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Nicks first case of his new career


All characters in this story are over the age of 18.

In the town of Anderson, Nevada, it had begun to rain heavily; the weather report reported the possibility of hail in the area, causing many citizens to bring their belongings inside along with their cats and dogs. Many stores had closed as a precaution for the incoming storm. However, many places remained open for workers; one place was the police department. The sergeant had sent an email the previous night stating, “The Anderson police Dept. Is continuing operations as per usual. Rain or shine, show up or turn in your gear. -Captain Grey”.

The clock on the side of a messy bed read 4:59 before switching to 5:00 followed by a screaming alarm. With a slam of .a falling hand, the scream subsided.
Being 6’3 and muscular, standing 6 foot since he was a freshman and a track star, friendfront-rowily encouraged him to join the police force because he was “faster than fast”. During his time in high school, he had time to think of what he wanted to do in life. Then, after he graduated from high school, he decided to do what everyone had been telling him and joined the force. He packed his stuff up and spent a few months at the academy, putting blood, sweat, and tears into his training as well as meeting other officers from different cities. After he graduated from the academy, he went back to Anderson, ready to serve his town and protect his family from the nearby gang.

Nick bought a new 2023 Jeep with his first paycheck and sold his older 2006 Honda Civic to his younger brother Michael for a thousand dollars.
The rain was hitting off o,f his windshield as the rain seemed to increase as he made his way to wor.k going throu,gh st.op lights before he arrived at th,e station. Nick pulled to the gate and punched the code in to enter t,he lot. With a beep. the gate opened and he rolled ,in into the first open parking spo,t he caught sight of since they were redoing their parking lot parking was limited so he was lucky when he grabbed a spot. Once he pulled into the spot Nick turned his car off and grabbed the rest of his uniform that was on the back seat. Nick stepped out and shut the door, forgetting his lunch in the back seat.Nickopened the back door, reached inside, and grabbed his lunch before jogging inside, trying to avoid being soaked before the start of his shift.

As Nick made his way through the sliding glass doors and past the front desk greeting the lady with a smile and wave. He ran downstairs to the locker where he changed into his dark blue uniform and his same-colored hat, fitting snugly on his head. Nick pulled his iPhone out of his right pocket and snapped a selfie that he sent to his mom “First day!!” Nick sent with a smile on his face. “Ay! Mr. Davis, morning brief in the meeting room, get your ass there now,” the officer demanded, walking out of the locker room. “Ok, you got this, you got this,” Nick hyped himself up, kissing his necklace that he had gotten as a gift from his parents.

With his heartbeat increasing, he took a deep breath and made his way up the stairs toward the meeting room front-rowple had already gathered. There were a few stragglers when Nick made his way inside the room; entering, Nick looked around for any empty chairs; however, there were none “fuck me,” he thought to himself, finding a space on the back wall to lean against.
The sergeant entered the packed room with a piece of paper in his hand, apologizing for the delay before making his way to the front of the room where a wooden podium stood. The Captain introduced himself to the new hires as Captain gray but to call him Cap . After he introduced himself he had the new hires introduce themselves before they started the morning meeting

“Now that we have that out of the way we’re going to have a split crew today, for those who are new or just never listen a split crew is where half of our station goes to our neighbor to South Field Village and the others stay here” gray named the officers going to the other town and dismissed them.
He began to read through the papers on the podium with a confused look; Gray leaned over to whisper to another commander, who shrugged their shoulders. Gray cleared his throat before speaking, “I'm going to need Mr. Davis and Mr. Jackson to stay behind.” Nick’s heart dropped; being scared and confused, he watched as Gray gave the other officers their duties for the day, most being traffic watch, doing searches, or staying at the station to do paperwork.

One by one, Nick's fellow officers exited the room, leaving him and Officer Jackson. “What's up, Cap?” Jackson asked, walking up toward the front with his hands on his belt. With a sigh and reading the paper Cap, Gray spoke, “You two got assigned to a special duty; you’ll need to drive to Sea Keep to track down a man that goes by the name of Gerald Fish,” he said, handing the men papers filled with information and photos of the suspect. “He's a short fella around 5’6 with black hair and a stubble beard. Although he is short he has a ton of men. The last known amount was about 40 men just in his main circle. Be careful this man is violent and won't be afraid to spray you.” Gray said in a cautioned tone.

“Why the fuck are we bringing the rook? Shouldn’t you get someone with more experience?” Jackson spoke up to Gray. “First of all, watch who you're speaking to, and second, officers Phillip and Newman are already out of town working with another station. Trust me you weren’t my first choice and not even my second.'' Gray said in a stern tone, “Anyway, you're going to take cruiser bravo, and Stacy will give y'all the card to pay for the gas and the hotel, but we aren’t paying for food. You can fend for yourself. I want an update every other day I don’t care who it's from”

The Cap finished their meeting and dismissed them to pack up for their trip and meet up back at the station in an hour to set out on time.
Nick was happy and worried at the same time with it being his first case in the big leagues. Jackson and Nick walked out of the room together going down the hall toward the garage “You excited?” Nick asked Jackson who side-eyed him and scoffed “You're going to get fucking eaten out there and I'll have a front row seat to it" Nick's smile faded to anger as they continued to walk “You're going to let your partner get eaten in front of you? Who says Gerald doesn’t like a smart ass on like you and fucking kills you?” he said angrily, reaching the stairs to the garage “not if I kill you beforehand,” Jackson said before rushing to his mustang and starting it leaving nick alone to walk to his jeep with a mix of emotions. Nick reached his car and threw his belongings in the back before sliding into the driver's seat and starting his engine.

An hour later the two met back at the station with their suitcases in tow. Nick pulled into the garage since he was going to be gone for however long, parking next to Jackson's Mustang. Nick made his way to the squad cars where Jackson had already been in the driver's seat with the car running “You're late rook” Jackson hated being called rook but it's who was right now. Looking at his watch and looking back up Nick corrected him “I'm 3 minutes early?” he said confused “Have you heard when you're early you're late?” “I-” Nick decided not to respond to how incorrect that was since he was the rook. Jackson pulled out his phone to put the address in where it told the men it was going to be a 2-hour drive “fuck” Nick thought “I didn’t realize it was going to be that far awathis-ughh,on said turnare ing his head toward nick “don't fucking annoy me rook or else” he warned nick while he placed his hand on the shift handle putting the cruiser into reverse and pulled out of the parking lot, making his way down the street and onto the highway heading south toward their assignment.

During the drive, Nick and Jackson kept quiet, Nick glancing towards Jackson's direction now and then, checking if he had looked tired and also checking out the officer's appearance. Jackson wasn’t the tallest but he wasn’t the shortest in the squad, being 5’11 and a semi-ripped body with blackish blonde hair and his threatening hazel eyes. Nick stared out of the window, watching the green trees zip by one by one till there were a bunch all at one. “Are you going to keep fucking staring at the trees, or are you going to tell me where I'm fucking going rook?” Jackson said in an annoyed tone.
‘Rook’ That word was getting on his nerves but he couldn’t say anything, grabbing Jackson's red iPhone 11 and sliding it open to the map popping up “You’re turning right on the next exit and swinging a right at the light after” nick stated pissy as he set the phone in the center console. The rest of the ride went smoothly enough without any fights between Nick and Jackson.

Jackson pulled the cruiser into the parking spot in the back in case their man drove by and saw it. Stepping out, Nick grabbed his suitcase and personal belongings from the trunk as Jackson grabbed a black bag “Rookie mistake, bringing a suitcase, what do you have in there with your baseball cards?” Jackson scoffed as he slammed the driver-side door and then pressed the lock button causing the car to beep. “Why the fuck are you acting like you were his first choice to go on this mission? You fucking heard his words you weren’t even his second pick!” Nick told Jackson as the two walked in the windy breeze. “I think you should watch what comes out of that mouth of yours, Nick, or there's going to be hell, and you won't like it,” Jackson snapped back at Nick.

The officers made it to the front of the hotel where they were greeted by the host. “We have a room for two probably under the name Jackson or '' Jackson stopped and looked behind him at Nick, with a confused look Nick answered, “Uh or nick?” Jackson was taking the station's credit card out of his black leather wallet when the lady spoke up with a confused expression on her face “uh I see a room with a king size bed”. The officers were silent ‘What!’ Nick dreaded sharing a bed, especially with Jackson. Grunting, Jackson just accepted it and grabbed the card, proceeding down the hall and to the right. Nick followed suit with his luggage following behind him, reaching the brown door at the end of the hallway.

With a beep and a green light Jackson headed into the newly cleaned room with 4 folded towels on the bed with a welcome card. With a huff Jackson put his bag on the floor between the bed and the wall, walking to the bathroom. Once Nick walked in he placed his stuff on the opposite side of the bed and plugged his white phone charger in. It was a long day for Nick, seeing that this was his first assignment in the big leagues, and it was with an asshole.
Nick sat down on the bed and began to untie his work boots when Jackson walked back in unbuttoning his dark uniform. “Hey, rook,” Jackson said. “What?” Nick responded, not looking up. “Has anyone taught you how to get out of the rope burn knot?” Nick's eyebrow furred, confused about what Jackson meant. “What the fuck is that?” he asked. “Oh, I can show you! It's the type of rope trick you put on your criminals' ' he said with a weird feeling; being a rookie cop and not knowing better, Nick agreed.

Jackson had Nick take out any loose objects from his pockets and take off his dark uniform, putting it on the side chair. “Ok what first since we have time to kill” Nick said turning towards Jackson “ok I need you to get on your knees and place your arms behind your back” Nick nodded and did as he was told “ok stay right there” Jackson reached into his bag and brought out a big bundle of brown rope. Grabbing an armful, he made his way behind Nick and roughly grabbed Nick's arms as he began to tie them together. “Hey, watch it, don't make it too tight.” Nick winced at the tightness.

After Jackson finished, he grabbed ahold of Nick's legs and wrapped the rope around his thigh, close to Nick's crotch, which caused a stirring down there. “O-ok, I got it- AH,” he reacted to the pull of the rope, making the rope skin tight and causing his muscles to bulge. “I should probably tell you now this isn’t to train you on some bullshit knot for criminals; I'm doing this to fuck with you, to break you,” Jackson starts before squatting down to get level with Nick's face. “You're going to enjoy this, or at the very least, I will” ending with a smile. Nick began to squirm, trying to find any loose knot or something he could get his hands on. Before long, he found a piece of hanging rope. Nick's heart rate increased as his finger pulled on the rope.
“Mmmfuck” Nick groaned, feeling the ropes get tighter, especially around his thigh area. A chuckle came from the bed. “I don't know how you passed the academy with being this stupid” Jackson said, walking in front of the kneeling Nick to inspect his work. “Get me out of this Jackson! Wait till the Cap hears about thi-ughh” his words cut off by the feeling of pressure around a sensitive spot.

Jackson had pressed his foot against Nick's bulging crotch. "You think I care what Cap says?” chuckling “Rookie mistake.”
“Knock off the rook shi-mmmm fuck” Nick tried speaking “Rook. You'll learn not to try to outlast me, or else. "Jackson rubbed the front of his blue jeans with a smirk while eyeing Nick. “N-no you can't,” he said, staring at the big bulge in his partner's jeans. He began to sweat, causing his clothes to stick to his skin, revealing a noticeable pec shape and decent abs. Seeing this made Jackson more horny.

In one swift motion, Jackson unzipped his jeans and pulled them down along with his jock. Nick's mouth opened, and their eyes widened, ‘oh fuck Jackson is packing,’ Nick thought to himself as he stared at Jackson's 9-inch dick that was coming his way. Without warning Jackson grabbed the back of nicks head and forced his face against his hanging balls “Sniff it faggot” Doing as he was told Nick began to sniff, smelling the sweaty aroma from Jackson's package, he wanted to pull away but whenever he tried Jackson would increase his strength “open your mouth whore” Jackson commanded, shoving his cock into nicks warm mouth and ramming it against the back of his throat making nick gurgle and moan tasting Jackson's pre cum.

Nick felt helpless, being tied up, and with no way of calling for help, he accepted his fate and let Jackson use his mouth till he was close. “Mmm fuck ugh” Jackson pushed nicks face down and shot streams down his throat. Gagging, Nick tried his best not to throw up, but he was enjoying this for some reason. His dick was rock hard and leaking in his pants, rubbing against the tightened fabric he wanted to cum to.

Jackson pulled his wet cock out, pulling some saliva out of Nick's mouth causing it to hang off of Nick's lips. Going over to his bag and getting his phone he checked the time and then looked at Nick. It looks like we have time for part two," Jackson said sadistically.
‘Part two?” Nick asked Jackson while Jackson lifted him by the rope, causing his thighs to tighten more. “P-please stop . I-I won't-OW,” Tears filled his eyes. SMACk Jackson landed on Nick's firm ass, with a look at Nick, then back down at his ass. Jackson pulled his jeans down with the ropes still tight. He was able to pull them past Nick's knees. With that Nick was placed on his stomach, his face buried in the pillow.

Nick's face was red with embarrassment getting fucked by a dude should feel dehumanizing but he wanted more he was hungry “O-oh” he could feel Jackson's lubed finger going into his virgin hole “mm you're a tight bitch I see” he said with a smirk, pulling out and pushing 3 fingers in “ugh” he moaned into the white pillow in front of him…

To be continued!! If you have any suggestions or feedback let me know:)

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