He had told me Colton and his cousin were killed in a snowmobile accident. I was suppose to go with them that weekend but I had to work. I died when I got the news. It was so bad an accident the funeral was to be set as a closed casket for both of them. I was asked if I would attend the funeral and the remembrance ceremony at his parents house. I of course agreed to attend. He was my boy friend. I just didn't know how hard it would be.
As the ceremony began his father invited his friends to come up and give a memory or two about him. So all his friends did and Dusting knew I was close romantically with Cole so he wanted me to go up. I did.
"Many of you don't know me, ( I was sobbing) but uh, I had a unique friendship with Cole. I met him in a unique way. He was fun to be around. He was adventurous to the end. (Some of his friends got the joke and laughed.) I told him I didn't have a good feeling about him going that fateful weekend. He just called me a worry wart and that things would be fine. That's whole Cole was, he never worried about much. He was full of life. He enriched my life. (I was crying) I sure as fuck am going to miss him. I love you Cole. I got down and headed for the house door unable to hold me emotions back. Many clapped some were crying. I got out of the house fast and stood on the giant front porch. When a man voice I heard was behind me.
"Thank you son for that memory. I uh, I don't think I know you. I knew many of Coles friends but I don't know you."
I was shaken up and didn't really know what I was mumbling but I said out loud I needed a drink.
" A drink, well yes I guess I could use one to. Let's go to the..."
Pool room I said.
He looked at me funny.
"You been in my house before?"
I was hysterically laughing.
"Yeah,i have been."
He looked at me.
"Oh, you care to share why?"
I paused.
"Because I was invited over, I had a good friendship with your son."
We walked in silence down stairs. His wife saw us and followed.
Colt mom: "George, where are you going?"
"Shelly, this kid been in our house, he knew Cole well. Was good friends with him. Apparently he knew him so well he was introduced to our wine room."
I had chuckled at how Cole dad said that. I had seen where Cole got his sense of humor.
Shelly: "Young man, how do you know cole."
As she asked me I helped my self to a glass of brandy as I knew where it was and I took a brandy flavored cigar out and lit it in front of her as I sipped on the Brandy.
Shelly: " oh my God, it's you!"
George: "Him what, Shelly? He just helped himself to my brandy?"
I took a huge puff and exhaled
"I some what doubt that it will break your rich asses. I loved your son. I was in love with him. I made love to him on that deck behind you."
The tears ran down my face
George: "(laughing) He was gay then? I always knew it! I never loved him any less."
His mom was ghost white.
Shelly: "I got the letter. I did as you suggested and we didn't go hard on him for the college expulsion. I made sure we kept cash in the house after that. Please tell me he told you this."
I took another deep drag off the cigar and exhaled.
"He did, he told me you both changed after week being home. He said he was shocked but didn't know why you had changed."
She sighed.
Shelly: "It took a special you g man to make us realize what we almost lost. But it sounds like to me you were more than just his friend."
I breathed in heavy and exhaled. I busted up in tears and cried hard at that bar.
" I loved him more than your husband or you could ever know. He was scared to tell you both he was gay. He knew you wanted grand kids. He knew you had plans for his future. He was going to go with me to start a life...."
Shelly: " In California?"
George: "Please, stay for dinner. We don't care what his sexual preferences were. You have stories to share. We want to listen. You loved my son and that means something to both of us."
So I agreed to stay. It was hard but I stayed and he was outed to the house with about 90% of the guests knowing he was gay before a word was said. I shared a lot.
RIP Cole
Love always, Robbie
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