Stargate Atlantis - Shepard & Ford 3
Note : This story is completely fictional!
**** This is a work of fiction and is not meant to imply the sexual orientation of those depicted in this story. Stargate, Stargate Atlantis and its characters are copyrights of The Sci-Fi Channel. This story is written purely for fun.
Alpha Site
Written By Jason Lagasse
“Welcome back to Atlantis, Major” greeted Dr. Weir as John entered her office. “It’s nice to be back,” replied John. “Your report says the planet would be suitable for an Alpha Site,” said Elizabeth. “The planet is totally void of intelligent life, however there is plant and some animal life,” Replied John. “I’d like your team to begin working on setting up the Alpha Site immediately; we don’t know when the wraith may come.” Elizabeth replied. “Lt. Ford and I have begun preparations we hope to have the site fully operational with in a week,” answered John. “Great, I’ll leave you to it,” replied Elizabeth.
Elizabeth returned to reading another off-world report as John left. “Is Dr. Mackay in the lab,” John asked the Officer of the Watch. “Yes Major Shepard, he’s working on some of the new ancient technology we found in the sweep of the city from two days ago,” replied the Officer of the Watch. “Have him report to the departure room for off-world activities at 1500 hours,” order Major Shepard. “Yes Sir,” replied the Officer of the Watch.
John headed down to Lt. Ford’s quarters, on his way he passed Teyla. “Teyla we’ll be going off-world in about 5 hours to begin setup for the Alpha Site met us in the departure room at 1500 hours,” said John. “I will see you then Major,” replied Teyla. John and Teyla continued their separate ways, with in a few minutes John arrived at Aiden’s quarters and knocked.
“Come in,” Aiden said. John walked in as Aiden had one foot on his bed and was bent over slightly to tie one of his combat boots. The door closed behind John, “Nice ass,” John said as he walked up behind Aiden so that he was pressed up against him. “You’re going to get me horny, stop it.” Aiden said as he felt John grinding his hips into his ass. “Ok, fine have it your way,” John said as he moved away and sat in a chair across from the bed. “We’re going off world at 1500 hours, back to the Planet we were on yesterday,” John said. “I’ll bring the lube,” Aiden said with a smile as he walked over to John. “Not so fast stud. Teyla and Mackay are coming with us along with a few others to setup the Alpha Site,” John added.
“Alright, I guess that means no fun then,” Aiden stated with a small sigh. “Sorry, work first then play later,” John replied. “I know, it’s just been a long time since I’ve had someone I could be intimate with,” Aiden said as he sat on the bed. “Same here, but we probably need to keep our personal life out of our working relationship,” said John. “Agreed, but you need to take care of the little problem you caused,” Aiden smiled. “Oh, and what problem would that be,” John asked coyly. “This one,” Aiden said as he grabbed his crotch. “Oh, I might be able to help with that,” John replied with a grin. John locked the door, and walked over to Aiden. He knelt down in front of Aiden with a big grin on his face. John undid Aiden’s pants, and pulled down the front of his boxers. He took out Aiden’s penis and began licking the head before taking it into his mouth. “Oh” Aiden moaned. John continued to slide his hot mouth up and down Aiden’s hard cock, taking most of the 9.5”. “Fuck that feels good,” said Aiden. John pulled Aiden’s pants and boxers down to his ankles so he could more access to Aiden. He pulled off Aiden’s dick and started licking Aiden’s balls and then sucked on one of his fingers. Returning to Aiden’s throbbing member John slide a finger into Aiden’s tight hole, using the finger to massage Aiden’s prostate as he sucked his dick.
Aiden pulled John off his dick and kissed him passionately. Their kiss lingered for a few minutes before Aiden broke it. “I want to fuck you,” Aiden said. “Ok but go slow,” John said. Aiden stood, and helped John undo his pants. John pulled down his pants and boxers, and kissed Aiden again before turning around. Aiden pulled out a bottle of lube and lubed his penis and apply a small amount to John’s tight hole. Aiden place the head of his penis against John’s hole and slowly pushed forward applying more and more force till the head pushed it’s way into John. John gasped with the intrusion of Aiden’s large cock. He reached back and grabbed Aiden’s hips and stopped him. “Give me a minute,” John sighed as he closed his eyes to adjust. John tried to relax his ass muscles to allow Aiden in. “Okay,” John said and Aiden pushed more and more of his hard cock into John’s hot tight hole. “Fuck,” John groaned as Aiden slide completely into his ass. “You okay,” Aiden asked? “Yeah, just start off slow,” John replied.
Aiden pulled out just a few inches then slide back in gently, then pulling out again a few inches and thrusting back in. John moaned softly as Aiden started to fuck him. Aiden laid his chest against John’s back and reached around with one hand and started stroking John’s hardening dick. With the other hand he reached around and under John’s shirt feeling John’s hairy stomach and chest. Aiden moaned into John’s ear as he began thrusting harder into John’s hot tight ass. “Oh fuck, you are so tight John,” Aiden moaned into John’s ear. “Yeah, fuck me Aiden,” John replied. Aiden stood up and placed his hands on John’s waist and started really pumping his hard dick in John’s ass. Aiden enjoyed the view of his hot hard 9.5” black dick sliding in and out of John’s tight hot white ass.
John stood pressing his back into Aiden’s chest. He turned his head and Aiden moved closer and they kissed passionately, causing Aiden to really start fucking John’s ass as his arms wrapped around his lover. Aiden had one hand on John’s chest and the other on his stomach as he pumped his dick into John hard. John was stroking his hard dick in time with each thrust of Aiden’s dick into his ass. “Fuck,” John said. “I’m getting real close,” Aiden said to John as they broke their kiss. “Yeah, fuck you feel so good,” John replied. “Don’t stop,” John added quickly. “I won’t last much longer,” Aiden replied with a gasp. “Almost there,” John replied as his stroked his dick faster. John pushed back hard on Aiden causing them both to fall back onto Aiden’s bed in a sitting position. “Fuck,” Aiden said as every inch of his dick slide into John’s ass. John let go of his dick and put his hands on the bed and started riding Aiden’s hard cock hard and fast. “Oh fuck, I’m going to cum,” Aiden said. “oh, fuck, uh, I… can’t… hold… it,” Aiden gasped. John kept up the fast hard pace. Aiden put his hands on John’s hips as they fucked hard.
Aiden thrusted up into John as John rode Aiden’s long thick cock. “I’m… gonna… cum... John.” Aiden grunted. With that Aiden pulled down on John’s hips quickly wrapping his arms around John’s waist and pumping into his ass two more times before letting go in John’s ass. Aiden bit his lip, to keep from scream out in pleasure as he came in John’s hot ass. John sat back fully on Aiden and turned his head. Aiden looked up at John and they kiss, Aiden thrusted a few more times shooting more of his hot stick cum into John’s ass. “I love you,” Aiden moaned as they ended their kiss. “I love you too Aiden,” John said as they kissed again. Aiden relaxed and sighed heavily as he held John. John lifted himself off of Aiden’s softening Penis and turned and faced Aiden, who quickly moved forward and engulfed John’s entire penis in one quick swallow. John moaned. After a couple of minutes John pulled Aiden to his fee and quickly turned him around bending him over the bed and ramming his hard dick into Aiden’s tight ass. “OH FUCK,” Aiden grunted! John leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Aiden as his fucked him hard and fast.
“Oh fuck, that’s it,” John said. “I’m cumming,” John added quickly as his pushed into Aiden’s ass one last time. “Fuck,” Aiden said as he felt John shooting into his ass. Aiden turned his head to look back at John, “Sorry,” John said as he kissed Aiden. “Just warn me next time,” Aiden said with a grin. John nodded and pulled out of Aiden’s abused hole. “I need a shower,” Aiden said as he stood back up. “Yeah, me too,” John replied. “I’ll go to my room and use my shower,” John replied as he pulled up his pants. “Yeah good idea, I might want to fuck you again if you showered here,” Aiden replied as he also pulled up his pants. “I’ll meet you in the embarkation room in about four hours,” John said. “Okay,” Aiden said then kissed John. They kissed for a moment. “I better go, see you soon. Oh and bring that lube,” John replied with a wink. Aiden smiled and headed to his bathroom and John left.
Five and a half hours later
Jumper one was parked in a clearing near the base site. Jumpers two and three were approaching for a landing carrying supplies for the Alpha site. After the Jumpers landed the crews moved the supplies to the construction site of the buildings. The site was near some ruins that would be transformed into part of the base. Meanwhile Major Shepard and Lt. Ford were finishing their search of the ruins and heading back to the entrance to give the all clear. “I have plans for you tonight,” as he smiled over at John. John gave him an “oh really” look. Aiden leaned over and whispered to John, “We are going to have some hot fun tonight.” “We’ll see, if you can be good,” John replied. “I’m always good,” retorted Aiden.
Upon returning to the entrance Major Shepard and Lt. Ford met up with Teyla and Dr. Mackay. “The ruins are secure and looks like an Ancient outpost,” said Major Shepard. “Is there any Ancient technology left behind,” asked Dr. Mackay. “We didn’t see anything obvious, but there maybe some items of interest,” answered Major Shepard. “You can take a team of scientist to investigate later. Right now we need to finish getting a command center and infirmary setup,” added Shepard. “Major, we’ve setup a defensive perimeter we’ll have some notice of any intruders,” commented Teyla. “Thank you Teyla,” replied Major Shepard.
doctor Beckett approached the group and joined in on their conversation, “I’ve received all the supplies for the infirmary. I’d like to set it up inside the outpost ruins if that is ok with you Major,” said Dr. Beckett in his Scottish accent. “That’s fine. Lt. Ford and I may have come across what the Ancients used for an infirmary. It’s a large area which should do the trick,” answered Major Shepard. “I will have my staff begin setting up the infirmary,” replied Dr. Beckett.
“Scans of the area revealed that there has been no activity on this planet in nearly ten-thousand years,” said Dr. Mackay. “You mean on activity, as in no Wraith, or no activity as in nothing,” asked Major Shepard? “No activity, nothing has happened since this outpost was abandoned by the ancients,” said Dr. Mackay. “How can you be sure of that,” asked Major Shepard. “While you and Ford were on your little tour of the outpost I analyzed the memory crystals from the D.H.D. Three of the last five outbound wormholes have been dated from ten-thousand years ago, the other two are from your first trip to the planet a few days ago,” answered Dr. Mackay. “Well in that case this will be a great Alpha Site,” replied Shepard.
After the cargo had been off loaded from Jumpers Two & Three they headed back to Atlantis. Dr. Beckett and his team setup the Alpha Site Infirmary in the room that Major Shepard and Lt. Ford had found earlier. Several pieces of medical equipment were found in the room that Dr. Beckett and his team agreed would be great assets to the site.
Several Hours Later
“Alright, pack it up we’re heading back to Atlantis,” Major Shepard announced. Lt. Ford and Teyla head back to Jumper One followed shortly by Major Shepard, Dr. Mackay and Dr. Beckett. John headed to the pilot chair and the door closed as Teyla took a seat behind Lt. Ford who sat shotgun. The Jumper lifted off and headed for the gate. “Dial it up Lieutenant,” Order Major Shepard. Lt. Ford keyed in the address on the Jumper’s D.H.D and the gate activated.
On Atlantis
“Off-World Activation,” said one of the guys in the control. Dr. Weir exited her office and across the walkway to the control room. “Receiving Lt. Ford’s I.D.C.” “Lower the shield.” A moment later the Jumper appeared in the disembarkation room before quickly heading to Jumper bay.
Everyone headed off to their rooms for some much needed rest after a long day of off-world activities. John and Aiden walked towards together since their quarters were located across from each other. “Are you heading off to bed,” asked Aiden? “I was planning on reading,” replied John. Aiden’s smiled turned to a slight frown, “But if you want you can come keep me company,” added John. Aiden perked up again, “Yeah, I’d like that.” “I’m going to clean up and get into something more comfortable. How about you come over in an hour,” said John? “Okay, see you in an hour,” replied Aiden. They arrived at their rooms and parted ways.
John stripped off his gear and dropped it by his desk. He proceeded towards his private bathroom stripping his clothes as he went along. John got in the shower and the water began to spray at the temperature he liked. He finished his shower quickly and then quickly got dressed into comfortable clothes. Aiden arrived a few minute later and locked the door behind him. “I’m a little tired, is it okay if we just cuddle and get some sleep tonight,” asked John? “That’s cool,” replied Aiden. John turned off the lights and got in bed, followed by Aiden. “John,” questioned Aiden. “Yeah,” John replied as he wrap on arm around Aiden so that they were cuddled up in a spooning position. “I… umm goodnight,” Aiden said. John smiled to himself for a moment then kissed Aiden on the back of the neck, “I know, I love you too, goodnight,” John said. Aiden snuggled more into John and they both drifted off to sleep.
Okay, it took me a year to get it out. SORRY!!!!! Ok, this is still taking place before the Siege. I haven’t started on Part 4 yet, basically I just don’t have any ideas right now for a 4th part, but will probably write something at some point. So ideas would be helpful, tell me if you’ve got and idea and you’ll get credit for it in my end notes/commentary.
"Only if you let me suck your dick." He said,"deal." Then we shook hands and went back in my room...
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