Sand Castles - Part Two
*** Nicok.
At home, I put away the groceries I had bought and then left my apartment and knocked on Nic’s door. He must have been waiting just inside because the door flew open before I’d even finished knocking. He threw himself at me and his arms went around my neck. He planted his lips on mine and his tongue wormed itself into my mouth eagerly. I held onto him and returned his kiss, my excitement mounting.
He stumbled backwards, dragging me with him into his apartment, his mouth still locked on mine. He made small noises of pleasure at the back of his throat as his tongue teased and twisted against mine. The back of his legs hit the day bed and he fell backwards onto it pulling me with him. I fell on top of him and felt the hot, hardness in his groin press into me. I pulled away from his frantic kiss and took a shuddering breath.
“Easy, big boy!” I gasped. “We don’t want a repeat of yesterday.”
“Not going to happen.” He breathed with a grin. “God I want you so much, right
I was a little surprised at his forthrightness which I guessed was because of
his excitement.
“And I want you.” I said. “But what happened to one step at a time, huh?”
“I can’t wait anymore.” He said. “It’s all I’ve been thinking of since
He clamped his mouth on mine again and kissed me urgently. He forced his hips up against mine and the heat of him excited me beyond reason. He slipped his hands under the waistband of my pants and gripped my naked butt cheeks. He pulled my groin tighter against his as he massaged my butt firmly. The solidness of his erection pressed against my groin and my dick spasmed and hardened in seconds.
“Well well well!” A voice suddenly jerked us out of our passion. “I take it that this is not a good time.”
I rolled off Nic quickly, sat up and looked at the door. Nic lay on the day
bed, his eyes wide with surprise. He flushed and surreptitiously covered his
bulging groin with his hands.
Dr. Jack was in the doorway, leaning against the frame, his arms crossed and a
sardonic grin on his face.
“Damn!” I exclaimed under my breath. “I forgot to shut the stupid door.”
“Can I come in?” Jack asked. “Or better yet, can I just stand here and watch?”
Nic sat up slowly, a sheepish grin on his face. I jumped up off the day bed
and crossed to Jack, terribly aware of my throbbing erection.
“Come in, Jack.” I said. “Lovely to see you.”
“Yeah, right.” He said. His eyes ran down my body slowly and he smirked at the
bulge in my groin. He pushed himself away from the door-frame and strolled into
the room. He turned and pointedly closed the door behind him. “That is how you
perform that little trick. It’s not rocket science!” He indicated the closed
door with a flick of his wrist.
“Ha ha, very funny.” I quipped.
“Well, it seems that our blond friend here has made a remarkable recovery.” Jack
said. “Or were you trying to resuscitate him?” He paused briefly and looked at
Nic. “Or should I say; a certain part of him. From what I can see, you’ve
“Again Jack, very funny!” I said.
Jack smiled evilly and then glanced from me to Nic and then back again.
“Well, don’t just stand there looking idiotic, introduce me.” He said, his
eyebrows raised.
“Right!” I said quickly. “Nic this is Dr. Jack. He came to see you when you
collapsed in the hall. Jack? Nic Garin.”
“Nice to meet you . . awake.” Jack said.
Nic rose and shook Jack’s hand.
“Thank you for all you did for me.” He said. “I am really very grateful. You
must bill me.”
“No need.” Jack waved it away with a flick of his hand. “Any . . um . . friend
of David’s is a friend of mine. It’s on the house. Besides, what I just saw was
payment enough!”
“Sorry about that, but thank you.” Nic replied with a smile.
“Oh don’t apologize.” Jack said with an evil grin. “I was stupid, I should
have kept my big yap shut for a while longer. It might have been far more . .
Nic and I stood awkwardly while Jack again glanced from one to the other.
“Well? Aren’t you going to tell me what the hell is going on?” Jack broke the
silence. “Or am I to assume that the two of you were rehearsing a scene from a
porn movie or something. The least you can do is offer me some sustenance.”
“Sorry.” Nic said with a start. “Would you like some coffee? Or tea? And please,
sit down.” He indicated one of the armchairs.
Jack sat in the chair and looked up at Nic.
“Coffee would be most welcome.” He said with a smile. Nic nodded and disappeared
into the kitchen.
“What the fuck?” Jack mouthed at me and pointed at the kitchen door.
I sat on the day bed facing him.
“Nic and I are together now.” I said matter of factly.
“Uhuh!” Jack grunted.
“It sort of . . just happened . . yesterday.” I continued.
“Uhuh!” Jack said again.
“And I love . . !” I stopped. “Hang on a sec, what the hell are you doing here
“Well I was on my way to the surgery and I thought I’d drop in and check up
on him. You know, how he’s doing after the flu. Call it a follow-up visit, if
you will!” He said smoothly with a grin. I knew him too well to take this at
face value.
“Jack, you’re a liar.” I berated him. “I’ve never known you to make a follow-up
call on any patient. You came to ask him out, didn’t you?”
“Okay.” He admitted softly. “Guilty! Can’t help it, he’s so goddamn hot!”
“Well you’re too late.” I said. “Besides, he’s your patient.”
“I’m not treating him now and I was going to refer him if things got . .
hectic.” He grinned.
Just then, Nic came out of the kitchen with a couple of hot coffee mugs. He
handed one to Dr. Jack and the other to me. He grinned at me brilliantly and
then he disappeared back into the kitchen.
“Damn, you’re a lucky son-of-a-gun.” Jack whispered. “He’s adorable.”
“I know.” I said. “On both counts.”
Nic, bearing a mug of coffee, joined us and sat next to me on the day bed. He
rested his free hand on my thigh. The warmth of his touch thrilled me.
“I can’t thank you enough for what you did for me, Dr. Jack.” He said softly.
“You’re quite welcome.” Jack replied. “You seem to be . . extremely healthy.”
He looked pointedly at Nic’s crotch and raised his eyebrows. Nic flushed
slightly but grinned charmingly.
We sat and stared at one another for a couple of minutes, sipping at our
coffee, Jack’s eyes moving from me to Nic and then back again. Nic caressed my
thigh gently, the heat of his palm sent shivers up my spine.
“Well, I won’t keep you!” Jack said to break the silence and stood. “I’ve got to
get to the surgery. Busy day today. Which reminds me. David, you’ve got an
appointment for your annual check-up tomorrow at ten o’clock. Be there.”
He set his half empty mug on the table. Nic jumped up and rushed to the door
and opened it. Jack grinned at me, winked and leaned down to me.
“Eager sausage, isn’t he?” He whispered into my ear.
“Oh, you have no idea.” I grinned.
“Good for you!” He smiled. “Enjoy it.”
“Oh, I intend to.” I said. “Every minute.”
“Yeah right!” Jack moved towards the door. “I’m as envious as all hell!”
At the door he turned, winked and smiled at us.
“Have fun!” He said and was gone.
Nic shut the door and faced me, a small smile on his face.
“I like him; he’s really nice.” He said. “Funny!”
“Yeah.” I replied. “One of my best friends.”
He moved to me and knelt between my knees. He ran his hands up my thighs and then covered my crotch with his palm. He leaned forward and kissed me, his tongue twisting around mine sensuously. His breathing quickened and he moaned softly. Then his hands were on my belt. He tore it open and undid my pants. He pushed me back on the day bed and ripped open my shirt. The buttons popped off and flew across the room. He ran his hands up my body and caressed the hair on my chest and teased my nipples to hard points.
He climbed onto the day bed and straddled me, his knees either side of my hips. He pulled his shirt off over his head, tossed it aside and ripped his jeans open. My entire being thrilled at the sight of his beautiful body. The hair on his chest was a dark honey-blond and the trail of fur running over his belly to his waistband excited me beyond reason.
“Nic . . !” I whispered.
“Shh!” He said. He rolled off me onto his back next to me. He lifted his hips
and shoved his jeans and shorts off in one move. His very hard cock sprang out
and slapped against his belly. It was long and thick and the veins running along
the shaft pulsed rhythmically.
“Get undressed.” He gasped. “I can’t wait anymore.”
I quickly pushed my pants and shorts off and tore my shirt from my back. We
were both naked now on the day bed. Nic rolled towards me and then on top of me.
His hot, hard shaft collided with my painfully stiff cock and I gasped at the
feel of it. He stared down into my eyes and smiled.
“You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this.” He whispered.
He bent his head and his mouth closed over mine. His kiss was demanding and sensual at the same time. I ran my hands up his glorious body and thrilled at the feel of his tight muscles under my fingers. He ground his hips against me and I pushed my groin up to meet his. Our very wet shafts slid against each-other, sending shockwaves through my body.
He broke away from my mouth and slid himself down my body, kissing me as he went. He pushed himself off the day bed onto his knees and then his mouth was on me. He sucked my hard shaft deep into his mouth and I gasped out loud. My legs flew apart as my hips spasmed and my hands flew to his head and twisted into his hair.
“Oh God, Nic!” I breathed. “Don’t stop . . don’t . . !”
His tongue and mouth did incredible things to me and in minutes I was at
bursting point. I pulled him off me and sat up.
“Stop . . Nic stop, I’m really close . . !” I gasped.
From his knees on the floor, he looked up at me, a self satisfied smile on
his face.
“Stand up.” I whispered.
Without hesitation, he stood up in front of me, his beautiful, pulsing cock in front of my face, a long globule of clear fluid hanging off the tip. I slid my mouth onto him and he groaned long and loud. His hand gripped my head and he slowly moved his hips in time to my working mouth. I used all my long forgotten tricks on him. I ran my hands up his body and caressed his nipples, which hardened to neat round bumps. I teased the hair on his chest and he moaned with delight. He shuddered and within a couple of minutes, his hips jerking uncontrollably, he came.
He grunted loudly as his juices shot into my mouth and I swallowed them gladly. He tasted sweet and heavenly. His knees buckled and I helped him onto the day bed. He quickly swung around and took my throbbing cock into his mouth again. In seconds, I felt my groin tighten and I groaned in pleasure. I tried to pull his head off me but he clung to me like a limpet. I exploded, shooting streams of my milky juices deep into his throat. He drained every drop from me and then he released me reluctantly. He slid up my body and wrapped his arms around me. We clung together, our arms about each-other as our breathing slowly returned to normal.
“My God, Nic.” I whispered. “I can’t believe it was your first time. It was
“I was running on instinct.” He said softly. “I just went with how I felt.”
“Well, it was really great.” I said.
“David?” He breathed.
“Yes Nic.”
“I love you, David.” He said. “More than anything on earth, I love you.”
“And I love you, Nic.” I said. “So much that I wonder if I can handle it.”
“David?” He whispered.
“Yes Nic?”
“It’s Nicok! I want you to call me Nicok.” He said softly.
I stared into his eyes. They seemed more brilliant, more aware. There was a worldly light in them that I’d never seen before. He had changed somehow. I had not noticed it until now and I realized that he had been different from the time I’d got back from my run. It suddenly struck me that he hadn’t been so shy and withdrawn with Dr. Jack. And then I knew what it was. Somehow, Sand had come out in him; had made his presence felt and I was overjoyed.
“Nicok.” I whispered. “I love it and I love you.”
We lapsed into silence, our arms tightly clasped around each-other and then we
slept. I had never in all my life, been as happy as I was in those moments.
*** Love in the Night.
Later, much later I slowly awoke and rolled over to face Nicok. He was
sitting cross-legged on the bed beside me, staring down at me. I sat up.
“What’s the matter?” I asked sleepily.
“Nothing.” He whispered. “Couldn’t sleep.”
“Something’s wrong then.” I said, a little worried. “Nicok, tell me if
something’s bothering you.”
“There’s nothing really wrong.” He said and smiled. “I just keep thinking that I
must be the luckiest guy around.”
“Why?” I asked.
“Well, I never dreamed for a minute that you’d be here now; with me.” He said
softly. “I’ve . . hoped for it; wished for it and now that you are, I can’t
believe it.” He paused.
“Believe it.” I said. “I’m here.”
He looked away for a moment and then his green eyes focused on me again.
“David?” He continued so softly that I barely heard him. “Please don’t . . uh . . please don’t ever leave me. I couldn’t bear it.”
I moved closer to him and pulled him into my arms. The feel of his warm naked
body against mine was heaven.
“Oh Nicok.” I said. “I’m not going anywhere, trust me. I’ve waited for something
like this, for someone like you and now that I have it, I’m not going to give it
up for anything in the world; I promise.”
I kissed his neck and let my mouth wander across to his chin and then up to his lips. His lips closed over mine and his tongue probed its way deep into my mouth. His arms went around me and he pushed me down onto my back on the bed. He rolled on top of me as his kiss deepened, his tongue exploring my mouth wetly. He ran his hand down my body and gripped my hardening cock. I moaned with desire as he slowly stroked my shaft, bringing it to its full glory. I reached down and found his very hard, throbbing shaft and gripped it. The heat of it filled my hand and I thrilled at the feel of its pulsing steeliness. He drew back from the kiss and moaned softly.
“God, I love you David.” He whispered breathlessly. “I love you so much.”
“And I love you.” I said, my voice thick with desire. “I love you more than
anything, Nicok.”
He bent his head and kissed my nipple which popped out, sharp and hard. He ran his tongue across the hair on my chest to my other nipple and that too jumped out at him. Then he slid himself down my body, his tongue leaving a wet trail over my belly. He slowly ran his tongue up the side of my shaft and my hips shuddered in anticipation. He ran his tongue around and under the ridge of my helmet and then his mouth engulfed me. I groaned softly and pushed my pelvis up into his face. I swung my body around and in seconds, my mouth was on him.
I drew the length of his magnificent cock into my mouth and nuzzled my nose against his balls. He groaned around my shaft and his body trembled uncontrollably. I slowly moved my mouth up and down his cock as he did the same to me. The taste of his wetness was glorious.
Then he released me and moved around. I released his shaft as he rolled onto
his side facing me. He stroked my face, his eyes dark with desire.
“David.” He whispered. “I want you to . . you know . . I want you in me.”
I was a little surprised at this. I thought it would take some time to reach
that stage in our relationship.
“Nicok, are you sure?” I said softly. I lay my hand on his cheek. “That’s a
pretty big step and I want you to be sure about it. Besides, I really don’t want
to hurt you.”
“Yes, I’m sure.” He sighed. “I want you so much, I need you. It’s like a deep
ache in my belly; like . . hunger, you know?”
“Yeah, I know.” I said with a smile remembering the first time I had felt
that desire. “But it can sometimes be very painful and I really don’t want to
hurt you.”
“I’ve read that . . well, that it doesn’t last long . . the pain.” He said
softly. “That it can be brief. Besides, I don’t care about that. I want you to
just do it, please.”
“Okay, if that’s what you want.” I relented. “But you must tell me right away if
it gets too uncomfortable, alright?”
He nodded and smiled. I stroked his face and kissed him quickly. He rolled
over and reached into his bag beside the bed. He brought out a bottle of
“I . . er . . I got this, this morning when I was out.” He smiled. “I hope it’s
the right stuff.”
I nodded and told him that it would be fine and then I told him what was going to happen and how I was going to prepare him. He listened attentively while he slowly stroked my cock. My juices were flowing copiously and I knew that I would probably not need much of the lubricant. I pushed him over onto his back and rolled onto him. I kissed him deeply and then slid myself down his body. I paused at his groin and sucked his cock into my mouth and teased it with my tongue until he was writhing on the bed.
Then I slowly pushed his thighs apart and up so that I could reach his
man-hole. I ran my tongue over his balls and down to the centre of him. I slowly
ran my tongue around his hole while I milked my cock for pre-come. When my
fingers were wet and slippery with it, I slowly slipped my forefinger into him.
He tensed and his hips juddered at the feel of it and he groaned softly.
“Relax Nic.” I whispered. “Just relax and it will be easier.”
I slowly withdrew my finger and then eased it into him again. He moaned softly and he thrust his hips up towards my hand. I worked on him gently, first one finger then another and finally I eased in three. He moaned again and gripped hold of his cock and slowly started to stroke himself. I got onto my knees between his thighs and lubed myself up and then very slowly slipped the head of my cock into him.
“Do it . . !” He gasped. “Just do it . . !”
I fell over him and supported my weight on my outstretched arms, one hand either side of his head. I pushed down slowly and my shaft sank into the warm depths of him. He threw his legs around my back and hooked his ankles together. His eyes flew open and he looked up at me.
“Do it!” He groaned. “Do it hard David!”
I started to thrust into him, slowly at first, gradually building up momentum. He threw his arms around me and gripped my shoulders. He pulled me down onto him and his lips fixed themselves on mine. We kissed wetly, our tongues twisting around each-other. In minutes, I could feel that glorious pressure building in my groin and I knew that I was very close to climax. Suddenly, he bucked under me, released my lips and his entire body shuddered uncontrollably.
“Oh God . . !” He gasped, his breathing fast and ragged. “Oh God . . I’m going to . . !”
Then he came, the hot flood of his milky juices shooting up between our bodies. The feel of it pushed me over the edge and I cried out as I spewed my own juices deep into him. He yelled out again and shot more streams of semen up between our wet bellies and I, in turn sent shot after shot of my own into him. Then I collapsed onto him, my breathing fast.
We lay clasped in each-other’s arms while our breathing returned to normal.
My cock slowly shrank and slipped out of him. He sighed and dropped his legs
onto the bed. I rolled off him onto my side and he turned to face me.
“I never thought it would be like that.” He whispered with a small shy smile.
“It was . . oh God . . it was really intense.”
“For me too.” I sighed. “It was wonderful.”
We lay facing each-other, stroking each-other, loving each-other. Then later, when we were once again aroused, he entered me and slowly made love to me; his hardness filling the depths of me and when we came together, it was as intense as the first time. I felt the flood of his juices deep inside me and my own semen; wet and warm, shot up between our writhing bodies.
Lying together, our arms around one another, exhausted by our love making, we basked in the after-glow.
“Hmm?” I breathed.
“I . . really love you . . !” He sighed softly and then he was asleep.
I stroked his handsome face and smiled.
“And I love you, my beautiful man.” I whispered and closed my eyes. “I love
*** Dr. Jack.
Dr. Jack dropped his stethoscope and stepped back.
“Sounds good.” He said. “You can get dressed now.”
I got dressed and then sat in the chair facing his desk. He flopped into his
chair and quickly wrote a few notes in my file.
“You’re as healthy as ever.” He said. “All I need now is a urine sample and I’ll
take some blood for routine tests.”
He rose and took a small container from a cupboard and handed it to me.
“Go in there and pee in this” He said, indicating a door to his right.
I left him and went into his private bathroom. When I was done, I returned and handed him the filled container. He then took a blood sample from me and told me to sit down again.
“Okay.” He began. “Everything seems in order. Your blood pressure is a little
high but nothing to be concerned about. I’ll send the samples for testing and
let you know the results. Otherwise, how are you feeling generally?”
“Really good.” I replied. “Well, now and then I do have a bit of an ache in the
small of my back but I think that’s just from strain . . you know . . I tend to
over-do it now and then.”
“Right.” He said. “If it gets worse, come and see me.”
“Thanks Jack.” I replied. “Is that it then?”
“Yep.” He smiled. “I’m done with you.”
“Great.” I said. “I should get back to Nic then.”
I stood up.
“David, on a more personal note.” He began. “How are things with Nic?”
“They’re great.” I said and smiled. “He’s wonderful and I really love him, you
know? I’ve never been happier.”
“Good, I’m glad.” He rose and moved around his desk. “You deserve someone
“Thanks Jack, I appreciate that.” I said. “He’s waiting for me in the waiting
room. He would like to see you . . you know . . for a check-up. He also insists
on having the test for HIV, although I can’t understand why. He’s never been
with anyone but me.”
“Well, I’m free for the next thirty minutes, send him in.” Jack smiled. “I’ll
give him a quick going over.”
“Thanks Jack.”
I left his rooms and joined Nicok in the waiting room. I told him to go on in
to Jack and sat and waited patiently for him. Thirty minutes later, he came out
and we left the surgery.
At his apartment, he made us some coffee and we made ourselves comfortable.
“You didn’t have to take the test, you know.” I said. “There’s no way you can
be infected.”
“I just want to be sure.” He replied. “For your sake.”
“Thank you, Nicok.”
“You are all I have.” He whispered. “And there is no way in hell that I want to
jeopardize that. I want to be absolutely sure that there is nothing wrong with
“Something I doubt very much.” I laughed. “We’re both as healthy as horses!”
I didn’t know how wrong I was to be. I believed that we owned the world and that nothing; absolutely nothing could touch us.
*** Hopelessly Lost.
Five days later my world fell apart. Nicok and I had got into a very agreeable routine. I went back to work, happier than I’d ever been and Nicok worked like a Trojan on his new illustrations. The evenings we spent together; we either went out and had fun or we just stayed in and watched a movie. We made love nearly every night, each time more and more exciting than the last. I was desperately in love with him and I wanted our lives to go on forever so that I could be with him always. And now that dream had just been shattered into a million pieces and I felt my heart tear apart and start to bleed.
I stared at Dr. Jack, my mind numb. His eyes were sad and I could tell that
he was very distressed about what he had just told me.
“David.” He said softly. “Do you understand what I just said?”
I nodded, not trusting my voice.
“And you understand the implications?” He continued and I nodded again. “I’m so
sorry.” He finished softly.
“How long?” I croaked, barely able to hold back my tears.
“Without treatment; anything up to six months if you’re lucky.” He said softly.
I slumped into the chair and let the tears flow. Jack sat in silence and I was grateful to him for giving me the time to digest the news.
Last week, Dr. Jack had given me my annual medical check-up and had been very
happy with the results. He’d taken blood and urine samples from me for routine
tests and we’d left it at that. The bombshell had dropped this morning. He had
called and asked me to come in right away. He said he needed to talk to me about
something and that it was very important. I told Brian that I had a doctor’s
appointment and left the gallery and went straight to Jack’s surgery. And now,
just twenty minutes later, my life had completely collapsed.
When I had cried myself out, I looked up into his sad face.
Through the crazy events of hurricane Katrina two college students find love...
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