The endings to ur stories are always suckiie! How about a nice for a chance like a happy ending! Gosh he cant talk now? wOw i dont mean to sound like a biitch or something but yeah ur stories are always amazing but the ends are always crapy and sad., maybe something u should improve on ur next story
Posted by Borge
very good...keep writing, mate!
Posted by Princess
OH Please do tell more, This was a sad, great, abd such a beautiful Story... Thank you!Thank you, Thank you for such a wonderful story and for sharing it!
Posted by sean
I agree with kurt that wasnt the best ending it could've been better but still nice story!
Posted by David Bula
All I can say is that I am writting these stories as real as possible. And sometimes a happy ending isn't what we get in life. In other words it depends on how you view a happy ending really. But I see what you guys are trying to say and I'll try to make a story book happy ending. I am writing one right now and it will be up soon. And thanks for the comments guys
Posted by kurt
I feel like such an asshole now Lol, i reallt enjoy ur stories and the details! UGH they are just amazing! Thank u for all this great stories! Love them all!!!!3
Posted by GlenAllen
OH MY GOD! This is the BEST story I've ever read on this site! It was so good, and the ending was sad and sweet at the same time. You really have your twists down. I love it!
Posted by Chan queen
This was an amazing story. well thought out and full of suprises! I absolutely love the transition from past to present. Very good storie set up, really realistic. Although i would of changed a couple things. The rape scene with nathan and kyle: i would of went in to a little more detail about the rape it self. I also thought it was a little unreal for jason to show up coincedently. I would of made it so they met at the hospital. The ending was good love the tragity. i love this story to its fullest these are just minor critiqs hope to see you continue writing these works of art.
Posted by David Bula
Check out the new story!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Arthur Karim
ur story is tush mehn...ya supa kul evrypart of ya story...but it kips me sad though like am always thinking...wen will i eva have such a great guy
Posted by orion
great story, , continue , you are one of the most great whriters
Posted by Nathaniel
you know what i say? that he gets to around 3 Mississippi and he wakes up in the hospital, to see a red head staring out the window, and that's when he says...."Jason" I just think that would be a cool twist ^.^
Posted by Jeremiah
I just love all of your stories
Posted by Sammy Auram
'one mississippi' really. it's like inception all over again with the question of reality. David, sometimes you are an evil man... a writing prodigy for sure... but sometimes downright evil.
Posted by James C Bunnell
Beautiful Story, I cried at the end. The only thing that I wished was in it at the end was that Chris had been there Thanking Nathan for looking out for him in the bank. Keep up the great stories.