Arun and Austin : Part 3
"Uuuugh, yeah Arun. Mmm, fuck me harder!". Arun grabbed Austin's head and shoved it against the counter, pumping in and out of his ass at an incredible speed. Sweat dripped from Arun's brow onto Austin's muscular back as the fucking reached it's quickest pace yet. Arun carried on pumping the beautiful ass, and Austin just kept groaning his appreciation each time Arun touched his pleasure spot. All pain had now gone completely as Arun reamed Austin's juicy ass.
Slowing down slightly, Arun asked,
"How does it feel?".
Austin turned his head and replied,
"Awesome man".
Arun leaned down for a kiss and let Austin's tongue explore his mouth. The familiar feeling of a climax was beginning to spread all over Arun's body as he continued fucking Austin. After a few moments, he yelled frantically,
"I'm cumming!". Instantly, Austin's insides were bathed with cum, and some began to leak outside and drip down as Arun collapsed onto Austin's back after experiencing the most intnse orgasm of his life. The two lovers fought to regain their breaths. Arun removed his dick from Austin's ass with a slight 'plop' noise and watched his dick return to it's flaccid state.
Austin turned and smiled at his best friend, seeing him differently for the first time: he had learned that he had a dual personality of tenderness and, at times, madness. The two were about to lean in for another kiss when a noise stoped them short.
The front door slammed shut.
"Arun! I'm back!", Tara called into the house, looking for her brother.
"Fuuuuuuuuck!", both boys hissed through clenched teeth. Both of them dived for their jeans on the other side of the room and hurriedly pulled them up as the kitchen door opened.
Tara Torrentino entered the room smiling and took in the scene before her. The smile vanished off her face, like the sun diappearing behind a cloud. Her mind spinning as she watched both boys turn crimson, she asked,
", what's going on here?"
Austin grabbed his tee shirt from the floor and tore out of the room, opening the front door and sprinting to his mustang whilst fumbling with the keys. Without so much as a backward glance, he started the ignition and sped out of the driveway, barely waiting for the gates to open and nearly colliding with them.
Arun stared at his sister blankly. There was simply nothing he could say at the moment. Tara watched her brother's eyes turn from light green to dark, then darker, until they were almost a hazel brown colour. Walking mutely out of the room, Arun trudged upstairs and lay face down on his bed, a silent tear running down his flushed cheek.
Austin had arrived at his house and dived straight into the shower. He was so nervous about either Tara or Arun telling everyone what had happened. He did not particularly care for his jock status at school, but it would not do for him to become a social pariah. As he was mulling over thoughtd of Arun, the doorbell rang, sharp and clear.
"Just a sec!", Austin yelled, wrapping a towel around his waist. The doorbell rang again-louder this time. Expecting to come face to face with Arun, Austin opened the door. Instead, Marcus, one of Austin's football friends stood at the door.
"Hey Marcus, whats up?", Austin questioned, feeling awfully self conscious in his skimpy towel.
"Oh nothin much man, I just saw your car drive from Arun's house and wanted to talk, so I came here".
Marcus surveyed Austin through his blue eyes. They took in the beautiful mop of damp hair and the chiseled face, the water running down Austin's carved pecs, and the slight lump in the towel that showed Austin's dick.
Seeing that Marcus was behaving quite oddly, Austin immediately invited him in and poured a drink for him. Going up to Austin's room, they both sat on the bed.
"So...whats up then?". Marcus hesitated before replying.
"Why did you take Arun to the movies, and why was your car parked there overnight? We're a little bit old for sleepovers now are we not?"
Austin felt his throat go dry, and he struggled to reply. Before he could however, Marcus raised a slim finger to Austin's lips and said,
"Sshhhhhh. I already know what you did...and I was just wondering, would you do those things with me?"
Austin checked out Marcus. Sure he was hot, with hazel hair, blue eyes and a toned body with a great ass...but he could not do this when he still had things to clear up with Arun. Austn did not have time to think about this however, as Marcus' lips closed in on his. Austin was frustrated, and very horny after thinking about Arun in the shower. Marcus was just one quick fuck. He was nothing. And no one had to know about it, right? Austin stood up and closed his door behind him before returning back to Marcus and lying over his body.
Arun meanwhile was carefully avoiding his sister. Marcus was not answering his cell phone either. Arun did not know if this was because he was busy or just ignoring it. Sighing deeply, Arun dragged himself off the bed and pulled on a polo shirt. He decided to go and see Austin to tell him that nothing had to change if he wanted it that way, but at the same time he would tell Austin his true feelings for him. Arun had never felt this way about a person before. They had been apart barely an hour and Arun already missed him.
Arun walked past his siter's room to find her sitting on the bed, ddep in thought. Arun caught Tara's eye and looked at her...really looked at her hard. Tara returned the stare. The silence was deafening. Tara finally broke the silence,
"When you're ready to talk, come talk. OK?"
Arun nodded blankly before setting out of the house with his car keys. Arun had inherited his father's cars, and he picked the black beemer to go to Austin's house in. Arun's thoughts were a jumbled mess when he reached Austin's front door. Knocking on it, he found it opened to the touch. 'Thats odd', he frowned.
Walking up the stairs, he thought he could hear a soft moan, but dismissed it as his imagination. Arun walked up to Austin's door and opned it.
Marcus was bouncing on Austin's cock while Austin held him by the hips, meeting him thrust for thrust. Both were too lost in pleasure to notice another presence in the room. Austin realised first, and glanced at the figure in the doorway. Gasping, he shoved Marcus off his dick and snatched for the bedsheets.
"Arun..I...It's not what you think- I can explain". Upon hearing these words, Arun's shock turned into a deep anger. Hatred rose up inside of him like a rearing snake. Austin felt awash with guilt. He studied Arun's eyes which had turned from green, to hazel, to dark brown. Marcus had quickly fled the scene, not wanting to get caught in the crossfire. Arun watched his retreating back, then turned to Austin.
"It took you one hour", Arun said quietly, his voice full of a silent menace that Austin didn't pick up on. Arun continued,
"You said you loved me last night. And I came here to tell you that the feeling was mutual, but instead I find this".
"It's just something that people say when they're having sex, Arun". The words were out before Austin could stop them, and he held his breath waiting for Arun's response. The words seemed to physically cause pain to Arun. He no longer felt anger, just a crushing feeling of betrayal and hurt.
"It's NOT just something you say when you fuck someone. I trusted you Austin. How fucking could you. How could you". Arun waited for a response, and when none came, his anger returned with full force. Grabbing Austin around the throat, Arun pinned him against the wall, his anger crushing the breath and life out of Austin. Austin was making no attempt to escape, and it was this that softened Arun's resolve.
Walking backwards towards the door, Arun said in a quiet but carrying voice,
"Don't ever call me again. Don't touch me. Dont't talk to me at school. Don't come knocking on my door. Don't look at me...don't even think about me".
"Arun...please! I'm Sorry". Austin winced at the words, and for the second time that day, wished he could take them back.
"Oh. You're sorry are you!" Arun said in a sing song voice with a big smile. Arun let out a laugh. The fake smile gone, Arun whispered very softly,
"I hate you so much", Before walking out of the door. Austin collapsed against the wall, his hands cradling his head between his knees as he began to cry gently. Arun drove home, and didnt bother locking the car- just left the keys in the seat and opened the front door. He went into his sister's room, tears running freely down his face and off his chin to the floor.
Tara sat up, and asked no questions. Just cradled her brother's head in her lap as his heartbroken sobs grew in volume.
In a world where bisexuality is the not only accepted but is the norm, this is the story about a young man who falls in love with his best friend. But the relationship seems like a one-way street...
- Cock
- Men
- Sex
- Kiss
- Love
- Friend
- Boy
- Bar
- Emo
- Couple
- Muscle
- Feet
- Sexy
- Bathroom
- Underwear
- Teen
- Piss
- Older
- Massage
- Party
- Relationship
- Gym
- Porn
- Bear
- Funny
- Football
- Teacher
- Cop
- Jock
- Camp
- Anal
- Latin
- Foreskin
- Encounter
- Club
- Locker Room
- Swimming
- Oral
- Lovers
- Brothers
- Doctor
- Straight
- Jack Off
- Slave
- Celeb
- Roommate
- Dorm
- Mature
- Virgin
- Uncle
- Twink
- Spanking
- Daddy
- Tickling
- Soldier
- Threesome
- Speedo
- Kinky
- Cruise
- Sleepover
- Exotic
- Gloryhole
- Cousins
- Vampire
- Frat
- Biker
- Thug
- Domination
- Taboo
- Bondage
- Enema
- Hazing
- Novels