Too Perfect to Be true. Part 8
Hello all. Your response to my last entry was fantastic. I really appreciate how much you all have grown to love my stories. I promise...even if this series ends in a couple more will not be the last you hear from the characters. I will spin off in many different ways...but remember, they're graduating! Hahaha. I'm still writing though so enjoy the next couple of entries. There is still a lot to come. ;) Keep reviewing!!! I love your feedback so much! Also, while the stories appear to be shorter and only two pages on the website...they have all gotten longer with each submission...It's just divided up differently on the site sometimes. But trust me, this is my longest entry yet.
Too Perfect to Be True. Part 8
Will turned peacefully in his bed covers. He fell in and out of dreams. They were good dreams. Often they were about Jacob.
He dreamt of him and Jacob finding their first place together. He romanticized over the idea of Jacob driving his pick up truck up to their new apartment in LA. He dreamt of going out for acting gigs during the day while Jacob went to school. Every now and then, Will would awake from his dreaming. Instead of feeling sad that they weren’t true, he would simply smile at the possibility. After a few minutes he would roll over again and continue dreaming.
He dreamt of coming back to their place at night and finding Jacob curled up on the couch with a text book, sexy and snug in his college hoodie. He would collapse onto his boyfriend and sigh after an exhausting day. Jacob would kiss him on the head the way he always did and pull him in and….
Bang. Bang. Bang.
…Pull him in and…
Bang. Bang. Bang.
Will woke up startled. He sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes to see clearer. The banging came again. Someone was at the front door. He looked over at his alarm clock. It was 2:30 in the morning. He heard his parents talking to one another in the other room.
“Sweetie be careful. You don’t know who it is.” His mother whispered to his father.
Will jumped out of bed and threw on his sweatpants. He ran out of his room and met his father in the hallway.
“Will, go back to bed.” Will’s dad said.
“Are you kidding?” Will asked. “What am I four?”
Will’s dad was pulling on a shirt. He sighed and started down the stairs. “Alright, alright…just…wait up here.” He said walking down to the front door.
Will’s father flipped on the porch light. There was a scatter of movement outside. Someone was waiting very impatiently. It was raining hard outside.
“Oh Jesus.” Will’s dad said.
“What is it?” Will asked from upstairs.
His father put his hand on the doorknob and called back up to him. “Will, I think you should come down here. It’s Jacob.”
“So wait a minute…where do you tell your parents you go every night?” Alex asked David, coming back into the bedroom of his apartment with a glass of water.
“I don’t think they care.” David rolled his eyes. He was lying naked under Alex’s bed sheet. He smiled as Alex walked back into the room half naked. The two had been at it all night with one another. They had finally tired each other out and Alex was returning to the bedroom with refreshments. He handed David a glass of water.
“They don’t care?” He asked suspiciously.
“Yeah. Look, I’m 18. They stopped caring where I was at night when I was 16. I never go home at night. It used to be that I was out all the time with my boys but…now…it’s just…”
“With me?” Alex laughed.
“Well, yeah.” David pulled Alex back onto the bed and began to nuzzle his chin into Alex’s neck.
“David?” Alex asked, reaching a hand up to David’s face.
“What’s up?” David sat up listening.
Alex grabbed his glass of water and took another sip. “It’s the end of the year. And you’ll be graduating soon.”
“Yeah. More time to spend with you.” David said.
Alex sighed. “Right, of course.” He paused for a moment. “But…What about…well…have you thought about…What are you doing about college David?”
David laughed nervously. “Uh. Wow.”
“Well c’mon David. I know you applied. I know where everyone is going…except you. You’re a bright guy.” Alex said. “Will got into UCLA and he doesn’t even get the kinds of grades you get. But…you haven’t brought it up with me.”
“I didn’t think it mattered.” David scoffed.
Alex laughed confused. “What?” He sat back. “Why wouldn’t it matter to me?”
David rolled over. “Let’s just drop it. Who gives a fuck about school anyway?” David sighed.
“What? What’s the big deal? Why are you so interested in me going to school?” David asked defensively.
“Well, why shouldn’t I be?” Alex laughed. “Are you serious? David you need to go to college.”
David was furious. “I can’t believe you.”
“What?” Alex pleaded. “Why are you so upset!?”
“Fuck you, Alex.” David snapped.
“Exuse me!?”
David punched a pillow. “Why are you so oblivious!? I don’t want to go to school!”
“Why not!?”
“ I don’t want to leave you!” David screamed.
The room fell silent.
“Oh.” Alex said. “Right.”
“So what did you think? That we’d fuck around for a few months and then you wouldn’t have to deal with me anymore?” David asked.
Alex was disgusted. “No! Of course not! I just expected…”
“Yeah, you expected me to leave…Fuck my brains out now and then forget about me tomorrow.”
“David everyone goes to school. You have to go to school.” Alex said, trying to be sensible.
“Why are you trying to get rid of me?”
“I’m not trying to do anything! Jesus Christ, David. You’re completely overreacting.” Alex snapped.
“I thought you really cared about me.” David steamed.
“Of course I care about you David, this has nothing to do with that.”
David rolled out of bed and grabbed his underwear, pulling it on quickly. “Yeah right.” He said.
“What are you gonna do David? Live here? What will you amount to with a high school degree in the suburbs?” Alex laughed. David sighed and sat back down onto the bed. “Babe, this has nothing to do with me getting rid of you. Of course I don’t want you to go. But I always assumed you would because…you should!” Alex stammered.
“I feel like what we have could really last.” David said.
“So do I.” Alex nodded.
“So how could it last if I went away?”
“We’d still see each other David.” Alex said.
“When?” David turned back to Alex. “When would we see each other?” He asked. “On Christmas break…Thanksgiving?”
“I could make it work.” Alex smiled. “at school did you get into David?”
David fell back onto Alex’s lap. Alex began to stroke the boy’s hair gently. David smiled and finally said, “Dartmouth.”
Alex laughed. He kissed David on the forehead. “I have the smartest boyfriend ever!” He said.
David giggled. “Shut up!” Blushing, he grabbed Alex by the waist and playfully began to wrestle.
“Dartmouth!? Are you fucking kidding me?” Alex let David toss him around on the bed. “You didn’t fucking tell me that!?” Alex laughed. He rolled over and grabbed David. “Ohhh, who’s the asshole now?” He smiled pinning David down onto the mattress. He looked down at David and kissed him gently on the lips.
David stared up quietly at his lover. “I still don’t know if I want to go.” He said.
Alex looked into David’s piercing blue eyes. “I don’t know if I want you to go either. But I know you should.” He told David. David pulled him down and Alex fell onto David’s hard body. He rested his nose into David’s neck and began to kiss him gently.
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