The Garage Mechanic
I was scared to have Jim drive me on a date. It would be like taking a test
without studying and he would be there to grade me on my performance. It would
be embarrassing if Theresa wouldn't put out; more embarrassing if I couldn't'
get the job done. I didn't think I could ever live that down. But I had two more
weeks without my license. A month is an eternity for a teenager to be without
his license.
"Hey, I would let you drive my car if your dad had just grounded you, but you've
got no drivers' license," Jim said.
Something...a sudden surge of desire and courage and bravado...made me take Jim
up on his offer. I called Theresa and got a date for Friday night. She half
accepted, saying we should get together at the drugstore to talk about it. I
didn't know what there was to talk about; she either wanted to go out with me or
she didn't.
She was sitting in the back booth when I arrived at the drug store. It was
quiet and secluded and not as well lit as the other booths and the tables. It
was usually where you sat to talk about very private stuff, like breaking up, or
going steady. I soon figured out why Theresa wanted us to meet; she had some
very private stuff she wanted to talk about. I ordered two cokes as I went past
the counter then slid in the booth opposite her. She was all smiles.
"Jason saw us in the movie theater, you know," she said.
"I know. Jason can't keep his mouth shut, I'll take care of it," I said bravely.
Jason was a big kid and I had no intention of taking on Jason and his big mouth
but it sounded good.
"I don't know who all he told or what all he said, but people think we went all
the way," she said.
"In the movie theater?"
"No, but all the way, some other time," she said.
I noticed she wasn't acting at all upset or concerned about her reputation.
It was like she just wanted to talk about it. Little did I know.
"Have you ever gone all the way?" she asked.
"No," I replied without hesitation.
"I admire you for admitting it. Most boys wouldn't," she said.
"I don't see that it's anything to lie about or try to hide," I said. "How about
you?" I asked.
There was a short, awkward silence.
"Have you ever wondered what it would be like? I have," she said.
"Yeah, I've wondered a lot," I said.
"Would you like to find out?"
"That's the mother of all no-brainers," I said.
"Its too bad Jim will be with us, watching our every move," she said.
"Jim won't be watching our every move. He's cool," I said.
"I'm glad we met like this," she said.
"Yeah, me too. I'm glad we have an understanding."
"Understanding?" she asked.
"I might not have a lot of experience but I know when I'm being led on."
"Led where?" she asked.
"You tell me," I said. "How come you wanted us to meet here? What've we been
talking about for the past hour?" I fired the questions in such a way that she
would know that I wanted answers.
"I'm only kidding," she said with a smile. "I'm not like that. You should know."
I still didn't know if she was going to let me fuck her. Jim wasn't overly
pleased when I told him about our date; he had a date Friday night himself. I
was happy and impressed that he broke his date to drive me on mine. We talked
about it all day Friday. I told him I thought I had a pretty good chance with
Theresa, if things worked out.
"Things don't just work out," he said. "You make `em work out. You gotta make it
"I intend to," I said with great confidence. Fucking Theresa was about more
than my own pleasure or shedding the curse of my virginity. It was a chance to
regain my manhood with Jim. If he knew without any doubt that I'd fucked
Theresa, it would be easier to put what happened between us out at the pond
behind us. It could be racked up as curiosity; an experiment that didn't mean
anything beyond the moment. It was as if I had to prove my manhood to Jim so he
could give it back to me.
"Hey, don't wear jeans, wear cut-offs. They're easier to get off," Jim told me.
"And no shorts underneath. She let you finger her in the movie theater, chances
are she's not going to be wearing anything under her skirt."
Later, he dug something out of a drawer of his stool chest and handed it to me.
It was a packet of condoms.
"Here, you might need these," he said.
I was a little embarrassed but thankful and relieved. I hadn't yet faced that
dilemma of working up the courage to walk in and buy condoms.
"Thanks," I said.
"You didn't have any, did you?"
"No. I was going to the drugstore to get some," I said.
"Well, when you do...." He took the condoms back and held them up to my face.
"I've seen you hanging out in the restroom. Get the large size," he said.
I hadn't noticed that they were large size.
"You didn't know they come in sizes, did you?"
"No. But thanks for telling me. Thanks for everything you're doing for me, Jim."
"Hey, I'm always here for you," he said. "If you want me to fuck her for you,
I'll be there for you for that, too."
"Thanks, but I think I can manage that on my own," I said.
Jim pretty much made the plans for the evening. He drove us to a movie
theater in the next town. I knew why; to save me the embarrassment of not having
my license. I don't know where he went while we were in the movie, but he was
parked way on the other side of the lot, waiting for us when we
got out.
"You guys wanta get a bite to eat?" he asked.
Theresa looked at me. I said yes. I needed the time to gather my thoughts and my
courage and it would give her time, too. Theresa and I hadn't done anything in
the movie except hold hands. She didn't come on to me and I didn't come on to
her, which made me wonder if she was cooling it for the night; or maybe saving
the best for later.
He let us out back behind a Burger King, again so I wouldn't look like a dork
who didn't have his license yet.
"Aren't you coming in with us?" Theresa asked as we were getting out of the car.
"No, I'm going to get some gas. I'll meet you back here," he said. "I'll drive
by the front but don't be in any rush when you see me drive up. I'm in no hurry;
I've got all night."
Theresa thought Jim was cool.
"I told you he was," I said.
I went into the rest room before we left Burger King and tore open one of the
condoms and tucked it inside the top of my pocket. I didn't want the noise of
tearing it open in the car. To be on the safe side I tore open another one and
tucked it into my other pocket, just in case something went wrong. I was
surprised how clearly I was thinking
When Jim picked us up, Theresa and I got comfortable in the back seat. I didn't
know where we were going from there; whether he was going to drive straight home
or stop and park someplace along the way. I trusted Jim to do what needed to be
done. He took a back road out of town. While he drove, I started on Theresa.
We'd had our little understanding and it was time to find out what she had on
her mind. She was as ready as I was. It wasn't so different from the movie
theater except I started out kissing her, and in no time at all I had my hand
under her very short skirt. Jim was right, she wasn't wearing anything
underneath. I didn't know for sure how much time we had so I worked fast. She
readily welcomed my three middle fingers inside her pussy. When she started
moaning, Jim turned on the radio to some soft mood-music.
I didn't have to take anything off of Theresa. Her skit was so short it
pretty much took care of itself, sliding up out of the way, and it was simple to
tug the elastic front of her blouse down to get to her tits. I undid my cutoffs
and tried to work them off with one hand but they were too tight. I raised up
and took them off and dug out one of the condoms and rolled it on. I didn't know
how much "love-making foreplay" Theresa wanted but as for me, I was ready. I
guess she was too, because she didn't try to stop me or slow me down when I
crawled up between her legs. I guided my cock to her pussy. It was nice and wet
and I had no trouble lodging the head between her cunt-lips. She gasped a little
bit but lifted her legs up and held them out wide. I was going in...heading
home...plowing new field....
giving up my virginity...taking hers....I was going to fuck! I thought I sort of
knew how she felt as I thought of being fucked it hurt, then how
wonderful it felt.
Suddenly I realized we weren't moving. I looked up and saw trees on one side of
us where we were pulled off the road.
Theresa moaned a little as I began to pry her apart with my cock. I got about
half way in when she started whimpering.
"Ohh...Ohhh, Ryan...Ohh, you're so big!" she whined fearfully.
I hoped Jim heard her.
Just then I saw Jim's arm come over the back of the seat. He held a condom
between two fingers.
"I've got one," I said hoarsely.
"Are you USING it," he said.
"Yes. Fuck, Jim, take a walk," I said.
He laughed softly. "If somebody comes by, you would be caught before you could
get your pants up. I think I'd better stay right here behind the wheel," he
said. "Just pretend I'm not here."
"You pretend you're not here," I said.
He laughed again. In a way, I was sort of glad he was staying. I wanted him to
be witness to this momentous occasion. Theresa whimpered and moaned all the way
in and I was glad Jim was hearing it. He would know what a stud I was and he
would hand me back my manhood that he'd taken from me out back of the pond.
Theresa was awesome. She was hot and ready and oh-so-willing. I was sliding my cock in and out of her pussy and she started hunkering against me and pushing back and we were pushing at each other and I was fucking her like a stud. I wished we were in a bed so we could change positions. I wanted to fuck her on her hands and knees like I'd seen in pictures, but getting into that position would be awkward. Finally, I did it anyway. I started out by maneuvering us around so I was on the bottom and she was riding my cock like she was busting a bronco. I fucked her like that for awhile.…or she fucked me.... then I whispered for her to turn around. She managed to turn around with her back to me without losing my cock and from there I urged her to lean forward and I squirmed out from between her legs and mounted her from behind.
"Ohh, Ryan...OHhhh...OHhhhhh," she moaned.
I would learn later that I went in deeper from behind. I glanced around to
see Jim watching. He gave me a wide grin and a thumbs up. I was so fuckin' proud
and I was glad he hadn't gone for a walk. I was going to come away with my
virginity left in the back seat of his car and Jim knowing that I was a stud and
not a fag. I would wonder later, how dam dumb can you be.
I didn't last as long as I wanted to but it was getting too good. I wanted to
bring her along with me. I reached down and found her clit with my finger and
began rubbing it gently. Theresa went nuts. She acted like a wild woman. The car
was bouncing and rocking like we were driving over a plowed field. The way she
was acting made it impossible for me to hold off. I managed to more or less
overpower her and take over. I grabbed her hips and slammed my cock into her
like a pile driver till her head and shoulders were wedged in the corner of the
seat. I fucked her like an animal. I felt like an animal. Like a big stallion
servicing a mare. Finally, it was upon me. I was coming. I was shooting like a
stallion and I wished I didn't have to be wearing the damned condom so she could
feel me shooting inside her. Of course I knew how dumb that was. And besides,
she didn't have to feel my come shooting inside her. She was feeling plenty with
my cock.
Jim put the windows down for air and waited till we were breathing normally
before he drove off. I got my clothes on and Theresa got her clothes adjusted.
We didn't talk much the rest of the way home. There wasn't much that needed to
be said. We had pretty much said it all with our bodies.
At her house, I walked her to her door, rather awkwardly I was afraid,
because the condom was sticking to my leg; I'd forgotten to take it off. I
kissed her goodnight and told her I would like to take her out again and she
said she would like to go out with me again. Back in the car, Jim eased away
from the curb without saying a word, with a big smile on his face. I wished he
would say something. I wanted to know what he was thinking.
"Are you going to wear that smile all the way home?" I asked him.
"That was some fuckin' performance you put on back there. And I do mean fuckin'
performance. Shit, nobody would be able to tell that was your first time."
I was glad he thought that. It would follow that he would know I wasn't a fag,
just because he'd fucked me in the ass and made me suck his cock.
"Did you leave any for the next guy, for chrissakes?" he asked.
"I intend to be the next guy," I said cockily. "And the next, and the next after
"You fucked her eyeballs out," he said. "I'll probably have to have my springs
and shocks replaced. Is she a blabbermouth?"
"I don't know."
"If she is, you're gonna have so much pussy lined up to ride that big cock of
yours, you won't know what to do with it."
"I think I'll know what to do with it," I said.
"I believe you will."
I squirmed in the seat and tugged at the front of my jeans.
"You still dripping and oozing?" Jim asked, laughing.
"Naw, the condom is sticking to my leg," I said.
"You've still got it on?" he asked surprised.
"Yeah, I didn't have a chance to take it off and I was afraid I would make a
mess on your seat." I thought I sounded pretty convincing but I could tell Jim
saw right through me as usual. "I'm going to keep it," I added shyly.
"You're going to keep a used condom? How perverted is that?" he said, laughing.
"I don't care if it sounds perverted," I said.
"It's not," he said, more seriously. "I kept my first one too."
"You did?!"
"Yeah. After you wash it out good, be sure to dry it real good. Turn it inside
out. Then sprinkle a little talcum powder on both side and wrap it up in a
handkerchief or something. I've had mine for over five years now."
I quickly did the math. "You lost your virginity at fifteen? Who was it? Do you
remember the girl?" I asked.
"You never forget your first piece of ass," he said. "But it wasn't a girl,
actually. It was a woman, older than me. Two women, actually."
"You fucked two women when you were only fifteen?"
"Yeah, I cut lawns to earn spending money and I had some lawns in some pretty
upper-class neighborhoods. I was mowing this one lawn and there were two women
sitting out in the yard next door, at a white table, drinking something. I was
thinking I would like to get that yard to do, too. It was big and nice and
level. I glanced over there and one of the women gave me a little wave. On the
return trip with the mower I looked over again and they both waved at me. I
waved back and one woman got up and walked over to the fence. I had my shirt off
and I saw how she looked at me. An older guy had told me to cut grass with my
shirt off and I would get better tips and it worked. She asked me if I was
available to take on any more lawns. I told her yeah, and asked her when she
wanted me to do it. She said I could do it anytime I wanted to. The way she said
it, the tone of her voice and the way she was looking at me, I was thinking she
was talking about more than doing her lawn.
"She asked me to come inside when I was finished so we could look at a calendar. I finished up pretty quick. She told me where the gate was but I jumped the fence, easy. They were so impressed that they applauded. I was wiping sweat from my chest and face as I walked with them up to the house. One woman led the way, the other one came in behind me and closed the door. The way she stood there in front of the door, it was like she wasn't going to let me out. Me and the other woman worked out a schedule and she asked me how much I charged. I told her she could pay me whatever I was worth. That usually brought more money than I would've charged. She said she would wait, then, to see how my work was.
"I didn't know who the other woman was, but while I was there, I asked her if she had any yard work or any other kind of work I could do for her. She said I could do hers anytime. That's how she said it. I could do hers, and I was thinking, this woman definitely was not talking about yard work or cutting grass. I was a little scared but being a horny teenager and naturally aggressive, I decided to make a little play just to see if I was right; if she was coming on to me. Hell, I was fifteen, she had to be thirty... they both were...and I was getting mind-boggled over the idea that they might want to have sex with me. She told her friend, why didn't she fix me a glass of iced tea to cool off before I left.
Then she said, "As if a boy your age ever gets cooled off." She took the ice tea from her friend to give it to me but instead of putting it in my hand she pressed against my bare chest. I yelped and stepped back, laughing and we all started laughing and she attacked me again with the iced tea glass, rubbing it up and down my abs. Some of it spilled out and ran down my abs and soaked into my gym shorts. Her friend said she was going to get my shorts all wet and the woman said so what, I could take them off.
"Well, hell by that time, I was feeling cocky and bold as hell so I took her
up on it; I pulled my shorts down to my knees. They squealed with delight as I
stood there in my jockstrap. She said, and they both agreed that I looked so
much better in a jockstrap than their husbands did. We were on a roll, heading
for only one thing, and the woman told me to go ahead and take my jockstrap off
too if I dared. I dared. I pulled my jock down with my shorts and pulled them
off and there I was in my work boots and socks. Well, it went from there. I
fucked them both, one of them sitting back on the kitchen table and the other
one bent over the table. Then they both bent over the sink cabinet and took
turns fucking them. Turns out I was better than their husbands in that
department too, and bigger, and I signed them both up to do their yards. And to
do them."
"How long did you do them?" I asked.
"Oh, about a year. Just past my sixteenth birthday then out of the clear, they
told me they didn't need me to cut their grass anymore. I don't know what
happened unless their husbands got suspicious that somebody was taking care of
business in the bedroom better than they were."
"Whew, that's a hot story," I said.
"Did it give you a hardon?" Jim asked, laughing.
"Yeah," I said, groping at the front of my shorts.
"Take `em off," Jim said. "We're a long way from home, take `em off and take
care of that thing."
I was only too anxious to do as he suggested. I shoved my shorts down and took
them off. I carefully pulled the condom off .
"Tie off the end and wrap it up in this," Jim said, handing me his handkerchief.
I wiped the come off of my cock first then wrapped the condom up in the
handkerchief. As I started pulling on my cock, Jim tugged at his shorts. He was
going to jack off too.
"Help me get these off, will ya?" he said.
I pulled on one side and we got them pulled down around his knees. We took
about a mile to work them off his feet and toss them on the dashboard, then he
started pulling on his cock. It got hard pretty quick, and so big that it was in
the way of the steering wheel. Jim pushed the seat back and tilted the wheel up
and splayed his legs out. He glanced at me a couple of times while we both
jacked off.
"Getting hot in here," he said as he turned up the air conditioning. He looked
over at me again with a cocky grin. "Wanta suck it?" he asked.
I was crushed. After the way I'd just fucked Theresa... fucked her eyeballs
out, he said...I thought for sure that I had my manhood back and now he was
jacking me around, gonna take it back. But I couldn't blame Jim. Not completely.
I was just as excited over him as before. My mouth started watering and my
asshole tightened up with a little itch and yeah, I wanted to suck his cock.
"You don't have to," he said as he stroked his cock. "I just remember how much
you seemed to like it, and how good you are. Or we could fuck if you want to; I
can find a place to pull off."
My asshole did spasms and I had to swallow my spit. I made the mistake of
looking over at his cock again and I was doomed. It stood up between his hairy
thighs like the jock-rocket it was, tall and thick and so inviting. Godd, I
wanted to taste him again, and feel the warm hardness throbbing in my mouth. I
was like a moth drawn to a flame. I leaned over across his thigh and took it in
my mouth.
"Ohhhhhhhh," he moaned softly as he squirmed his butt in the seat. "Aww, fuck,
that's good. You know what makes it even better? Having a real stud suck it.
Shit, you just fucked that girls brains out and now you're sucking my cock...
that's a real turn on."
Jesse McCarthy and Aaron Carter meet start to have sex and Zac Efron joins withhos big dick...
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