My German Lover, Part 27, chapter 4
“So, do you have plans for today?”, Mike asked, with a nice smile on his face…
Since Mike had the day off, I wanted to spend the day with him. That’s all I wanted: Be with him. If I had plans? Shit! If I could have my way, I would jump on him and rape him right then and there. Of course I wasn’t going to tell him that… but that’s exactly what I had in mind! Instead of showing him how horny I was, I answered:
“…Well, it’s such a beautiful day today, we could spend the day at the beach. And you: You have something in mind?”
Mike turned across to look at me and with his beautiful smile he answered:
« Sort of. You know where the « Grande Anse des Salines » beach is located, don’t you? »
« Yeah, sure… », I answered… « It’s the most beautiful beach in Martinique… Not too far from here… »
« Right. Well… not too far from that beach, there are many other smaller beaches you know… and most of them are very secluded… and from time to time, I go to one of them, to sunbathe in the nude… »
I looked at Mike and said:
« Ohhhh… a small secluded beach huh? To sunbathe in the nude huh? So that’s why you’re tanned all over your body? », I answered, grinning… «I love your idea of going there. But of course, if I go there with you I shall keep my long, baggy trunks on all the time to preserve my virtue and my chastity…”», I answered, laughing…
« But of course. I hope you didn’t think I had something else in mind…», Mike answered, laughing his heart out… « But if I show you my secluded beach, you won’t tell anyone huh? The location of that place must remain a secret between you and me. I’ve never told anyone before about that beach…»
« …Never brought anyone else there before me? », I asked…
« No… That place is a secret… I’ve never told anyone before, and I’ve never brought anyone there before you… », Mike answered, looking at me straight in the eyes…
« … I’d love to go there with you. Sure! (…) On our way there, we could stop by a store at Sainte-Anne to buy something to eat later, and from there we could drive to your secret beach. What do you think? »
« Good idea! », Mike answered, grinning…
So we went to Sainte-Anne and bought sandwiches and things like that. Then, we went back to the car and Mike explained to me how to find his secluded beach…
As I was driving, Mike said:
« … You know Jack… I’ve never told anyone at Club Med that I’m gay… They all think I’m as straight as an arrow and up until now I’ve never said or done anything that could lead them to believe otherwise… It’s just that up until yesterday, I had no reason to tell them, But now things are different… and as I said to you last night, I’m serious about you : I really think I’m falling in love with you. Maybe I will tell my friends at the Club…»
« Look Mike… it’s up to you. But I sure don’t want you to get into troubles at the Club because of me… Ohhhhh no! I don’t care about my reputation… but I do care about yours. And I know how some people can be hypocrites. They say nice things to you when you’re there… but once you’re gone, they say all kings of nasty things about you and make fun of you behind your back. Sometimes people want us to believe they are broadminded but the truth is, they are not. They start rumors… the kind that don’t blow over in a day or two. And I worry for you about that. How do you think your roommate André would react if he knew you are gay huh? I wouldn’t be surprised to see him ask to be transferred to another hut! I don’t know Mike. We never know how people will react. Some of the guys at the Club could stop appreciating you for what you really are, and start talking about you as the “gay guy” and nothing else. It hurts me, thinking such a thing could happen. I’m not saying we have to live in the closet but at the same time I don’t think we need to broadcast the news. To me, my sexual orientation is a private matter and I don’t feel I need to explain myself to anyone about that. I guess what I’m trying to say is that you should make sure you can really trust those to whom you want to tell… Don’t do anything hastily…»
Mike looked at me and with his beautiful smile, he answered :
« …Okay. I promise. But that shows you how much I’m serious about you, if I’m ready to tell everyone I know that I’m in love with you… »
« Yeah! You make me feel so good Mike. So good! I think I’ve never been happier in my life. And it’s all because of you Mike. You remember what I told you last night… that I never thought I could fall in love again? That was true until yesterday. And until yesterday I certainly never thought I could fall in love with someone at first sight! Well, I just did! I don’t know how that happened, but it did! I’m still shocked! », I answered, turning across to look at Mike…
“I never believed in love at first sight either… but now I do!”, Mike answered, giving me that lovely smile.
“…Um… May I ask you something Mike?”
“Sure. What?”
“Have you ever been with a girl… or a guy before?”
“I’ve never been with a girl! But yes… back in France, I’ve been with a guy for a while. I was in love with him and I thought he was in love with me too. At least he said he was. But after a few months going out with him, I found out all he wanted from me was sex and had never been in love with me. I discovered he was cheating on me and it hurt so much when I discovered that. I broke up, and went to see the doctor to make sure he had not pass something on to me, you know… I guess I was lucky he had not. And when I applied to get a job at Club Med, I went through all the medical exams and again, the doctor confirmed to me I was clean. Thank God! (…) And since I broke up with that guy, I’ve never been with another guy…We could say that after that, I became a bit distrustful…”
“…I’m sorry to hear about that Mike… But you have no reason to distrust me. It hurt so much, going through what I’ve been through because of Richard, I would never hurt someone like that, and certainly not you…”
Mike turned across to look at me and with a nice smile he said:
“I know Jack. Like I said last night… I can feel that you are a sincere guy. And deep down, I know I can trust you.”
I nodded, giving him a nice smile. I kept driving for a while, then Mike said:
« …Here… turn to your right… Yes… Now slow down and follow that trail you see over there…(…) Okay, you see that palm tree over there? Park the car there… Fine. », he told me…
We got out of the car, took our backpacks and our lunch…
« …Follow me… », Mike said, as we were about to leave the trail…
I followed him for about ten minutes through the heavy plant and tree growth. The place was indeed very secluded and I got convinced we would never get disturbed there…
As we broke out of the tall plants onto the beach, I gasped.
« Shit! This place is awesome… », I exclaimed… « How the hell did you find it! »
« I’ve done a lot of exploring since I’m at the Club… and I don’t think anyone has been here in a long time… Look at that beach: it’s totally clean. And I’ve never seen any foot prints in the sand… »
I looked at the beautiful, small and secluded beach right in front of us… with its fine, white sand… shallow, warm, turquoise water; a row of coconut trees bending toward the Sea… A dream come true! The kind of beach you see on postcards… Too beautiful to be true!
« Pinch me Mike… I must be dreaming… », I said laughing…
« …Yeah… I know… It’s too beautiful, huh? »
« It’s even more beautiful since you’re here with me…»
« Yeah… just the two of us… », Mike answered turning to me, taking me into his arms, pressing my body against his, looking at me in the eyes…
I though I would die of bliss…
« You are so special Jack… » Mike softly said, grabbing my head and thrusting his tongue in my mouth.
We kissed deeply and for the longest moment we held each other kissing, hands exploring each other through our clothes… My hands roamed his back down to his perfectly round ass. He did the same, slowly caressing my body…
I was so hard… and I could feel he was as hard as I was…
« Let’s go skinny dipping… », Mike suddenly said, as our lips separated…
« Yeah… », I answered in a sexy voice…(…) « Mike? »
« …Yeah? »
«Did I tell you I’m falling in love with you dude?», I said as I reached out to caress his beautiful face with my hand…
He took my hand and kissed it then looked at me with his beautiful blue eyes:
« Um… I think you did. But don’t stop telling me…. » he answered, giving me a smile that could melt the ice caps.
After a moment of silence he then said:
« … So… we go skinny dipping? »
« Yeah! », I answered, laughing…
Before I knew it Mike was half undressed…
I joined him and started to take my T-shirt then my shorts off.
Mike dropped his underwear and I got a glimpse of his fully erect dick, before he started to run full speed into the Sea… laughing all the way, shouting at me :
« …Chicken… chicken… »
I burst out laughing, finished undressing and started running towards him into the Sea…
He turned around and saw that I was just as excited as he was…
As I reached the water, he looked at my hard shaft and with a smile on his face he said :
« Ohhhhh… What do I see there, huh? An aroused guy? Is that possible? I wonder what makes you hard like that… »
Again I burst out laughing and answered in the most sarcastic voice:
« … I think you can figure out why if you put your mind to it, smartass. And from what I’ve seen, you don’t fare any better than I do…»
He burst out laughing and said: “Right!”
I ran into the water and started splashing him for fun. He splashed me back and we laughed a lot.
We kept frolicking around like that for a while and when he would take little dives I could see that he was still hard. As hard as I was. God I wanted that guy!
The water was warm and luxurious and it felt so good to be there with him. At one point, he pushed down on my head, dunking me in fun. I quickly made it to the surface, grabbed his shoulders and playfully dunked his beautiful head under the water. He emerged a bit farther and slowly swam between me and the open sea and let one of the waves knock him into me. We laughed. He got around me and grabbed me from behind, wrapping his strong arms around my trembling body and pulling me closer. I could feel his hard dick pressed onto my arse crack. It felt so good. For me, the feeling was like falling off a cliff. I knew I was finally going to lose my virginity at that moment.
His mouth found its way to my neck. He bit at it and sucked at it for a while, then he turned me around and hugged me close, letting his hands fall down to my ass.
I reached around to pull him even closer and to feel his back muscles. I looked at him, water beads falling from his nose and down his lips… I stared at his beautiful face glistening in the golden rays of the sun and lost myself into his irresistible, sky blue eyes. He moved his hand to the rear of my head cupping it, pulling my head closer to his lips. He then made his move and kissed me. I felt electricity rush through my body. I just grabbed hold of his beautiful curly hair and gave in, moaning into his mouth. As we kissed we could feel our raging hardons against each other’s body. I was in heaven!
We kissed like that for what seemed an eternity… then our lips parted and Mike looked at me:
“…Let’s go back to the beach…”, he said in a seductive voice.
I nodded and moved beside him taking his left hand into my hand, interlocking our fingers together. We walked out of the water and towards the spot where we had left our backpacks. I took mine and took a huge beach towel out of it and laid it on the sand… Then I looked at Mike, took his hand into mine and said :
« …I know what I want Mike: I want you to make love to me. Do you remember what I told Suzy last night… that my first time making love would have to be with someone I love… not just a one night stand? So that I would remember that first time for the rest of my life? (…) Well… that’s it Mike. That’s my first time… and I want to do it with you.”
Although I could see Mike was as excited as I was… he didn’t rush anything. He looked at me… put his hands on my shoulders… and after a long moment of silence he said :
« …I want you so much Jack. But I just don’t want you to think I’m taking advantage of you. I want to make sure that’s what you really want. If you’re not really really sure about that, let’s just enjoy the beach and the Sea… There’s no obligation here you know. And I won’t be mad at you if you decide you’re not ready for that…»
I grinned and answered:
« Being here with you now is like a dream come true… And yes, that’s what I really want Mike. I want you to make love to me. I don’t know what the future has in store for us. I’m not asking you to promise me anything… Let’s just live the present: just make that counts, huh? It’s a precious moment to me Mike… »
« …Same for me… » he answered in a whisper.
« I know… I can see that in your eyes Mike. Your heart and your soul are speaking to me… and I can hear them… »
At that, I reached out to caress his face with the back of my hand :
« Mike… that’s what I want… » I whispered.
For a few seconds we stayed like that, with Mike staring at me, looking at me straight in the eyes… as if to make sure I had made the right decision. I had. I grinned at him and without me saying a word I went to lay down on my back on our beach towel. Mike joined me there and laid down right beside me. Then he rolled over on top of me, and for a moment we just stared into each other’s eyes, my heart pumping a little faster.
Again, I felt the passion wash over me… and as the wind was blowing a soft, warm breeze I tossed my arms around his strong shoulders, forcing his crotch to grind into mine. Our boners squished between us and when I felt the tip of Mike’s tongue poked my lips, I immediately parted them, to let his tongue enter my mouth…
I shuddered and groaned when his tongue touched mine and we began to kiss passionately. We were kissing with such passion I could not believe it was really happening.
When our lips finally parted, Mike smiled a dazzling grin and whispered:
«…You’re so beautiful Jack… I love you. You hear? You have no idea how sexy you are…»
“Oh God…I want you so much. And I just can’t believe you find me to your liking. You’re so gorgeous Mike, you could have anyone you want…”, I mumbled whispering…”
« I want you too Jack, and nobody else. I want you so much… », he whispered speaking into my ear before tugging my earlobe. I moaned and let my fingers tangle in his hair.
With his right hand, he went searching for my hard oozing dick and when he found it, he began to caress every nerve ending he could touch.
He then licked on my Adam’s apple and slowly ran his tongue down to my hard pink nipples. He played with them with his hot tongue for a while, nipping and biting at them, one after the other. I couldn’t help but softly moan under his ministrations.
He began to move his legs inside mine to spread them apart. He then knelt between my parted legs and sat on his knees. He leaned a bit on me and ran his tongue down my stomach, slowly moving over every rippled in the muscle. My dick was stiffer than ever and I was profusely oozing precum. He licked his way to my belly button and then I felt his hot breath caressing my oozing knob.
His fingertips touched my smooth nutsac and I whined when I felt his lips peck my knob. He stuck out his tongue and began licking the underside of my throbbing cock and I let out a loud moan when he began sucking my swollen knob.
I just couldn’t believe the fantastic feeling of having his warm mouth over my knob and goosebumps appeared all over my body when he opened wide and took half of my 8 incher into his hot oral cavity. I moaned and sighed when his lips locked onto my cock and my dick oozed when his tight lips moved closer to my knob squeezing my dick shaft. He was wonderful. I was squealing with delight.
Mike worked my knob sucking in hard, fumbling my nutsac simultaneously. I felt the electricity rush through my body. His tongue circled round and round, and I could feel my dick harden even more. Then, all at once, he swallowed my cock down his tight throat. I gasped, startled by the sudden pleasure. For a while, he sucked with me gasping and moaning. Occasionally, he’d pull his head off my oozing dick to suck my smooth balls. He’d suck first one of my nuts, then the other, in his mouth. I squirmed and gasped as he did this, my hands grasping the back of his head.
He went back to give my oozing dick a tongue bath. After a few seconds I felt my orgasm blossom. As I felt that familiar, tingling warning deep down somewhere below my dick, telling me I was near that point of no return I shouted :
« …You’ve got to stop Mike… or I’m gonna cum in your mouth! »
« Un-huh », he answered, moaning…
« Oh my God Mike… I’m gonna cum… I’m gonna cum… », I shouted…
Mike pushed me over the edge and I nearly screamed out as the most intense orgasm I’ve ever experienced ripped through me. I closed my eyes in ecstasy as four thick streams of my young cum shot out from my cock and into his warm mouth. I felt like I couldn’t stop cumming and was surprised to see Mike gulp every time I shot. I just couldn’t believe I was experiencing anything like that. It felt soooooooo good! I heard him gulp my hot teen cum down the back of his throat before he tenderly sucked my swollen knob sucking me dry.
After the final waves of my orgasm faded, Mike finally let go of my dick and looked at me with an irresistible smile on his face.
« Wow », I said… « That was… that was… »
« You liked? »
« Shit Mike! I feel satisfied beyond description… I just don’t know how to explain… »
« Yeah », he said, with a sexy grin on his face…
« Come and lay down over me, will you? », I asked, still panting…
He crawled over on top of me and I tossed my arms around his muscular shoulders and began to kiss him passionately. I could taste my own cum in his mouth, and I loved the feeling. I lowered my arms and my hands cupped Mike’s firm ass globes. He moaned into my mouth and sucked my tongue more firmly. I squeezed his hot bubble butt ass cheeks more firmly also.
« …My turn… », I said to him after our kiss ended.
« Ohhhhhhh », Mike answered, flashing me a sexy grin…
I forced him to roll over on his back and went to kneel between his parted legs. They were stocky and muscular and I couldn’t help but to start caressing them oh so lightly with my hands, massaging his muscular thighs. I looked at Mike’s well defined smooth, firm chest and toned abs. I couldn’t believe I had that blond god all to myself! He was so gorgeous… and even though I had just cummed minutes before my dick felt stiffer than ever and I was profusely oozing a fresh supply of teen nectar.
In a world where bisexuality is the not only accepted but is the norm, this is the story about a young man who falls in love with his best friend. But the relationship seems like a one-way street...
- Cock
- Men
- Sex
- Kiss
- Love
- Friend
- Boy
- Bar
- Emo
- Couple
- Muscle
- Feet
- Sexy
- Bathroom
- Underwear
- Teen
- Piss
- Older
- Massage
- Party
- Relationship
- Gym
- Porn
- Bear
- Funny
- Football
- Teacher
- Cop
- Jock
- Camp
- Anal
- Latin
- Foreskin
- Encounter
- Club
- Locker Room
- Swimming
- Oral
- Lovers
- Brothers
- Doctor
- Straight
- Jack Off
- Slave
- Celeb
- Roommate
- Dorm
- Mature
- Virgin
- Uncle
- Twink
- Spanking
- Daddy
- Tickling
- Soldier
- Threesome
- Speedo
- Kinky
- Cruise
- Sleepover
- Exotic
- Gloryhole
- Cousins
- Vampire
- Frat
- Biker
- Thug
- Domination
- Taboo
- Bondage
- Enema
- Hazing
- Novels