The Thirst Within : Chapter 3
"Darren is safe as far as I can tell" Dieter informed me. I sighed in relief but checked any way.
I focused for a minute attempting to locate Santiago and Darren. Normally my mind would locate their exact location. I located Darren easily, He was skulking around in north London somewhere. Probably in some run down bar looking for some poor human to spend the night with.
Darren wasn't his true name. But he hated his original Anglo-Saxon name of Wulfstan. As soon as I realised he was safe I moved my attention from him and focused on my blood bond to Santiago. I hit a barrier. The barrier blocked the link our blood caused and prevented me from locating him..
"I cannot find Santiago" I said swearing under my breath.
Dieter nodded then said
"Neither could I. I roughly located Darren and deemed him safe. It may not have been possible for me to locate Santiago exactly I tried anyhow. I found myself hitting a barrier. I hoped that perhaps you would have better luck."
I was Santiago's maker and Dieter was my own. The blood we shared was the same and allowed makers to find their progenies. And even their progenies progeny. I inhaled sharply trying to calm myself. The bond between a maker and his progeny was a sacred thing. To lose ones progeny was to lose a child.
It is a makers duty to protect his progeny. Even after released by their maker, the progeny is still under the protection of their maker. I though back to the last time I had seen Santiago. It had been three years since he had visited my court. He was respected by those in the area he governed and feared as my progeny. Darren had visited more recently.
"I did not expect you to leave your court. None of us did. For 3 months you have left Dominic in charge. But he will never replace you my king."
I shuddered internally. I hated being called by my title.
"You know how I hate being called King. I shouldn't be me on that throne. You are over 3000 years older than me. You could be the king of any territory you wish. No-one would oppose you. By right it should be you on the throne."
Dieter shook his head then said grimly.
"I don't want to be king. You know I was never interested in politics. But I have a question for you. Who was the human I saw you with? I would have spoken to you then but you seemed pre-occupied."
I stiffened slightly but relaxed when I saw the grin growing on Dieter's face
"I know, I know." I replied my smile ever growing
"After almost two thousand years I finally find someone. And they turn out to be a human."
Dieter shook visibly with laughter then said
"Well you know how I met Vanessa. She was once a human as well, we all were."
He placed a hand on my shoulder and said
"Know this my child. I will accept your mate as I would my own progeny."
"I feel something for him that I haven't felt before. I want to take him to the court. I want to show he is mine. If they see that their own king with a human, it might change their attitudes towards them."
Dieter nodded in agreement then said
"I am planning on going to find Santiago. It would be unwise for you to leave your kingdom in such an unstable state. Be with Oscar. But be careful. If my nose is right he is something more than human. Much more. When and if you feed from him, be sure to replenish him afterwards if you plan on feeding more often."
Dieter thought for a moment before continuing
"Also if you reveal him to the court, be wary of those who would use him against you.
I know for a fact Constantin would love to take your place."
"I thank you for looking for Santiago in my stead. If you could contact me if something changes."
I replied
He nodded at the suggestion. And I bowed my head to Dieter in goodbye before turning and sprinting back towards the school. At my age I covered the 30 miles easily, skimming through the fields and back towards the school. My hunger for blood was sufficiently sated. The human before was enough to sate my thirst for now. I was going to need it if I was going to be around Oscar more often.
This school wasn't supposed to be a romantic endeavour. I had intended for it to be distraction from ruling in court. This place had seemed interesting, an urge to go here over others was evident. It was secluded in the country yet with ample human populace to feed from. And as far as my records could tell less than 10 vampires resided within 40 miles of it.
Court had become depressing after centuries of stupid fucking vampires always kissing my ass.
After a while it became hard to tell true intentions from those with hidden agendas.
Some Supernatural's came to me too seeking my favour. Our loose alliance with the witches came in handy from time to time.
But our cousins the Incubi and Succubi were always causing trouble. It had become too much. I couldn't take it any more. I have been on the throne for around five centuries. In that time I had overseen countless executions among the Supernatural's, both among my own kind and any who cause trouble in my kingdom.
Werewolves butchering humans, Incubi and Succubi feeding off sexual energy to the point off death. Now all thought of court had left my head, replaced with remaining here. I ran through the possibilities. I had two options:
1.turn Oscar and take him with me.
2.take Oscar with me and let him live out his human life with me.
The first option seemed preferable but I wouldn't push him. I would wait for him to want to be with me. Or not. I would give him the ability to walk away even if it would crack my un-beating heart if he did so. I felt fear for the first time in 68 years, not since when my court and I faced a group of half crazed Fae.
What if Oscar doesn't want to be with me?
What if he couldn't cope living with a creature that lived on blood to survive?
I swallowed my fear down berating myself and sat suspended outside of Oscar's window on the 2nd floor. His mind was open in sleep all barriers lowered. I looked in through the open window.
Oscar slept only in his boxers with the sheets draped carelessly across his body. My libido flared at the sight of the exposed pale skin. My lips hungered to drift over the expanse of his flesh, I shook myself internally pushing back my sex drive and focusing on Oscar's mind.
When he was awake even when I concentrated I could only see the surface of his mind and access some memories. But now I could see into the depths of his mind. I avoided his memories and simply allowed his dreams to enter my mind. His dreams were a random jumble of thoughts and images forming a loose structure. I carefully moved in through the open window and sat next to him on the bed.
I sat there a few minutes listening in to his dreams. I knew it was rude but I needed to know.
There. I tugged at a strand of his dream bringing it up above the others. It was me. Oscar was holding me against his chest. He topless on a bed with me on top of him. I entered into the dream and took over my role. I hadn't done this in centuries.
The art of dream control is a delicate one. A single wrong tug and the dream falls apart. Destabilizing and shattering into a thousand pieces. I took over the facsimile of my body and ran my hands up Oscars chest. He shivered even in the dream.
Our minds melded together. My mind providing it's own experiences to the dream scape.
Oscars mind crossed into mine our combined thoughts and desires creating a collective unconsciousness. My dream body had the same physical responses as my corporeal.
Oscars hands roamed over my flesh sending impulses to my gums enticing my fangs to descend.
They did. Caused by Oscar' hand slipping under the waistband of my briefs caressing the flesh of my arse. I grinned at him and he tugged my mouth down against his neck. I sensed his desire. Bite.
I froze. Shocked. I felt the need behind his thought. He wanted this. He wanted to experience my fangs in his neck. I ran my fangs along the sensitive skin of his neck and felt his shudder beneath me. His hand clamped down on the back of my neck forcing my fangs into his flesh. In the dream my mind provided the taste of his blood.
It provided a poor facsimile but it still tasted mildly sweet even if it left me unsatisfied corporeally. My mind also provided the pleasure Oscar would feel if I was actually feeding from him. Outside of the dream I saw him stirring in the bed. I knew I didn't have long until he awoke. Inside his head he pulled me closer to his body. Moaning both in the dream and in real life thrusting his hips up.
On the bed next to Oscar I lowered myself down and kissed him lightly on the lips.
I had pushed him too far. The dream scape destabilized, the colours fracturing as the surroundings cracked away revealing the darkness of limbo. The place of timelessness in sleep. He opened his eyes dreamily almost disbelieving as to my presence next to him.
He rubbed his hand over his eyes and I moved as fast as my limbs would allow.
I left through the open window before he could uncover his eyes and confirm I had been there.
Sliding in through the open window of my room next door. I lay down on my front willing my cock to calm down and allowed the death sleep to overtake me.
Vampires sleep with no heartbeat and little breathing. While I slept my mind wandered. Vampire minds are capable of working quietly while we sleep. I contemplated on the past three weeks.
In this chapter of my life as a total cock loving gay bottom slut, I learn the joy of having large cocks stuffed up my ass...
- Cock
- Men
- Sex
- Kiss
- Love
- Friend
- Boy
- Bar
- Emo
- Couple
- Muscle
- Feet
- Sexy
- Bathroom
- Underwear
- Teen
- Piss
- Older
- Massage
- Party
- Relationship
- Gym
- Porn
- Bear
- Funny
- Football
- Teacher
- Cop
- Jock
- Camp
- Anal
- Latin
- Foreskin
- Encounter
- Club
- Locker Room
- Swimming
- Oral
- Lovers
- Brothers
- Doctor
- Straight
- Jack Off
- Slave
- Celeb
- Roommate
- Dorm
- Mature
- Virgin
- Uncle
- Twink
- Spanking
- Daddy
- Tickling
- Soldier
- Threesome
- Speedo
- Kinky
- Cruise
- Sleepover
- Exotic
- Gloryhole
- Cousins
- Vampire
- Frat
- Biker
- Thug
- Domination
- Taboo
- Bondage
- Enema
- Hazing
- Novels