David had a small refrigerator in the garage which he kept for the weekends out in the yard. He and Mark entered the garage and David got them both a cold beer. Mark said no thanks, do you have anything soft? David didn't want to say what he was thinking. He thought to himself that there wasn't anything soft left in the garage now that his cock had swollen to twice it's normal size. But he just pulled a cola out of the frig and gave it to Mark. Mark thanked him graciously and took a swig. David noticed that Mark was once again looking directly at his crotch. David didn't know what to say exactly. He was intimidated by this man. This was a new experience for David, normally he was the one who did the intimidating just by his strong presence. David knew he had to do something to turn the tables pretty quickly or he would be in trouble. He didn't like being put in a compromising position in his own home. David couldn't believe what he heard himself say next. "How about I suck your cock til your nuts explode?" This was not at all his style. He was a very conservative type and would not or had not ever been so blatant especially to someone he knew for a fact was a married man. Mark's bottom jaw just dropped about an inch and his mouth opened a bit and he unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out, then he just stood there. He never responded to David in any other way. David noticed Mark's breathing had become very long and slow and his eye lids looked a bit heavy. He took this to be a "yes" and approached Mark slowly scanning him up and down stopping at his cock which was still in Mark's hand and swelling a bit. David reached down and took Mark's hand from his cock and placed it on his chest. Mark placed his other hand on David's chest and slowly closed his eyes as his cock continued to swell and harden. David slowly un buckled Mark's belt and unbuttoned his pants and let them drop to the floor. Marks legs were every bit as tanned as his face and had the same black hair on them as his fore arms. Very sexy, David thought, as he pulled Mark's boxer shorts down slowly to his knees. At this point Mark's cock was standing pretty much at attention and his muscles had gradually tensed up and his breathing became almost labored but he kept his eyes closed and his hands on David's chest, moving them ever so slightly back and forth over David's nipples.
Mark's scrotum contained two almost perfectly round testicles which were almost the size of golf balls. They hung down about four inches at first then David noticed they were drawing up slowly toward the base of Marks hardening cock. David then took Mark's two arms and raised them over his head, when he let go Mark let his arms drop and David stopped them abruptly and returned them to their previous position and let go. This time Mark kept them in the air. David pulled Mark's shirt over his head and arms and discarded it onto the work table just next to them, then put Mark's arms at his side, not back on his chest as before. At this point David stood back for a minute to take a look at the man in his garage. He took this opportunity to discard his cut off jeans so he could let his swelling cock out of it's confines and into the air. Mark was taller than David but without the bulk that gave David his over powering appearance. He did, however, have a very striking appearance and a virile magnetism that David had never before been subjected to. The hair on his chest was indeed similar to that on his head. Black with an even amount of gray, very thick and wavy. His pecs were broad and squared on the bottom. His whole body was tanned very dark except for the area around his middle where his boxer type bathing suit stopped the sun from burning. There his skin was very pale and had not one blemish. David thought the contrast was striking and began to move toward Mark again. As he did he noticed Mark's balls had drawn up almost to the base of his cock and that his erection had reached up as far as a twenty year olds would have. Just then Mark's testicles reached the base of his cock and there was a shutter throughout Mark's body. No sound came out of his mouth which was still opened slightly. His eyes were still closed and his breathing was fast and deep, almost to the point of gasping for air. He reached for the table next to him without looking and held himself up with one hand just as his knees began to buckle. He didn't fall to the ground, but stopped in mid buckle and leaned his head back and at that precise moment David saw one of the most amazing examples of male ejaculation he had ever seen. Mark had jerked very hard to the front and out shot a huge stream of cum almost directly up from his cock. It landed on the upper part of his chest just under his chin and ran down between his pecs and through his thick chest hair. Mark jerked once again in a forward motion and, again, a stream of cum shot out of his erect cock directly upward and landed right next to the previous shot and it ran down his right pec and through his thick chest hair. David could not believe what he was seeing, it was like a slow motion movie. Mark's ejaculations were so far apart that David had thought there was only one, then the second jerk came and the second stream of cum shot out. David wasn't sure whether he should try to accentuate Mark's sensations or not. It occurred to him that what he was witnessing should probably be left to run it's own course, so to speak. It was a wonder to behold. The third spasm arrived and more cum shot straight up from Mark's cock and landed on his left cheek. It ran down his face and touched the corner of his mouth at which time he licked his lips which seemed to cause the fourth and hardest spasm which began somewhere below his knees and slowly built until it reached his testicles and finally exploded out the head of his cock. This time the cum shot up with such force that it passed Mark's head altogether and stopped in mid air, stayed there momentarily, and then came back down and landed on his chock's head and splashed in all directions. Mark was still on the balls of his feet and toes leaning back but now he was holding himself up with his elbow on the work table. Once again there came a spasm sure and hard and once again came an ejaculation to remember. This time his cum exploded out of his cock in several directions, probably caused by the cum that had landed there just moments before, landing on his stomach, falling back to his cock and sliding down to his balls and one piece just shot out in front of him and landed on the floor. David thought he had seen the last of Mark's eruptions because Mark was looking like he had no strength left to stand up much less take another one of these monumental ejaculations. But much to David's surprise Mark was indeed strong enough to take another one. This time, the sixth, came slowly and almost seemed to be soothing to Mark. His cock was beginning to soften and slump just a little at this point but he still had one last shot to unload. Once the ejaculation occurred it was smooth and quiet compared to the last five. It shot out in a thick stream, very long and heavy. It leapt out and landed about two feet in front of David at which point Mark's cock relaxed and lowered quickly but did not loose it's size. It just lowered and oozed the last of the cum that had just leapt out of his beautiful cock. At the same time his knees gave way and he began to fall. David moved quickly to catch him and when he did his hard cock ran into Mark's oozing cock and they mingled as David put his arms around Mark's chest to hold him under his arms so he wouldn't fall to the floor. When he did their chest hair blended together and all Mark's cum was mixed with the two men's hair and David felt the warm slippery substance and began to move slowly back and forth so he could feel all of Mark's cum on his chest and stomach. What a great sensation.
David realized that Mark hadn't said a word or even opened his eyes during this whole episode so he decided maybe he shouldn't get too into feeling Mark's body just then so he asked Mark if he could stand by himself and Mark just nodded yes. David then slowly leaned him up against the work table and released his bear hug and stepped back. Mark had both hands on the table just behind his hips holding himself up and he slowly opened his eyes and looked at David with a very forlorn almost hurt look on his face. David didn't react to the look, he just walked over to the laundry sink and ran some warm water and wet a hand towel and began cleaning himself off. When the towel surrounded his cock and wiped it clean he thought he was going to cum but then he saw the look on Mark's face and finished cleaning himself off and then rinsed the towel with warm water and started gently cleaning Mark's face and chest off. He was worried about the look on Mark's face. It reminded him of some poor lost child who couldn't seem to get his bearings to find his way home. David continued cleaning Mark's chest, stomach and cock. Once he reached his balls he had rinsed the towel three more times. Mark just stood leaning against the work table and said nothing, although the lost look had subsided somewhat. His breathing was much more manageable by now and he could stand without holding onto the table. David threw the towel into the laundry sink and Mark leaned down and pulled up his boxers and then his pants, he reached over and pulled his shirt over his head and tucked it in, then he buckled his belt. As he started for the door of the garage he stopped and cocked his head to the side just a bit and with a far away look in his eyes he reached over and ran his hand down David's chest and onto his stomach, letting his fingers slip from David's skin just above his pubic hair. At that point, without looking at or saying anything to David, he left the garage and exited the back yard and drove away.
David was left standing in his garage completely nude with a very large firm cock that hadn't been seen to very well. Although he didn't mind considering what he had just witnessed. He had never experienced a more erotic time in his life, and he hadn't even cum! He almost hadn't even touched the other man! Whew! A moment later he reached over and threw his cut offs over his shoulder and walked out of the garage and onto his back porch and entered the house. He went to his bathroom and ran a warm shower. When the water had warmed up he got in and began lathering up. As he did he began to become lost in what had happened. Time slipped by and he rinsed and re lathered and then rinsed again while all the time thinking about and remembering the sight he was so fortunate to witness in his own garage. What a great afternoon!
The following week was fairly uneventful but David kept thinking about the episode in his garage and wondered if he would ever see Mark again. After all, he didn't know his address or phone number, or even what area of the city he might live in. Oh well, he thought, he would probably never see him again anyway so what was the since in worrying?
Another Saturday had rolled around and it was time to cut the lawn so David put his cutoffs and a t-shirt on and headed toward the garage. He was silently hoping Mark would re appear while he was mowing, but at the same time he was worried he might actually show up. He had never been caught off guard as he was last Saturday and wasn't sure he liked it much. On the other hand, now that he knew what to expect, maybe he could deal with Mark after all. All this was wasted energy however. He didn't even know if he would ever see him again.
It was an unusually hot day and his cut offs and t-shirt were soaked with sweat by the time he finished the yard. He drove the mower into the garage and headed for the house. He could feel the sweat trailing down the middle of his spine and between his pecks. The breeze felt cool against his wet skin and clothes. How great a shower would feel right about now, he thought.
Upon entering the back door to the house the door bell rang. When he got to the front of the house and opened the door there was an attractive young lady in a uniform that looked like that of a bellboy or hotel employee of some sort. Her cap read ¨Deliveries Unlimited¨ and she held in her hand a small white envelope. She asked if this was the Anderson residence and David indicated it was. She asked him to sign that he had received the envelope in her hand. David decided he would have some fun with her and said ¨well, since you still have it in your hand, I can't really say I have received it yet¨. The delivery girl was a bit flustered and didn't know what to say. David told her to relax, that it was just a small joke, and signed for the envelope. The young lady thanked him and was on her way. As he opened the envelope David hoped his aroma hadn't offended the young lady. Since the front of the envelope only read ¨To: Mr. David Anderson¨ he skipped directly to the bottom of the message to find out who it was from. It was from Mark and included some very straight forward instructions and a map. It read as follows.
Stop what you are doing right now and drive to the following address.
1137 Norfolk Ridge road
Apartment 27
Altadena heights
Do not hesitate. Drive to this address at once. The door will be unlocked, just go in and make yourself at home.
A map was included which was very easy to read. David did hesitate however because he wasn't sure he should be following anything Mark said much less directions to an unknown apartment in an area of the city he was unfamiliar with. What a dilemma! Mark did intrigue him very much and he found him unbelievably attractive and very very sexy, but he didn't know the man at all. What should he do? He was a bit tired and wanted to sit down to ponder the situation but was so wet from sweating he couldn't sit anywhere. Whether out of exhaustion or uncontrollable curiosity he wasn't sure but he decided to follow the instructions.
On a hot summer day I taste my first cock with a stranger I met on the internet. Absolute true story...
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