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This story is a work of fiction depicting bdsm and intense sexual acts. All characters in this story are above the age of 18.

My name is Carter. I’m 22 years old, 5’9”, have wavy blonde hair, blue eyes, and I’ve always kept a lean/athletic build. Six months ago, I graduated from college where I studied software engineering. Soon after graduation, I started my first full-time job at a tech company. It’s just an entry level software engineer position. The job market was a bit over saturated when I graduated. The pay isn’t incredible, but I’ve been able to make ends meet and still have enough to put a little into savings with each pay check. At least that was the case until the deferment period on my student loans ended. Unfortunately, I didn’t come from a family that could pay my way through college. In fact, I don’t have much family at all. I did what I could to earn money and pay out of pocket, but the cost of higher education just keeps rising. I had no choice but to take out student loans. I knew it would be hard to pay them off starting out, but I had no idea just how impossible it would be. Now I find myself having to pull money from what little I had saved just to pay the rent. Every dollar I take from my savings account puts me that much closer to homelessness. I have tried to find a higher paying job in my field, but there just isn’t anything out there that a new college graduate could qualify for at the moment. I have even inquired about a time table for potential pay raises or promotions with the management at my current job. To my disappointment, there doesn’t seem to be anything coming my way nearly soon enough before my funds hit a negative balance. I feel sick every time I think about it. I’m beginning to get truly desperate for anything that could pull me out of this hole, but I’m not sure if I yet realize just how desperate I really am.

Despite my financial troubles, I do feel very fortunate to be able to work with such a great group of people. One coworker, in particular, that I really enjoy working with is this is guy named Jake. He is also 22 years old and just graduated from college like me. Over the past 6 months, we have become pretty good buddies. Ever since my finances became a concern, I have even been known to confide in him from time to time for moral support. This was one of those days. Me and Jake were in the break room having our lunch. I had been up late the night before obsessing over my personal budget. I spent hours trying to cut whatever I could just to get close to breaking even so that I would not be facing homelessness. As usual, I would spend a few minutes venting my frustrations regarding my current circumstances. Then, I would transition the conversation into asking Jake what he thought I should do. Jake has been a good friend. He always tries to give me as much support as he can, but he comes from different circumstances than me. He comes from a family of greater means that was able to fully fund his higher education. As a result, he has zero debt to speak of. His parents also gave him some money to get his post-college life started, so he shares none of my current financial struggles. He does, however, have two older brothers who also work in our field. Although, they work at a higher level and at different companies. I have always figured this makes Jake a good person to talk to about new job opportunities since he is so well connected in the industry. He does try to make inquiries with his brothers about opportunities that I could be a good fit for, but he usually turns up empty handed. Despite his connections, the job market for this industry just isn’t great for entry level professionals right now.

Just as I was asking Jake if he’s heard of any new job opportunities yet again, the owner of the company walked into the break room to get himself some coffee. The company’s owner was a man named Wyatt Stokes. He was somewhere in his mid forties, 6’2”, had a full head of brunette hair with grey streaks, brown eyes, and a muscular physique. Although his office is several floors above ours, he has been known to be one of those “hands-on” executives that likes to go around to all departments within his company to stay connected with all of his employees keep his finger on the pulse of the industry so to speak. When he entered the room, I immediately silenced myself with embarrassment. I wasn’t sure if he heard me talking about looking for a new job, but I am sure that is likely something you wouldn’t want your boss knowing until you have found something. I suppose he registered the awkward silence that began just as he entered the room. As he was pouring his coffee, he subtly glanced in me and Jake’s direction and asked how we were liking everything at our jobs. I couldn’t help but feel like he did hear me before and was just taking the opportunity to make me nervous. Well, if that was the case, I can safely say he accomplished his mission. I was unsure of if what to say. Just as I was about to stammer out something I’m sure would have have been every bit as awkward as the previous silence, Jake spoke up.

Jake: “It’s been great working here. I have enjoyed the team of people I get to work with everyday and appreciate the opportunity to gain so much experience.”

Me: “I feel the same.” I said, sounding somewhat under duress.

Wyatt, gave us an approving look and told us he was glad to hear it and let him know if we ever needed anything. I imagine he tells all of his employees that, but who knows how sincere he is being. He then exited the room with his coffee in hand as he went about the remainder of his day. After we were sure he was out of ear shot, we continued our previous conversation where we left of. Once again, Jake had the displeasure of having to tell me that there still were not any opportunities he had heard of that could help me out of my current situation. He could see the disappointment wash across my face. Like the good friend that he is, he thought of something to say that might give me some encouragement.

Jake: “Hey! I just remembered that our mid-year performance reviews are coming up next week. This could be a real opportunity for you to make a case for a raise. You’ve been killing it at your job! I’m not the only one on the team who has said so.”

I considered what he said for a moment, and it did end making me feel a bit better. I had been working myself to the bone at this job, and I had received some recognition from other team members at one point or another. Maybe Jake was into something.

Me: “I forgot all about the performance reviews. I guess a could try to highlight my work performance during my one-on-one review meeting with Andrew. Maybe he will come through give me just enough of a raise that I can make ends meet.”

Andrew is our immediate supervisor and the person tasked with meeting with us about our performance reviews. I was beginning to become even more optimistic. Not only did I know that I had been doing very well at work, but I also happened to hear from some more senior employees that Andrew is very good about rewarding high performing employees. Upon considering this, I was now finally starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel. However, my optimism may have been premature.

The day before I was to sit down with Andrew to discuss my performance review, I received an email notifying me that the plans had changed and that I would be meeting with Wyatt to discuss my performance. I could instantly feel a pit in my stomach. Why would the owner of the entire company want to discuss this with me? I’m just a low level employee. It’s way below his pay grade to talk to me about something like this. I couldn’t help but wonder if I had done something wrong. Naturally, I went to Jake about this as soon as I had the opportunity. He confirmed my worst suspicions. Neither he nor any other coworker that he had heard of received such an email. It looked like it was just me who Wyatt wanted to speak to. This just made me even more unsettled. Like always, Jake instantly recognized how stressed I was and knew just what to say.

Jake: “Carter, just take a breath for a second.” There’s no way this can be a bad thing. Like I told you, everyone around here agrees you have been doing great. Think about it. If Wyatt wanted you fired, he’d just have that task delegated to a middle manager like Andrew. He wouldn’t waste his time with something like that when he has a whole company to run. He must want to handle your performance review because he’s really impressed with you. That’s the only thing that makes sense.”

Me: “Yeah, I guess so.”

Jake: “Seriously man, I think this could actually work out better in your favor. Now that you’re going to be meeting with the owner of the company, you can make a really good case for yourself and maybe get an even better raise than what you originally hoped for. Who knows? Maybe he even wants to discuss a promotion. Just try to see this as the opportunity that it could be, and do your best tomorrow.”

Me: “You’re right. I shouldn’t be so worried. I’m sure it’s nothing bad. I’ll take some time tonight to try and plan out what I’m going to say to him during the review tomorrow.”

Later that night, I did exactly that. I spent a couple of hours trying to think of the best way to outline my accomplishments in the workplace and to anticipate any questions Wyatt might have for me. After a little while longer, I finally decided that I had done what I could to be prepared for tomorrow’s meeting and went to sleep.

Bright and early the next morning, I found myself sitting in the waiting area just outside Wyatt’s office, waiting to be ushered in by his secretary. After 15 minutes or so, one of the large, double doors to his office was swung open from the inside. A man that I had never seen around the building walked out of Wyatt’s office. He appeared to be Latino and about 30 years old. He looked to be about 6 ft tall, and had long, black hair down to his neck along with dark brown eyes. He also looked every bit as fit as Wyatt did. He wasn’t exactly in the kind of work attire I had come to know around the building, so I was pretty sure he didn’t work at the company. As the man exited Wyatt’s office, stopped and stared at me for a good 10 seconds or so before continuing on down the hall. My focus was then immediately pulled away from the mystery man walking away.

Secretary: “Mr. Stokes will see you now.”

Wyatt’s secretary motioned for me to enter his office. I got up and calmly walked through the large, intimidating double doors to his office. As I passed through them, I made note of the thickness of the doors. They seemed like they were made specifically to prevent sound from traveling through them. “What’s he doing in here? Discussing nuclear launch codes?” I thought to myself, trying not to break composure as I locked eyes with Wyatt.

Wyatt: “Please take a seat, Carter.” he said as he gestured to the chair in front of his desk.

I sat down across the desk from him patiently awaiting him to initiate the conversation regarding my performance review.

Wyatt: “I hope the sudden change in plans didn’t alarm you too much. I know it’s customary for you to meet with Andrew, but I have taken notice of you over these past few months. I really wanted to meet with you one-on-one. Before we go any further, let me assure you that I did not call you here for anything bad. I just really wanted to discuss a few important things with you directly.”

I felt the tenseness in my shoulders start to release.

Me: “Thank you sir. I appreciate the opportunity to speak with you regarding my performance and would be happy to answer any ques…”

Wyatt held his hand up in a firm yet polite manner to cut me off.

Wyatt: “Your work performance is not in question. There is actually another matter that I would like to discuss with you. It is my understanding that you have been making inquiries with members of management about the potential for raises and promotions. That is to be expected of any high performing employee, but I have also been made aware by your friend Jake that you are actively seeking employment elsewhere.”

I suddenly felt my heart begin to race. I was feeling a great deal of embarrassment, but also a bit of anger too. After all, I did not feel it was any of Wyatt’s business that I was looking into other jobs. If I wanted to leave this company that was my prerogative. I also didn’t appreciate finding out that Jake had spoken with the owner of the company about things it told him in confidence. I could tell that Wyatt must’ve detected my dissatisfaction.

Wyatt: “Please try not to be upset with Jake. He did not intend for me to find out any of this. As you are already aware, Jake’s family has heavy ties to this industry. As such, I have been long acquainted with his parents and his two brothers. I simply overheard Jake discussing your situation with his brothers at a business dinner I attended with his family a couple of weeks back. He didn’t realize I could hear him them discussing your situation. Although, I am glad I heard about. I would hate to lose a special… asset… such as you.”

I wondered why he paused on the word “asset” like that.

Wyatt: “I want to do what I can to retain your services in a way that benefits you. Unfortunately, I do have to take this opportunity to inform you that we will not be able to offer you a promotion at this time. It’s a matter of company policy. You simply haven’t been here long enough, and there is a list of more senior employees that are ahead of you in line to be advanced to higher level positions. They have to be considered. I also feel that I need to be transparent with you regarding your desire for a raise. While, we can offer you a small raise, I do not believe it will be quite enough to meet your particular needs. That is what it really comes down to isn’t it… you needing more money to pay off your debt, rihgt?”

At an instant, all of my hopes and optimism suddenly vanished. I found myself right back in that place of desperation, wondering how much longer I had before my debt put me out on the streets. I was also feeling a little enraged at Wyatt’s line of questioning. It didn’t seem like the sort of thing an employer should be asking an employee. I knew I still needed the job though, so I did my best to maintain a calm demeanor and answered his question.

Me: “Yes, I am in need of more money due to my student loan debt.”

Wyatt: “I understand. I experienced similar struggles at your age. It can be very frightening for your finances to continue dwindling with no clear path forward. Like I said, I do not want to lose you as an asset. I think I may have a creative solution to your problem the can benefit us both.”

My discomfort continued to grow, but I remained open to what Wyatt had to say.

Me: “What do you have in mind, sir?” I asked with bated breath.

Wyatt: “I am offering to pay off your student debt in its entirety in exchange for you offering your services in a new role.”

My excitement returned.

Me: “That’s a very generous offer, sir. Thank you! What is the new role you had in mi…?

Wyatt once again raised his hand to cut me off.

Wyatt: “We will get to that in a minute. First, tell me a little bit about your family.”

I was extremely confused by this turn in the conversation. Why would he care to know about my family life? It didn’t make any sense.

Wyatt: “I understand you don’t have a lot of family. Is that correct?”

Me: “Yes, you are correct, sir.”

Wyatt: “Tell me more about that.”

Me: “Uh… Well sir… My mother is deceased, I am an only child, and I have been estranged from my father ever since I left for college.”

Wyatt: “Any extended family?”

Me: “All of my grandparents are deceased as well, and I do not have any aunts, uncles, or cousins that I am close to.”

I paused for a moment.

Me: “Sir, may I ask why you are interested in knowing about my family?”

Wyatt completely disregarded my question and continued with his line of questioning.

Wyatt: “And you are not local to this city, correct?”

Me: “That is correct.”

Wyatt: “That can be very hard. I imagine that can leave you feeling very alone and disconnected at times.”

Me: “I suppose so, sir… That’s partly why I would also really like to remain with your company. I like all of my coworkers, and Jake is the only close friend I have.”

Wyatt: “That’s excellent! While I realize how hard that must be for you, it is also one of the things that makes you perfect for this new role. Although, it would take you away from Jake and your other coworkers for the time being. But I do feel that this new role could provided you with a sense of consistency and belonging in your life.”

Now I was even more confused. Why did me being lonely make me perfect for the job? That was just a weird thing to say. I also didn’t understand how it would make me feel like I belong if it’s taking me away from the only friend I have. I wondered what this new role was that he kept referring to. I wished he would just stop beating around the bush and make an official offer. I was resolved to just ask him, plainly, what the job actually was.

Me: “Mr. Stokes, what is this new position, exactly.”

Wyatt fell silent and gazed at me for a brief moment as if he was contemplating how to put his words together.

Wyatt: “You would be relocated to my estate home just outside the city and serve directly under me.”

Me: “Serve under you in what way?”

Wyatt: “During your service to me, you would remain at my home, and you would not be permitted to leave the estate grounds at any time or for any reason. The only time you would ever be allowed off the grounds is when I decide to allow it, and you would be heavily supervised. But I wouldn’t worry about it too much. It will not be happening very often. While in my service, you will perform a multitude of task for me, most of which will be of a sexual nature. You will also be subjected to any kind of treatment that I deem fit for you. This may include being locked up or restrained for long periods of time, being beaten/tormented, being humiliated, and being treated as property. In fact, while you are in my service, that is exactly what you will be. You will be my personal property, and you will have no right whatsoever to say no to anything I want to do to you.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. My heart began to race once again, and I felt a bit sick.

Me: “What you are describing sounds like you want me to be some kind of extreme prostitute!” I said with disgust in my voice.”

Wyatt: “Slave.” He said with conviction.

Me: “Wh… What did you say?”

Wyatt: “I said slave. You would not be a personal prostitute. You would be my live-in sex slave.”

I fully lost my composure.

Me: Excuse you?! What kind of delusional bullshit are you going on about?!

Wyatt: “I can see that you are becoming overwhelmed by my offer, but before you storm out of that door, let me be clear about what it is I am offering you.”

I just sat there in silent disbelief as he continued.

Wyatt: “It took you four years to amass your significant student debt, correct?”

Me: “Yes…” I said through gritted teeth.

Wyatt: “A little over $100,000 if I’m not mistaken?”

Me: “That’s right.”

Wyatt: “Well, since it took you four years to get into that much debt, your enslavement to me would last four years. By the end of that four year period, I will have fully paid off your student loans, and you will be completely debt free. Now let’s be honest. Thats a great offer because we both know that, even if you saved every spare penny you made, the earliest you would be able to pay off that debt is ten years from now. And that would be a very difficult ten years for you because your savings will run out long before those ten years are over. You will be facing homelessness. You will have to live out of your car if it doesn’t get repossessed first. You endure hunger. And all of this will, of course, affect your performance at work. We would eventually have to let you go. Then you would just be left with this crushing debt and no way to get rid of it.”

I was utterly speechless. I could tell by the look on his face that Wyatt knew he had me.

Wyatt: “If you agree to be my slave, you will have no living expenses. You will always be housed, fed, and taken care of. You will eat healthy and nutritious meals, and you will be subjected to a forced exercise regimen. I do want to keep you looking good after all. Yes, there is the other side of things to consider as well. Being my slaves means you will be kept in chains and held prisoner at my estate. It means that I will be punishing you, tormenting you, and humiliating you. It also means that I will be fucking you regularly, and you will have zero right or ability to refuse any of this. But at the end of your enslavement four years from now, you will leave my service in the best shape of your life, and you will have now debt. I will also give you a well paying job here in this company or give you a world class recommendation to a job of your choosing. To top it all off, I will also give you $50,000 to get your life started while you readjust to normal society. But do not make this choice lightly. If you do this, you will belong to me in every way. I will be your master.”

As much as I a didn’t want to admit it, that offer was actually beginning to sound good. I couldn’t believe that I was actually considering this.

Me: “What if I decide I don’t want to continue being your slave at some point before the four years is done?”

Wyatt: “Thats a very good question. You may at any point decide to leave my service. If you do, there are two options for how we can handle it.
Option number one is that you reimburse me for the percentage of the four years I have paid for so far that you will not be serving. That means that if I have already paid off 50% of your debt (2 out of 4 years worth of your service), but you have only been my slave for 1.5 years, then you would need to pay me whatever amount of money correlates to 6 months of service. If you do that, you can go free, but then you still have to find a way to pay off the rest of your debt to the loan company.
Option number two for leaving my service early is that if you are unable to pay me for the percentage of the four years that I have paid for so far that you also wish to not serve, then you will be forced to serve out that period of time. This means if I have paid off 50% of your loans (2 out of four years worth of service) and you have only served 1.5 years but you’re unable to pay me for the next 6 months, then you have no choice but to continue being my slave for the remaining six months. After that, you can go free, but, again, you will have to find a way to repay the rest of your loan to the loan company.”

Me: “So I do technically have a way out if I want to?”

Wyatt: “Yes, but the catch is that if you do manage to leave my service prematurely, I will not ever take you back. So if you regain your freedom before your four years of enslavement has been completed and you find that you are still unable to manage your debt, you will not be able to come crawling back to me to save your own ass. Also, I won’t give you the job, employment recommendation, or the $50,000. Those are perks reserved only for if you commit to the full four years of slavery.

I remained speechless, continuing to weigh my options. It felt like I had stayed silent for several minutes when only seconds had passed.

Me: “If I agree to this, how is it all going to go down?”

Wyatt: “I will have my associates come in here to present you with a contract. I will basically state that you are entering employment under me in a new, unspecified role for the four years contingent on my ability to pay off your debt. This will ensure that all parties involved are protected, and it will help you keep an up to date resume while you are my slave. Once you sign the contract, your slavery begins effective immediately. You will be remanded into the custody of my associates, and they will take you back to may home where you will be oriented to your new life and prepared to receive me upon my arrival later on. Once business hours are done for the day, your personal items will be cleared from your desk. We will also pay to end your lease at your apartment, and we will clear all of your belongings from the apartment. All of your personal belongings will be placed in a storage unit for as long as you are in my service and will be returned to you upon regaining your freedom. Jake and the others will be told that you have taken a job opportunity that you could not refuse at another undisclosed branch of the company. Your new life as my personal sex slave will begin.”

I say there knowing what would come out of my mouth next, but still not believing it even as I said it.

Me: “Yes.”

Wyatt called his secretary.

Wyatt: “Please send in my associates.” He said coldly.

Suddenly the double doors swung open. In walked the Latino man that I saw before accompanied by two other men. Wyatt introduced me to the Latino man.

Wyatt: “Carter, this is Eric. He works for me. He will be your handler. That means he will be in charge of your day-to-day schedule as well as keeping you in line when I’m not around the estate. Just so you know, he is ex-military, so I wouldn’t test him. The other two gentlemen are part of the security detail that report to Eric. They will be making sure you wander off at any point during your service to me. Is all of this making sense?”

Me: “Yes.”

Wyatt: “Great! Eric, give him the contract.”

Eric walked over to the desk and place the contract in front of me. I knew that if I gave myself anytime to think about it, I would back out. So I just picked up the pen and signed. The two men accompanying Eric then immediately stood on either side of me, grabbing my arms tightly.

Wyatt: “You are my property now, slave.”

Me: “Yes.”

Wyatt: “Who am I to you? I want to hear you say it.”

Me: “You are my Master.”

Wyatt: “That’s right, slave. Now, Eric and his team are about to take you to your new home, but I still have some things to wrap up here before I can join you. I’m an impatient man, and I don’t want to wait any longer than I already have. So here is your first official order. Get on your knees and suck my cock until I say stop.”

I hesitated, unable to fully cope with the new reality that was rapidly setting in. The two men holding onto me placed their hands on my shoulders and violently forced me to my knees. Eric then slapped me across the face and told me to open my mouth. I complied. Wyatt unzipped his pants and presented his cock. It must’ve been 9 inches at least. I reluctantly wrapped my lips around the head of his penis. Wyatt then grabbed me by my arm and forced me to take his entire cock down me throat. Any resistance was met with a firm slap to the face. After about 20 minutes of choking on Wyatt’s cock, he finally came inside my mouth. He forced my head down on himself even further.

Wyatt: “Swallow it all, slave. Don’t you dare waist one drop of my cum. If you do, Eric will have a severe punishment waiting for you at home. Now swallow!

I was thorough, making sure to polish off every inch of his manhood with my tongue I did not let a single drop of his cum escape my mouth for fear of what would happen to me if I did. The two security guards then pulled me back to my feet.

Wyatt: “Take him to his new home. Make sure he is ready for me when I arrive.”

Eric: “Yes sir.”

The two security guards grab hold of my arms once again, Eric led us out of the building. I saw Jake on our way down the elevator. He was unable to see me though. I wanted to scream out to him to say goodbye, but I knew they would make me pay dearly for that. We exited the elevator on the ground floor and left the building though a back exit. There was a van waiting there. I was forced into the back where I was stripped of all my clothing and placed in chains. My wrists were shackled behind me. My ankles were schackled together. A metal collar was placed around my neck, and all of my metal bindings were secured to various points on the floor, walls, and ceiling of the van. Then Eric placed a muscle on my head that completely immobilized my jaw making it impossible for me to make a sound. The finishing touch was the blindfold so that I would be unable to tell where they were taking me. I was unable to move, speak, or see. I began to think I had made a terrible mistake. I tried to struggle against my chains to no avail. I tried to scream for help, but nothing came out. Eric leaned into me.

Eric: “You’re not going anywhere. Mr. Stokes has already made his first payment on your loans. That makes you an owned slave now, and there’s no going back. Also, I know you swallowed all of his cum like you were asked, but we are still going to beat you when you get home. It’s important that you learn early on to get used to this sort of thing. I really hope getting rid of this debt is worth it to you.”

Eric laughed menacingly and slapped my bare ass so hard I wanted to cry.

Eric: “Let’s get you to your new home, slave.”

The van pulled out of the parking lot with me bound inside, wishing I had chosen differently. I was on my way to my new life weather I wanted it or not.

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