Hunting Trip Gone Awry
Jim slowly walked around the dirty cylinder shaped room thinking of what to do next. He has been trapped is this god forsaken death hole for the past three days. He looked around trying to find some way out, but there were no vines growing along the sides, or anything else for that matter. The hunting trip had gone unmistakably wrong, and he knew it would too. His wife had been nagging at him not to go, but with his stupidity how could he resist. Work was going great, and his boss told him he could take a couple days off to relax and rest, but expected him back as soon as his days were done.
Jim talked to his wife about a hunting trip, but of course she wasn’t interested, why would she be? She was never the type to get herself dirty. So here he is today, in a darkened hole screaming for a rescuer till his vocals give up.
As he finally gave up, he heard something at the brim of the hole, something like the dragging of feet.
“Are you ok down there?” A man about his size walked into view. His black hair gleamed in the sunlight, and his face was illuminated by a soft orange glow. It was now noticeable that the sun was going down.
“Not really, I’ve been trapped in this hole for almost two days. I haven’t had anything to eat or drink, and I lost my medical pack before I fell in here,” Jim said. “There are no broken body parts or anything like that, though.”
“Well then it seems like you’ve lucked out more than most. Usually with a fall like that you would be in pain right now.” The man was now wearing a smile on his face, and his eyes reacted just the same. It even seemed as though there was a sparkle in them. “Let me throw down some rope and help you get out!”
“Great, I’ll be waiting right here,” Jim said a little sarcastically. He waited a few minutes and then he saw something dropping from the top of the hole. It was the rope!
“Grab onto it, and hold on tight. I am going to pull you up because I suspect you’re too weak to do it yourself right now.” Jim did as he was told, and soon after he was being tugged up and out of the damn pit.
“Thanks, I don’t know how to repay you. I thought I was going to die down there,” Jim said. He was now able to finally get a full good look at his rescuer. He was about six feet tall with black hair and blue eyes. His face had a ruggedly handsome look to it, and his body seemed as though it was sculpted right out of the Renaissance. A slight flicker in Jim’s eyes was noticeable as he got to the bulge in his rescuers groin area.
“Oh, I am sure you’ll find someway.” Jim was sure the man winked at him as he said this. “Follow me; my home isn’t too far from here. And on the way, you can tell me how the hell you fell in that hole.”
So they walked for a little ways while Jim told his captivating story of his dreadful fall into the hole. It turns out that he was on the hunt for a deer, and he was very close. He lost his pack as he was running for it, and then, without noticing, he tripped and fell straight into that hole.
“Well that seems like quite the adventure. When we get home, I’ll make you some coffee and then you can sit by the fire.” It just occurred to Jim that he never asked what the man’s name was. How very stupid of him; here this man is saving him, and he never thought once to ask his name.
“Excuse me. I’m sorry, but I never caught your name,” Jim said feebly.
“That’s because you never asked. The name’s Gary, and you’ve never told me your name either, Mister,” Gary said with a half smile, the one that always made Jim go hard in the pants.
“Well, my name is Jim, and I am very glad I’ve met you, or it’s the other way around.” Jim couldn’t help but laugh at his own mix up. It seemed to please Gary, he started laughing too.
“Yeah, I guess it is; I guess it is. Well, here we are, home sweet home.” Jim looked up and saw one of the most fantastic houses he’s ever seen. It had the whole cabin look to it, and trees surrounded it, too. The windows were gigantic, and the house had to be at least two stories. “Come inside, the views a lot better in there.” Reluctantly Jim followed. He didn’t know if he should be entering a man’s house he just met, but, on the other hand, Gary just saved his life.
“Wow! It’s amazing.” Jim couldn’t help but let his mouth drop open, the inside was marvelous. The furniture was all wood, except for the cushions of course. Photos lined the walls, professional photos. And sure enough, it was two stories.
“Well, just make yourself at home, and I will go prepare the coffee.”
“Thanks,” Jim responded happily. He looked around a bit more, and then walked over to the couch and sat down. It felt so good to be able to sit on something cushioned and not hard and dirty like the grown he slept on for two nights. Gary returned with a warm smile, and Jim had to ask something. “Hey, can I take a shower? I’ve been trapped in that hole way too long and I feel really dirty.”
“Sure, it’s down the hall and it’s the first door on the left. Leave the door unlocked, I’ll wash your clothes while you’re in the shower,” Gary said as though it were routine.
“Ok, thanks.” Jim took off down the hall and followed Gary’s orders. He stepped into the bathroom and closed the door. Slowly he took off his close. First his shirt, revealing his sexy toned abs, then his shoes and socks. Next led to his pants, he felt a little uncomfortable because he didn’t know the man very well, but what the hell. He let the button loose at the top, and slowly unzipped his pants and pulled them off. His dick was about 5” limp, and his underwear stuck to it like a baby to its mother’s nipple at feeding time. He got all his clothes off and stepped into the shower. He turned it on, and was instantly doused in a warm soothing beat of water. Slowly the door opened, and Gary stepped in. Instantly he picked up the clothes and walked back out, closing the door as he left. Jim had been thinking about Gary, was it just him or did he seem a little gay? Jim knew that he, himself, was bisexual, but he had never done anything with guys.
It didn’t take too long to finish the shower, Jim didn’t want to be rude or anything. As he stepped out, it just hit him, he doesn’t have any clothes to wear. He quickly dried off, and wrapped a towel around his waist, but his happy trail, the hair from his navel to his pubic area, was still showing.
“I didn’t have anything else to wear, I hope this doesn’t freak you out or anything,” Jim said.
“Oh, no. On the contrary, it sort of excites me.” Gary stood up, and it was obvious that he was excited. The bulge in his pants grew larger, and it was apparent that he was at least 8” by now. “I have figured out a way you can pay me back, Jim. And it’s not with money.”
“Oh, really. I think I know what you mean,” Jim said smiling. Slowly Gary walked over to him, and pulled on the towel. It gave away easily, almost like it was expecting to be taken off so soon. So there Jim stood in his birthday suit waiting for his orders. But those orders never came. Without the slightest sign of muttering a word, Gary grabbed Jim’s dick and started to pull at it. It hardened instantly and came to full size. It was now about 7” long, and the veins were pulsating with every stroke from Gary’s hand. Gary dropped to his knees and pulled Jim closer to his mouth. He let just the head enter, and slowly he flicked his tongue around the pee slit tasting the precum as it oozed out.
By this time, Jim wanted Gary to suck his cock with everything inside him. He wanted it so bad that he put his hand on the back of Gary’s head and pushed on it. It instantly slid inside, and the next thing he knew, Gary was moving his head back and forth with a rhythmic motion. The pleasure was like ecstasy, making Jim buck wildly in motion with Gary’s movements. It wasn’t long before Jim felt like he was going to cum, he had to let Gary know, he didn’t want it to end so soon.
“You need to stop, I’m going to cum. I want more though, I don’t want to cum yet,” He screamed. It seemed like Gary had the same plan because as Jim said he was going to cum, he let the dick flop out of his mouth and slap him in the face.
“Oh my god you taste so good, I want to fuck you right now.”
“Not yet, I haven’t started with you,” Jim said exotically. He pulled Gary up by his armpits, and unbuttoned his shirt. He got onto the ground and unzipped his pants, revealing a large cut 9” cock. “There’s no way I can take all that into my mouth.”
“Oh, just try, you’ll be surprised at what you can do.” With a little hope, Jim wrapped his hand around the thick juicy meat, and noticed his hand didn’t fit all the way around. boy was this going to be hard. He gave it a few quick jerks and slowly guided it to his mouth. The cock felt so warm in his mouth, and he couldn’t believe how he liked the manly taste. Gary tried to go in farther, but Jim gagged. It was just too big.
“You need to relax. Your throat will open up and willingly suck my cock,” he said. So Jim tried again. With all his heart, he relaxed, and this time it was a success. Gary’s dick went all the way down, and it wasn’t long before Jim found himself at the base of the cock with his face in the pubes. Gary let out a soft moan making Jim want to give him more pleasure. Jim slid his head back and then forward again, slamming the giant cock back into his throat. He was starting to get the hang of it, and soon he was going faster and faster. The balls were just hanging there, those beautiful balls that were the size of walnut shells. They just had to be touched, and touching them is just what Jim did. He reached up and cupped them into his hand. They almost didn’t fit. But soon, he was squeezing and groping. Noticing swelling in the balls, Jim slowed down.
“Thank you, it’s apparent you know when to stop. God, that was a good suck. I’ll have to tell my friends about you, they might want a piece. But we’re not through yet. It’s time to go to the bedroom.” Jim got up and followed Gary to his room. “Now I want you to lie on the bed while I get some lubricant, trust me, you don’t want to miss this.” Jim new what he was in for, and he wanted it, oh God how he wanted it. He started to stroke his cock, fist slowly, but then faster. It felt so good, he didn’t want to stop, but he felt like he was going to cum, so he thought it was better if he did.
Gary returned holding a tube of lubricant in hand. “Now lie on your stomach, and then we’ll get started.” Jim did as he was told, and he soon felt Gary get on the bed. He looked back and noticed Gary took all his close off, and he was hot, very hot. He had a six pack and hairless, except for his pubic area. Gary tugged at Jim’s thighs signaling him to back up onto his knees so that Jim sat in a doggy style position. Jim felt something probing around his ass, at first he thought it was a finger, but when something wet slipped inside and flicked itself around, he knew it was something else. Gary was rimming him, and it sent chills up to his dick making it jerk wildly. Slight moaning was coming from bother of them. It felt so good, Jim didn’t know what to do. And then the inevitable happened. Gary removed his mouth, and brought back the lube. He poured and ample amount on his hand and applied it to Jim’s ass, then he popped a finger inside.
“Oh my god, if a finger hurts this bad, I don’t want that dick.” It felt like somebody stuck a needle into his ass.
“Don’t worry, pain will be replaced by pleasure. Just give it time.” Gary’s reassuring voice relaxed him just a bit. Then just as he relaxed, another finger was stuck into his ass, opening him up even more. Gary was right, the pain was quickly withdrawing and pleasure was starting. Now it was time, Gary pulled out his fingers, licked them, and then applied some lube to his dick and more on Jim’s ass. He stuck the head of his cock at the tip of Jim’s rosebud. Jim readied himself for the entrance. Gary pushed and slowly his head went inside. Excruciating pain was sent throughout Jim’s entire body. He didn’t know how much more he could take without fainting, and he begun to whimper. It seemed as though Gary didn’t notice because he only pushed more in. This time Jim couldn’t help but scream.
“Shh, trust me, it will get better. I’m almost all the way in.” Jim felt his ass being tickled by Gary’s pubes.
“Wow that’s all inside me?”
“Yes it is, and now comes more pleasure than you would ever get from a pussy.” Gary began to push back and forth, pushing Jim away and back at the same time. He didn’t let the head of his dick slip out, though. He didn’t want to reinsert. Jim, loosened up a bit, and soon Gary’s prediction was right, he couldn’t believe how much pleasure he was getting from this. He let out a loud moan and a couple “Yeses!” The feeling was like electricity fueling his body for more and more. He wanted everything, he wanted the dick back in his mouth, and he still wanted Gary to slam his big dick inside his ass. Jim couldn’t help but reach down to his cock and start stroking. He was out of his mind to do something like this, but he couldn’t stop himself. Surrendering himself to this hunk was one of the best decisions he made in his entire life. It was incredible, the sound Gary’s dick made as it slid in and out of Jim’s ass was like the sound of sloshing water, and Jim paced himself with the stroke of his hand maneuvering back and forth with every stroke.
“I am so close to cumming, it’s not funny!” Jim looked back and saw the Gary’s face had changed. It look more like it had a point to fuck his ass, to continue pounding his hard meat inside Jim. Jim could tell Gary was having fun, and feeling good at the same time.
“I know, Gary. So am I,” was all that Jim could say. It seemed as though the breath in his lungs wasn’t there.
“Do you want me to pull out?”
“No, I want you to cum in me. I want to feel your cock fucking my asshole and shooting its load at the same time,” Jim said.
“I’m cumming!!!!” With a few last thrusts, Gary let out a deep grunt resonating from his chest and flowing out of his mouth. His cock gave a few jerks and then Jim could full his ass being filled with cum, it seemed as though it wasn’t stopping. Soon Gary’s cum was leaking out of his ass and slipping onto the bed. When Gary pulled out, Jim felt empty, like his cock should still be there. Gary quickly flipped over Jim, and started sucking his cock. It didn’t take long for Jim to cum. Gary swallowed some of it, but he also saved the rest. Then after Jim finished cumming and moaning, Gary got some of his own cum and put it into his mouth mixing the two together. He moved up Jim’s body and kissed him while swapping the mixed cum into Jim’s mouth. It tasted so good Jim thought. Both cums twisted into a sweet and salty fusion. He couldn’t help but swallow it all.
“God that was fucking good, I can’t believe how awesome it feels to be with a man,” Jim said.
“I told you it would be good.”
“We’re going to have to do this again, maybe I’ll come back, or maybe you can come to my house.”
“I thought you had a wife?” A look of question aroused itself onto Gary’s face.
“She goes away on business trips from time to time; it’s an excellent opportunity for you to come over.” Jim flashed a big smile lighting Gary’s eyes.
“I just might have to do that,” Gary said smiling. His eyes grew softer and he bent down to kiss Jim. The taste of cum still resided in Jim’s mouth, but it seemed like it acted as though it were fuel fueling the fire. They both sat there in the nude heavily making out, slipping tongues inside each other’s mouths. After, they quickly dosed off while Jim rested on Gary’s chest.
I knew then it was real love. At that moment, at the very breaths we took, I would love him forever...
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