Photo Shoot 2
After Jono had reassured me, with genuine sincerity, that there was absolutely no possibility of him telling another living soul that I had been involved in a photo shoot like this, I agreed to help Daryl out by joining him for a duo session.
Jono was surprised at the change of plan but was clearly pleased that he'd be able to command a much higher price for the resulting set of pictures. He said he had a few ideas for how we could 'have some fun', as he put it.
"Squirty cream?" I asked.
Jono shook his head. "Naah... that's been done to death. We’ve got to be original... I mean, it's pretty difficult because everything seems to have been done already, and from every angle, but I've a couple of possibilities that I've never seen any other photographer try..."
Jono's first suggestion was that we act the part of a couple of athletes who have to apply anal suppositories to one another.
"Is that the kind of thing athletes do?" Daryl asked, nonplussed.
Jono shrugged. "Yeah... I think so. I heard about it during the Olympics a few years back... it's a way of getting steroids into the body which is hard to detect or something..."
I chuckled sceptically. "That sounds pretty far-fetched... if I'm going model for you, the scenario has to be at least vaguely medically plausible..."
Daryl threw Jono a look of mock exasperation. "Fuckin' medical students..."
Jono grinned. "Okay. Plan B. You're a couple of mates applying henna tattoos to one another... I've got some packets somewhere..."
"Why would we be doing that?" I asked.
Jono shrugged. "I dunno... you're going out to a party or something... does it really matter? The readers aren't that interested in knowing about the background of every scenario..."
Daryl wasn't convinced. He said, "Yeah, maybe, but it's gotta be believable... that's surely the number one rule..."
Jono shrugged.
I suggested, "I suppose we could be getting ready for a carnival or a mardi gras or something. Everyone gets into body painting and stuff for that..."
Daryl nodded.
Jono said, "Okay. Fair enough. But we'll have to get you into some different clothes and find you some streamers or whatever..."
Jono dug some clothes out from the recesses of his wardrobe for Daryl and I to try on. I recognised a few of them from our Benidorm holiday and others from the parties I'd been to with Jono. There were bizarrely coloured jeans, tie-die shirts, Hawaiian shorts and baseball caps with supposedly amusing slogans on them. Most of the clothes were too small to be useful, but we were able to get into some of the baggier ones.
While we were dressing up, Jono went to and ask his housemates if they could supply some of the accessories we needed. I guess they must have been pretty used to him asking them for props for his various photography projects.
On his return, I asked him, "Are you sure this is going to work? I mean, it's kind of difficult to try and look attractive when you're dressed up like a knob-head..."
Jono smiled. "Don't worry. The clothes aren't staying on for that long..."
Daryl asked, "Why do you keep all of this stuff?"
Jono shrugged. "I think most photographers are hoarders... you never know when stuff is going to be useful in a shot..."
He threw an assortment of beaded necklaces, streamers and cheap plastic bracelets onto his desk which he had acquired from downstairs. Just the sort of tacky rubbish you tend to end up having strewn around your neck and arms when you're at a mardi gras.
He said, "I've got the dregs of a can of spray string somewhere, too... and maybe a couple of party poppers..."
Daryl and I draped some of the stuff around ourselves, both clearly feeling like we looked like a couple of wankers, while Jono found the spray string and squirted some of it over us.
By the time we'd finished we would pass easily as party-goers. In fact, the effect was actually quite convincing.
Daryl muttered, fiddling with the string of plastic stars around his wrist, "All this crap seems a lot less ridiculous when you're pissed, doesn't it?"
I smiled.
Jono's first few shots were of Daryl swigging from a beer bottle while I crouched to look through the chest of drawers which Jono had positioned to one side of the viewpoint.
Then he asked us to swap places and do the same things.
Daryl asked, "What's the point of this, then?"
"They're contextual shots," Jono said, adjusting the lens on the front of his camera. "Setting the scene and all that. You're two pissed guys who've nipped out of a party to put tattoos on each other for a laugh. I'll choose the best shot from the four or five I've taken..."
After Jono had finished with his establishing shots, he got Daryl to rub a tattoo of a snake onto the side of my face and then me to do the same to him with a picture of a sword.
Then we took our shirts off, leaving the streamers and necklaces around our necks, and each rubbed one of the tattoos onto the others' forearm.
Jono's camera clicked a few times and then he came around to the front of his camera to adjust its angle on the tripod.
I asked, "Shouldn't we be doing this in a seductive way... sort of pouting or something?"
Jono smiled as he fiddled with the mount. "No – you're just a couple of pissed lads messing around. There'll be plenty of time for stage acting later on..."
Daryl smirked at me. "Like we'll have to stage act to get hot and horny with each other, eh Seb? It'll be the fulfilment of many long lonely nights' fantasising..."
I smiled back. "To be honest, I hope I can come up with the goods, mate. First night nerves and all that..."
Daryl tittered. "I don't think we'll have any worries there, mate." And then, lowering his voice, "Not if earlier on was anything to go by..."
Jono looked over at us, having clearly heard what Daryl had said, and I felt myself blush a little.
Next we put tattoos on each other's shoulders and then Daryl put one on my lower back. I rubbed a nice one of a heart with an arrow through it just below his left nipple, impressed by how hard his chest felt.
Jono took a few more shots of us and then changed his roll of film.
He asked us to loosen our jeans so that we could rub tattoos onto each other's stomachs. We undid our top few buttons and hitched down our briefs slightly so that we could put them pretty low.
Jono smiled and clicked. "Very... er... titillating... yeah, I like it..."
I got a salamander looking as if it was emerging from the waistband of my briefs, while Daryl had a rose growing upward from the top of his pubes towards his belly button.
"Okay, now do the same thing, but around the back," Jono said. "And pull your trousers down a little more... show off your underwear a bit..."
Daryl applied a bolt of lightening to the top of my right buttock. He said, "Hopefully it won't ignite your farts, mate..."
I pulled his briefs down to expose the upper half of his left cheek and rubbed the tattoo of a roadside onto it, an arrow pointing down towards his arsehole. "Guidance for incoming vehicles," I suggested.
"Very thoughtful of you, Seb," Daryl chuckled.
Then Jono told us to take off our boots and jeans and used up a whole roll of film snapping away at us as we did so.
"What about the socks?" Daryl asked.
Jono shook his head. "No. A lot of guys like to see them left on, for some reason..."
Daryl looked at me and I shrugged.
Now we were both in our white briefs, looking a bit cold and feeling kind of silly to have so many tattoo transfers smeared around our bodies.
Daryl asked, "Should we be hard by now?"
Jono shook his head. "We're working towards that... there's no rush..."
Jono took a few shots of us standing around in our underwear as we swigged beer from the bottles and looked over the remaining tattoos together.
He'd get Daryl to bend over as if examining one intently while I stood behind him, the mound of my crotch level with the cheeks of Daryl's arse. Then he'd ask me to crouch down so that my balls made a bulge in my briefs as they hung down between my legs, while Daryl stood next to me, his own well-equipped package next to my face.
Jono was loving it: he went through two or three rolls of film while we changed places at his direction. "These are good shots... you both look really good like that..."
"We both know how to fill a pair of briefs if that's what you mean," Daryl smirked.
"Yeah, I can see that," Jono said. The excitement in his voice was obvious. I glanced at the front of his jeans while he fiddled with his lens at one point, but if anything was happening inside them, it wasn't immediately apparent.
He was right, though, I have to say. Daryl and I both did look pretty good wearing just our briefs. The pair I'd loaned Daryl fitted him beautifully; they emphasised the bulge of his crotch, making it look quite spectacular, and clung to the contours of his buttocks like a second skin.
Daryl smiled over at me, checking me out as I was him. He said, "I must admit, though, that mine is no competition for Dr Wallace's piece of meat over there..."
I smiled and shook my head. "Shut up, Daryl. We're both pretty evenly matched and you know it, mate..."
Daryl laughed, "When yours gets going though... there's nothing much can beat it..."
Jono looked up from his camera and sneered. He said, camply, "Ooh... what have you guys been getting up to?"
I threw Jono a look of irritation. "Yeah yeah yeah... so we've seen each other's knobs... shock horror..."
Daryl laughed over at Jono, his expression more incredulous than irritated. "Jesus, Jono – didn't you used to wank off with your mates when you were in your teens...?"
Jono just feigned a smile and shrugged.
I started dry humping the crack of his ass while I continued to administer to his cock with my right hand. I could feel him respond as his hips weakly moved back and forth. He started making whimpering little sounds and that only made it better...
- Cock
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- Bar
- Emo
- Couple
- Muscle
- Feet
- Sexy
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- Underwear
- Teen
- Piss
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- Anal
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