High School Heartache Part 2
Joi had a talent for being quite random and absolutely hilarious. Most people viewed her as insane; Ethan viewed her as his little sister.
“Honestly? It’s because you do the same to me! Every time I wind up in a bind you joke with me on it, and if you can’t take it don’t dish it. Anyways, I have to get to class I will see you at lunch!”
Ethan filled his spare with talking to his teachers, finding out what he had missed the day before. He had only missed two assignments and a few notes, not too bad. When the bell rang he began his usual routine to his classes, wondering what would come next.
All day he heard was snickers, but he tried to keep his head high through it all, if only to spite them. When he arrived home he slammed his bedroom door and cried for what felt like hours. He hated that everyone knew, hated it! People aren’t overly accepting of gays, and he wasn’t going to be an exception. They’d accuse him of choosing to be the way he is. Yes, that’s it, he CHOSE to be part of one of the most socially hated religiously despised groups, yep, that has got to be it! He kept thinking why. It was the only question that made sense to him anymore. WHY?!
His mother was out of town for the night and he had the house to himself, but something didn’t seem right. There was a weird sense in the air, like he wasn’t alone in his home. When he looked up he saw Tyler.
“How did you get in here?”
“The door dumbass, you forgot to lock it!”
“Get out, I don’t want you here!”
“I’ll leave, but I want to tell you one thing before I go!”
“Oh, and what would that be?”
“You’re a fucking fag that nobody likes, and that’s how you’ll always be!”
The moment those words escaped Ethan’s mouth, he lunged at Tyler. He didn’t care about the pain; in fact the pain drove him even harder. It made what he was about to do mean even more to him. He threw himself at Tyler and knocked him down. He punched him and punched him and every time he threw his fist at him, he thought “this is for me, this is for me, this is payback bitch”. Before he knew it he had blood on his hands. He’d broken Tyler’s nose, but failed to knock him unconscious. It’s amazing how a man about twice Ethan’s size couldn’t get Ethan off of him. This just went to show that Tyler was both emotionally and physically weak.
Ethan kept punching until Tyler was out cold. He had to before he called the cops, or Tyler would be on him too fast for him to do anything. The beating he got the other day was preventing him from ending it fast, but the pain fueled him. But, now that he had started it, he had to finish the job. When Tyler finally passed out, Ethan reached for his cordless phone and dialed 9-1-1.
When the police arrived Ethan told them the whole story, and the paramedics took Tyler out of the house. No charges were laid, it was all deemed to be self defense. Ethan, feeling very weak from his expenditure of energy lied down on his bed and immediately fell asleep. He didn’t dream during this sleep though, he couldn’t. His mind had been shaken by the events that had transpired earlier. His heart ached though, and he couldn’t help it. The heart is a fickle thing; it can do many things for a person, both positive and negative. If anything were to happen, it would be that his heart would be locked up inside forever!
Several months passed by, it was now Christmas time. He had a huge amount of stress on his plate; he had only $100 to buy Christmas presents with, so Wal-Mart was his next stop. Tyler had been arrested and charged and was now serving three years, though Ethan wished it was more. But, by the time that was complete Ethan hoped to be long gone. His family had always had a tradition of going to their Grandparents’ house for Christmas, and so when Ethan got out of school, him and his mom loaded up the car and left for Valleyview. It was a long four hour drive, and the roads were pretty bad so the ride was silent. About two hours down the road they stopped off at Whitecourt to get some food.
“You can’t tell your grandparents!” Ethan’s mom started
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that you cannot tell them that you’re gay.”
“Why not?”
“Because you know as well as I that your Grandpa will not tolerate having a homosexual Grandson. He won’t! Plain and simple!”
“Fine, I won’t say anything! Are we done, I want to get this drive over with!”
Ethan and his mom left the restaurant to return to the stormy winter roads. The trip remained silent and tense. Ethan fell in and out of sleep while his mom drove down the high-way. Ethan awoke just as the car pulled into his grandparent’s drive way. They unloaded everything and took it up to their rooms. It was around 9pm and Ethan was exhausted so he immediately climbed into bed.
The next morning he awoke to the smell of cookies in the oven. Grandma had started her Christmas baking, so Ethan went to help. They made shortbread, gingerbread, butter tarts, mincemeat tarts, anything and everything under the sun. The mouth watering treats coming out of the oven were extremely tempting, but Ethan had to resist. But, if he had it his way there wouldn’t be any left for anyone else. The house smelled wonderful and stayed warm with love all day.
Later on, Ethan had time to go and check his e-mail. He wrote to all his friends and wished them a Merry Christmas and logged off. When he got back upstairs his Grandpa had built a huge fire in the fireplace and everyone was sitting around talking. There was always something magical about Christmas and Grandma & Grandpa’s.
Christmas came, happened, left, and Ethan stayed at his Grandparents’ house. His mom left early because she had to work, but Ethan stayed until a few days before New Years. On the 27th Ethan boarded the Grey Hound back to Edmonton. When he got on the bus he sat right next to this really hot guy whom he immediately started talking to. He learned that his name was Shawn and that he was gay. This led to some questions, flirting, and when they got off the bus at Whitecourt for a rest stop Shawn bought Ethan lunch. They struck it off immediately and continued the conversation they were having on the bus about favorite movie stars.
“I think that Brad Pitt is the hottest” Shawn boasted.
“Nah, Chris Evans is WAY better!”
“Pfft. Yea, okay…hahaha”
They both burst out laughing because the people next to them were staring at them with rather curious expressions.
They climbed back on the bus and started back to Edmonton when Ethan let all his inhibitions go and dropped a note in Shawn’s lap.
I’m going to the bathroom, and I would love if you would join me! HINT HINT…did I tell you that I give excellent blow jobs?
Ethan walked back to the bathroom and on an almost deserted bus and left the door unlocked. Not overly surprisingly, Shawn followed him. It was a miracle they could both fit in such a small space, but Shawn propped himself up on the sink and Ethan immediately grabbed at his pants and pulled out his massive cock. Ethan started to kiss and lick Shawn all over his face as he pulled off his shirt. With Shawn’s shirt out of the way, Ethan moved down his body and started chewing on his nipples. Shawn moaned with pleasure as Ethan continued licking down his six pack to his package. He started licking at Shawn’s dick until it was completely hard, and almost 11” long and the width of a beer bottle. Ethan started to slowly take Shawn in and then when Shawn seemed like he had what he expected, Ethan deep throated him, immediately sending him over the edge. Shawn pumped gallons of cum down Ethan’s throat and moaned so loudly that the bus driver pulled over.
“Is there something wrong in there?”
“Nope, everything is fine!” Shawn replied
The bus started again and Ethan and Shawn composed themselves and left the bathroom about two minutes apart.
When the bus arrived in Edmonton, Ethan and Shawn went on their separate ways. Ethan never expected to hear from Shawn, and wouldn’t be surprised if he didn't.
A week went by and Ethan returned to school, and his job at Arby’s. He hated his boss with a passion, but it provided him with a pay check and that’s all that mattered. Some money to buy stuff he wanted and needed. Everything had returned to normal, but Ethan had an ache in his heart and he couldn’t figure out what it was. He wasn’t interested in guys and he had a sense of longing, a sense of yearning for something he didn’t have, but he couldn’t figure it out. Several more weeks went by, and Ethan’s marks fell because he couldn’t concentrate. He needed to figure out what was bothering him, and fast!
Ethan went to see a counselor to try and talk through it. The counselor couldn’t help him figure it out, she sited some possibilities but every one of them turned out a no.
The next day Ethan went to school and again, he couldn’t concentrate. At lunch time he sat with Joi and they talked, like friends always do.
“What’s wrong with me Joi?”
“Lots is wrong with you! You have me as a friend, remember?”
They both burst out laughing at that remark. Every lunch time it was like they got high off each other. They were hyper, insane, and generally disturbed people.
“Hey, look it’s the duck” Ethan said to Joi.
“QUACK QUACK!” Joi said
The Duck was a weird kid that looked like a duck. He was really ugly, and even ruder than he was ugly, so, like they say, pay back is a bitch.
At the end of lunch, they parted ways and went to class. When school was over, Ethan headed to work, hoping that this emptiness in his heart would go away. The night was slow, and he was the only one there after 8pm. He sent the only cook home; there wasn’t a point in having two people working when there was nobody in the mall. Ethan took a few orders and went back to make them. When he returned up front there was a small line-up. He muttered SHIT under his breath, helped them all, printed off their receipts and ran to the back to make their food. His service times were crap, but he finally had all the food needed out to the customers. He had decided to stay open for only another half an hour and proceeded to clean the counter and kitchen. He came up front, not paying attention to anything around him and proceeded to clean the coffee pot and juice machine. He had just started to clean the pop fountains when he heard a voice that made his heart stop and his blood freeze in his veins. A voice that scared him yet excited him at the same time, a voice that would change his life forever. To Be Continued...
Part two was a little different; I’m kind of new to this whole writing idea and tried a few different techniques. Tell me if you liked it, I know it moved fast and skipped mass quantities of time, but nothing significant happened then and I didn’t want to bore you with it. Anyways, as always, review and let me know what you think!
I was on my way home when he stopped beside me and gave me a chance to have a good night sucking his cock...
- Cock
- Men
- Sex
- Kiss
- Love
- Friend
- Boy
- Bar
- Emo
- Couple
- Muscle
- Feet
- Sexy
- Bathroom
- Underwear
- Teen
- Piss
- Older
- Massage
- Party
- Relationship
- Gym
- Porn
- Bear
- Funny
- Football
- Teacher
- Cop
- Jock
- Camp
- Anal
- Latin
- Foreskin
- Encounter
- Club
- Locker Room
- Swimming
- Oral
- Lovers
- Brothers
- Doctor
- Straight
- Jack Off
- Slave
- Celeb
- Roommate
- Dorm
- Mature
- Virgin
- Uncle
- Twink
- Spanking
- Daddy
- Tickling
- Soldier
- Threesome
- Speedo
- Kinky
- Cruise
- Sleepover
- Exotic
- Gloryhole
- Cousins
- Vampire
- Frat
- Biker
- Thug
- Domination
- Taboo
- Bondage
- Enema
- Hazing
- Novels